Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 139 Two-player battle

"damn it!"

When Zhou Tianxing watched Miyoko Kitajo put the shredded pork tenderloin into the pot in the lounge, and put the sauce in it almost seamlessly, he knew that it was impossible for Miyoko Kitajo to make a mistake and fail.

"It's still placed together!"

Originally, he thought that using silver chopsticks to return ten pots would be enough to put pressure on Zhao Youqian's side, but he didn't expect Zhao Yougan's special training to be hidden!

"Bastard, bastard!"

Angry to the extreme, Zhou Tianxing even scratched a corner of the stool he was sitting on.

Zhao Youqian trained knife skills, but instead exercised the flexibility of Kitajo Miyoko's wrists and the stability of her arms, and by the way strengthened her waist strength. This is the root of Kitajo Miyoko's ability to control such a terrible flame for stir frying.

Otherwise, even if Miyoko Hojo has amazing control over the flames, she doesn't have the means and physical strength to keep the wok constantly stirring!

Ignoring the incompetent and furious people, at this time Miyoko Hojo's dishes have come to an end.

Unlike most frying methods, Hojo Miyoko chose to put the shredded pork tenderloin and the sauce into the pot at the same time because the temperature of the frying pan is far higher than normal. This is the only way, not only the starch and oil wrapped on the outside, but also the sauce It will also become a protective layer wrapped around the shredded pork.

It makes the tenderloin more flavorful and softer and more delicious!

There was a stabbing sound, and then the whole wok was ignited. With the internal and external flames, Kitajo Miyoko fully demonstrated the results of her training. The heavy iron pan was churning in her hands, and the ingredients inside were full of flavor. The flames of the fire drew five-color brilliance in the mid-air.

It seems that in the middle of the red flames, a five-color glazed bridge has been erected.

Steady arms, flexible wrists, and a strong waist all give Miyoko Kitajo's stir fry an artistic aesthetic.

Just when everyone was shocked by her performance, her dish was finished!

Fiery red is the main axis, but it does not cover the original color of all the ingredients. A faint fluorescent light is not as strong as Zhunte, nor is it the golden light of super-level cuisine, but the crystal light has already represented the essence of this dish. The energy of all ingredients has been completely activated.

This is close to the standard of special cuisine!

It is a real peak must-kill dish! !

"Yanlong fish-flavored shredded pork!"

Kitajo Miyoko carried her own dishes, accompanied by the extinguished fire, showing a resolute beauty.


But just as she finished speaking, there was a burst of explosions!

The strong spicy taste made people frown slightly, and suddenly there was an uncontrollable drooling in the mouth and tongue.

“Spicy Kung Pao Chicken!”

"I'm done too!"

Jiuwo Zhaoji also stood in front of the cooking table holding a plate of Kung Pao Chicken with only a light red oil color.

No one thought that he would have finished this dish without making a sound.

More importantly, no one in the audience saw how he cooked this dish so spicy and thorough!

But the judges present already knew it well.

"So who will serve the first course first?"

As the host, Minako Uemiya still raised her question.

Soon after, I took the initiative to take a step forward and glanced back at Miyoko Hojo.

"Is there any objection?"

She raised her eyebrows, but Miyoko Hojo didn't respond, and then saw this one of the top ten in Yuanyue, carrying her own dishes to the judges.

Quietly waiting for their tasting.

Orange-yellow diced chicken, peanuts, cashew nuts, and diced green onions with a little chili oil hanging, almost no trace of chili and pepper. If they hadn’t seen Jiuga Zhaoji’s method before, I’m afraid they would think it’s just an ordinary dish A less spicy version of Kung Pao Chicken.

Several judges looked at each other, and they all stretched out their spoons, and put the chili oil sauce, which didn't seem to be too strong, and the ingredients of Kung Pao Chicken, on their plates.

Especially Qian Cousin Sister Hua, who likes spicy food, deliberately poured more spicy oil sauce, and Zhou Tianxing smiled when this scene fell in the eyes of Zhou Tianxing in the lounge.

"Eat, eat, when your sense of taste is blocked by spicy, how could that little guy's taste break through?"

I am very confident in the recipes I designed, as long as Jiu Wo follow the instructions, Zhou Tianxing doesn't believe that he will lose!

Even if he doesn't have much trust in Jiu Wo Zhaoji, Zhou Tianxing has a lot of confidence in his recipes. You must know that he has overshadowed many people.

The strong spicy aroma made several judges almost think that they were eating something like spicy pot instead of Kung Pao Chicken.

You must know that the attraction of Kung Pao Chicken is the taste of small lychee with a little sweet and sour sauce mouth. After the spicy, it is rich in sour and delicious taste, but this spicy Kung Pao Chicken does not seem to be like this.

However, the longer it is left, the more attractive the aroma of this dish will be. The audience present are already flushed and salivating from this spicy aroma. They can only watch helplessly as the judges choose A few pieces of ingredients are placed on a spoon and popped into your mouth in one bite.

In just a second, a powerful spicy taste entered the judges' tongues. The strong taste directly defeated the judges' taste bud defense. There is a little sour taste, as if to make that kind of spicy not terrible.

But with just one mouthful, the faces of all the judges present seemed to have turned red. Even a giant like Nakiri Senzaemon exhaled slightly from his nasal cavity, showing the fiery passion in his tongue.

The belt around the waist has fallen off unconsciously, showing the vision of the clothes bursting!

"It's done!"

Sitting in the waiting room, Zhou Tianxing felt that he had already won just by looking at the expressions of the judges.

"After eating my special spicy oil, no matter what the flavor behind it is, it is impossible to break through the blockade. Even a real high-star chef will have to work hard, let alone a student!"

With a slight sneer, Zhou Tianxing's confidence soared.

"Next, let me give this Yaozhou genius a boost!"

The strong taste stimulates the judges' tongue and nasal cavity, as if it brought them into a world full of hot and spicy oil. A big person like Sister Hua couldn't help showing a look of admiration.

However, they did not open their mouths to judge, but asked Miyoko Kitajo to bring her dishes to the table.

Exuding a faint fiery red color, the 'Yanlong Yuxiang Pork Shredded Shredded Pork', which makes the colors of various ingredients more conspicuous, is filled with a strong smell of fire just after being served.

Let Wang Donglai also look sideways slightly.

Unlike the obvious change in complexion when tasting Kuga Teruki's dishes before, after eating Miyoko Hojo's dishes, the judges present all looked very calm.

Even Nakiri Senzaemon didn't seem to show the vision of his clothes bursting.

From the eyes of the onlookers, it seemed that the victory had already been decided.

Kinji Kuto, who was the review supervisor, coughed lightly.

"Since both dishes have been eaten, it's time for us to give points."

Qianbiao Xia Ya showed a sneer.

"I didn't expect the gap to be so big."

And her sister nodded too.


Wang Dong came to look at the people around him. As an outsider, he naturally couldn't say anything, so he calmly announced his choice.

Suddenly, the whole scene fell into an uproar.

The result of five to zero!

But contrary to what everyone thinks, the one who won five votes from the judges was not Teruki Kuga, the eighth seat of the Top Ten!

It's Miyoko Hojo! !

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