Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 163 Gifts from the Mentors

"Not to mention the proportion of geniuses this year, even the strength and mentality of ordinary students are much better than before."

Dojima Yin looked at Zhao Youqian beside him, not without praise.

"It seems that Teacher Zhao has been subtle in the academy, and it still has an effect."

Zhao Youqian just smiled.

"It's not as effective as Dojima-senpai said. After all, Togetsu Academy can attract people with excellent foundations. However, too many people have been beaten to the point of losing their spirits. They only care about cooking skills and don't treat everyone well." Most people carry out psychological construction and manage sheep-herding style”

"Yuanyue's problem is actually not as big as it seems. With a little adjustment and an effective up-and-down circulation mechanism, we can do better!"

Sighing, Zhao Youqian understood that it was impossible for him to build such a thing in Yuanyue, so he could only implement his ideas as much as possible, and then let Nakiri Senzaemon and the others take over.

Although Yuanyue is powerful, it is nothing in the world. Once Zhao Youqian starts to step into the super class, Yuanyue can help him very little. At that time, he will start to prepare for returning to Yaozhou.

For Dong Ying, the stage is still too small for him!

You don't need to think about it, you can guess Zhao Youqian's thoughts, but Dojima Yin didn't say anything.

Dongying is indeed small, but Shuiqian Wangbaduo, Zhao Youqian is not as rampant and invincible as he thought, and the help Dongying can give him is by no means as simple as he sees.

At least Mr. Yu has been preparing for an opportunity for him to enter a certain place.

It's just that this can only be said after Zhao Yougan is a super class, even if he is infinitely close at this time, if he is not a super class, he is still not yet, and naturally he is not qualified to know this.

Intentionally changing the subject, Dojima Gin suddenly smiled as he looked at the freshmen who were already looking for a place to conceive the egg recipe for the buffet tomorrow morning.

"They're about to end this overnight study, haven't you figured out what to give them for the last meal?"

When Dojima Yin mentioned this, Zhao Youqian looked a little serious.

"I thought about a dish at first, but it didn't seem to be able to express what I wanted to explain, so I re-conceived it again, and recently I have an idea"

"Senior Dojima asked, what else is there?"

Not without the meaning of watching a good show, Dojima Gin had a little chivalrous look on his face.

"I've heard that other lecturers are already gearing up to attack you, and several people even join forces to overwhelm your dishes in terms of taste. You have to be prepared!"

Looking at Dojima Yin with a black line on his face, although Zhao Youqian knew that these arrogant Yuanyue graduates would definitely make trouble, he didn't expect that it would be at the last banquet.

He commented on the flaws of everyone's cooking, so he shouldn't be cheating him like this, right?

You must know that in order to let the freshmen of Yuanyue relax physically and mentally after completing the assessment, and experience the vastness and magnificence of the culinary world by the way, on the traditional last night, the graduates of Yuanyue will present their best dishes.

Even if it was a delicious dish, because everyone is a different part and has the meaning of fighting, it is naturally difficult to really tell the winner.

But once several people in charge of other parts unite, it's too easy to target a dish.

Looking angrily at Dojima Yin, who was watching a play, Zhao Youqian knew without guessing that it was definitely his masterpiece that could unite those graduates.

'Looks like it's going to be rethought! '

‘If you want to stand out from the matching dishes, you must either have an extremely strong taste, or a dish already contains the taste of a feast’

His mind was spinning wildly, and suddenly a recipe he had heard before appeared in his mind.


Zhao Youqian didn't care about anything, waved his hand at Dojima Gin and left in a hurry.

It surprised the Lin-level chef.

"In such a short time, he has an idea?"

"It seems that those guys may not have a full chance of winning!"

Dojima Gin outlined a hearty smile.

"But it's more interesting to be evenly matched! Hahahaha!"

Egg dishes are not enough to stump the freshmen who have passed many checkpoints. The difficulty lies in reaching the level of the new breakfast menu of Yuanyue Rigong.

You can't stay in the tradition, because the traditional egg dishes must have already been in the breakfast menu of Yuanyue Rigong.

But they can't completely abandon the traditional method. Without the traditional framework, it is difficult for them to produce dishes with stable taste in a short period of time.

How to add something unique to them in the original egg dishes, to create a taste surprise for diners, this is what they need to think about this night.

Staying up late to revise recipes and develop recipes all night is just the norm.

Even Xing Ping Chuangzhen was very troubled by this, and even almost failed to complete this assessment.

Fortunately, with his strong on-the-spot experience, he finally made up for his mistakes at the last moment, and he even used the cooking process as a selling point to attract enough diners, thus completing the assessment.

And when they washed up and had a good night's sleep, night had already arrived.

According to the experience of the past few days, the freshmen who had already woken up were surprised to find that they did not find any tutors or guest lecturers, as if they had been forgotten.

These freshmen probably never imagined that right in the place where they had fought before, these 'demons' in their hearts were busy making dishes for them.

Not hesitate to do their best, the graduates of Yuanyue want to let the juniors see more aspects of the culinary world. In the past, their seniors did this for them, and today it is their turn to do this for the juniors.

This is a kind of spiritual inheritance of Yuan Yue.

It's just that in this enthusiastic crowd, Shinomiya Kojiro kept scanning around with a puzzled expression, but couldn't find the shadow of the person in his heart.

It wasn't until Dojima Yin passed by accidentally that he had the opportunity to ask his doubts.

"Senior Dojima, why isn't mentor Zhao Youqian here?"

"Doesn't he need to make cooking?"

Dojima Gin, who was called down, looked back and saw that it was Kojiro Shinomiya, and smiled knowingly.

"Of course, but he has to prepare a lot of things, and the pot he uses is also big, so I changed him to a place where he will disturb others!"

Without specifying, Dojima Gin left. After all, he is also a member of the graduates, so naturally he also needs to make a dish as the finale.

'There are many things, and the pot used is big? '

Shinomiya Kojiro showed a thoughtful look, he was not very familiar with Yaozhou cuisine that Zhao Youqian was good at, and he really didn't think of dishes that could meet these characteristics for a while.

'Forget it, as long as I do my part well, I don't believe that if we join forces, we will still be defeated! '

At this time, the freshmen who gathered one after another got the news and began to gather towards the conference hall!

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