Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 392 Gradually Changing People

The hearty words came out of Hong Qigong's mouth, and with his sweaty appearance, it seemed that even the wrinkles on his face had smoothed out a lot.

A bowl of golden porridge has been boiled to the point where the rice has almost melted. The rich chicken soup and chicken oil mixed with the unique aroma of Yujing rice directly melted into a stream of warmth, as if to make up for it. It's like looking at the body that is a little tired after being activated by the Overlord Chicken.

An old Jianghu like Hong Qigong was also soothed by this power, and even pushed his body a step closer to younger!

After discovering Hong Qigong's change, everyone couldn't wait to put the bowl of porridge, which didn't look like much, into their mouths. Shang Xiuxun, who was already shocked by the taste of Bawang chicken, realized it at this time. It turned out that what they just ate was not all the taste of Bawang chicken.

As soon as the fiery taste entered her red lips, it burned her whole body. It was completely different from the nourishing feeling of porridge water, but every part of her body seemed to be particularly beneficial, and there was a constant feeling of comfort. .

The flimsy clothes were immediately soaked with sweat, and stuck to her uneven body. Fortunately, the clothes were not transparent, and nothing embarrassing happened.

Even if it appeared, Shang Xiuxun couldn't care about it at this time

The scalding heat entered her heart from her throat, and it seemed like a firework bloomed in her heart, exploding with a bang!

The original deliciousness of Bawang chicken is different from ordinary chickens. It has the freshness and sweetness of chicken that often eats grains, and the delicious aftertaste of omnivorous chicken. The chicken oil and chicken juice dripping from the chicken skin, this taste is beyond imagination.

The most important thing is that not only the taste of chicken, but also the aroma of hazel mushrooms is also integrated into it. The hot porridge gradually melts in the mouth. At first, it is the deliciousness of rich chicken oil, and then it is slowly released. The fresh and sweet taste comes out, this kind of sweetness does not come from sugar, but the light sweetness naturally exuded from the meat.

It's like you eat chicken that seems to have no taste after being stewed, but when you aftertaste, there is a lingering sweetness in your mouth, and that taste is multiplied by twenty times, or even thirty times, and now The rich sweet taste in Shang Xiuxun's mouth.

Gathering the essence of Bawang Chicken, it seems to bring her into a rainforest world full of ambition.

A large flock of five-color feathered chickens are catching prey everywhere, and the rich soup is slowly growing in this pure natural environment.

Countless juices fell from the sky, drenching Shang Xiuxun who came to this rainforest world.

Then a trace of coolness emerged from Shang Xiuxun's back, and hazel mushrooms bloomed behind her at some point, pulling her into a mountain full of mountains and fields!

This rich taste even surpassed Shang Xiuxun's comprehension of deliciousness, even the previous Mushroom Fragrant Bawang Chicken, Pork and Beef seemed to be incomparable.

It gathered all the essence of the ingredients, and boiled it over low heat to release all the flavors. If Shang Xiuxun savored it carefully, he would find that Zhao Youqian didn't even add pepper and salt.

The rich and delicious taste in her mouth can be completely released without any seasoning.

This is the reason why Zhao Youqian chose the overlord chicken porridge as the finale!

A bowl of golden soup and porridge was under water, and even Nuliang Huapiao, who was already comparable to a god, felt full.

Zhen Yuanzhai, the strong man who entered Zhutian Xiaoguan for the first time, even changed his momentum again and again. Under the gray hair covering his face, his face seemed to be several years younger.

The vitality that had been lost once again radiated from him.

‘Originally, the old man thought he could pretend to be stupid and let the younger generation take the lead, but he didn’t expect to encounter such a good thing. It seems that God doesn’t let the old man rest! '

Feeling the body that seems to be more than ten years younger, the long-lost strength has returned to him, and Zhen Yuanzhai knows that his future has reached a turning point since then.

But what could be better for a fighter than being able to fight to the fullest again?

The smile couldn't be concealed, and he could only suppress the surge in his heart with a big gulp of alcohol. The state of Zhenyuanzhai was like the epitome of the three new guests.

Wesley could feel that no matter what aspect of his body, he was more than twice as strong as before. Even the adrenaline state that he needed to concentrate and work hard to use, seemed to be easy to enter.

Knowing that he has been completely changed, Wesley, who was lost by the taste of Bawang chicken before and unconsciously planted a domineering seed in his mind, has completely different eyes from before coming here.

When Wesley came in at the beginning, although he scanned the surroundings in the way of a fraternity professor, he still felt a little stern, but now the domineering edge hidden in his eyes is like a fierce blade that will be unsheathed at any time, secretly hiding An impressive arrogance.

And if Zhang Xiaofan was like a dull wood before, maybe it was rare red sandalwood inside, or it was hollowed out rotten wood, but it would not attract anyone's attention, he could only wait for time to discover naturally.

But now Zhang Xiaofan is like a piece of unrefined jade, just as inconspicuous as it is, but it also contains a jade-like aura that makes people look at it a few times after touching it.

Not to mention that his aptitude and physique have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the first two levels of formulas of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao that were originally used for foundation building have also been completely practiced, and he has also advanced another superb mental method, the Great Brahma Prajna Heart Jue, to a new level. Hidden in the meridians and body, without appearance, colorless and formless.

After all, when it comes to digesting and utilizing these extraordinary powers that are beneficial to the body, the Xianxia side has an advantage that the general system cannot match.

But even so, Zhang Xiaofan was really fed up this time, even if he was curious about the fatty fried rice in Zhao Youqian's hands, he didn't have the energy to taste it.

On the contrary, Zhao Youqian seemed to have sensed Zhang Xiaofan's obsession with his fried rice, and specially set aside half for him to wrap in a thermostat box, so it doesn't matter if he can eat it for two days.

But the taste and flavor will definitely not be as good as it is now.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't mind about this either, what he was curious about was this cooking technique, not the taste, so he was very grateful to Zhao Youqian for his carefulness.

It had been a long time since his parents had passed away and his needs had been ignored.

That's why he was able to detect the kindness of Shang Xiuxun and Hong Qigong not long after he was in Zhutian Xiaoguan.

Surrounded by malice and ignorance for a long time, those tiny kind thoughts can often be keenly perceived by him.

No matter how Zhang Xiaofan's mind changes, Zhao Youqian doesn't care much, he just does what he thinks is right, not to mention that this new visitor has made his points skyrocket, approaching more than 7,000 points. , the cooking skills that he would have had to purchase in a few days have become something within his reach.

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