Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 5 The Insect Control Sutra

[Wind Control Proficiency +1]

Wind control is not a combat spell and can be cast anytime and anywhere.

After the spiritual energy is exhausted, you can meditate to recover during your free time, and the cycle starts over and over again.

While setting up a stall to earn spiritual stones, there is no delay in gaining proficiency.

Eating rice balls and smoked fish, time flies by.

The Golden Crow slants to the west, and the sky is getting dark.

The fishing bait business was very slow in the afternoon. Only ten pieces were sold, which was enough to earn a stall fee.

Jia Ren is not in a hurry, and the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley.

As the popularity spreads, relying on the huge profits from the bait, it is difficult not to earn spiritual stones.

The only thing that needs to be considered is the depletion of the number of spiritual fish in Yanbo Lake and how long the business can last.

"It's time to close the stall."

Jia Ren is not in a hurry to leave West District Fangshi, there are still things he needs to buy.

"Sulfur, saltpeter, charcoal, dogs, poison, talismans..."

Sulfur refiners will use a little, saltpeter can be used to make ice, charcoal is simpler, you can buy it and make your own.

It's not hard to find.

Only dogs...

Not many immortal cultivators keep dogs. Spiritual farmers will raise them to guard their fields. Maybe they can ask fellow Taoist Yang Bingzhi for help and put them aside for the time being.

Jia Ren followed the flow of people, scanning the stalls from time to time, looking for usable treasures or picking up missing items.

This is a rare pleasure for casual cultivators.

However, there are only a few people who pick up leaks, and there are countless people who make mistakes.

"The colorful hen Golden Pheasant is sold cheaply, only three spiritual stones are needed."

Three spiritual stones?

Oh so cheap!

The colorful golden pheasant is gentle in nature and can eat meat. The hen is raised to lay spiritual eggs and is sold for at least five spiritual stones.

Many casual cultivators came here after hearing the news and wanted to take advantage.

Jia Ren was no exception. He went over to touch it and left expressionlessly.

Sure enough there is a problem!

The palms that touch the colorful golden pheasant are filled with paint, and the colorful colors are completely painted with dyes...

Are you trying to trick people before the paint is even dry?

So unprofessional!

In order to avoid being blackmailed by the stall owner, if you don’t run away now, why don’t you wait.

After taking a few steps, Jia Ren vaguely felt something and looked down.

At some point, a hand touched the storage bag on the waist, and he raised his hand to take it off.

"Let go!"

Three hands trying to steal your own storage bag?

So brave!

This is all your wealth and cannot be lost!

Jia Ren held the storage bag with his left hand, and with a thought, he took out the black tooth sword, a low-grade magic weapon, in his right hand.

The Black Tooth Sword glowed with aura, as if it was about to be slashed out at any moment.

This formation frightened the nearby casual cultivators to avoid and leave a large empty area, for fear of harming Chi Yu.

The thief was a young man with an undistinguished appearance. When he saw the theft, he moved skillfully into the crowd of casual cultivators, like a drop of water flowing into the sea.

This sword is more of a deterrent and has no intention of actually killing it.

Jia Ren didn't dare to take action in Fangshi, let alone go to the Law Enforcement Department.

In the words of casual cultivators, the Law Enforcement Department is a group of monsters that eat people without spitting out their bones. If you go inside, they will empty your pockets even if you are not guilty.

"What a mess!"

"The thief may have a grudge against himself and attack at night..."

“You must buy items to protect your safety at night.”

People without thought, he must worry about.

Jia Ren prepared for the worst and prepared everything as soon as possible.

Sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal were quickly found at wild stalls, and a few dozen taels of gold could buy a lot of them.


When his eyes fell on the lime, his eyes lit up.

Buy some lime and carry it with you. If you encounter three hands again, you can use the lime to greet your face.

The key point is not to use spiritual power and not attract the law enforcement team...

I decisively bought a few packs of quicklime and took them back for further processing.

"Poison is hard to deal with..."

It’s not that there are no poisons on the stalls. The poisons are targeted at monks and are not cheap.

A small dose of Duanling Powder also requires a spirit stone.

It's too expensive, it's better to buy a talisman.

After shopping around, I bought a lot of substitutes for the Beggar's Edition. The key is that I didn't spend many spiritual stones.

Temporarily serve as a transitional item, and when you have enough spiritual stones on hand, you can replace it with a formation talisman.

"Eternal Spring Gong?!"

Jia Ren stopped at a stall selling talismans. He planned to buy a water shield talisman for self-defense, but unexpectedly saw the exercise the stall owner was selling.

There are four kinds of exercises on sale at the stall: "Changchun Kung", "Guiyuan Kung", "Fire Yang Kung" and "Xuan Yin Jin".

"How many spiritual stones does Changchun Gong have?"

Changchun Kung is a wood-attributed technique that is not good at fighting. It mainly focuses on spiritual energy and injury recovery, and has some life-extending effects.

The life-extending effect is difficult to guarantee.

This should be the easiest method for Jia Ren to find related to longevity.

The recovery of spiritual energy and longevity are very important. Accelerating the recovery of spiritual energy can extend the time of liver proficiency, and increasing life span can increase the daily limit breaking point.

The most important thing is that the price is cheap...

There may be better techniques, but Jia Ren can't hope for it at the moment.

"Three spiritual stones, including the complete technique from the first level to the ninth level of Qi refining."

The stall owner became energetic and looked at Jia Ren.

"Can it be cheaper?"

"Three spiritual stones, no bargaining on price."

The stall owner responded coldly and ignored Jia Ren.

A basic Qi refining technique and three spiritual stones are at the normal price, not as big as a lion's mouth.

Jia Ren has a total of two spiritual stones and five broken spirits. He also needs to consider tomorrow's land stall fee. The only active spiritual stones are two spiritual stones and four broken spirits.

"Can I use fish bait to pay for the spiritual stone?"


"I don't collect trash!"

"Do you want to buy it or not?"

"Don't waste my time if you don't buy it."

When the stall owner saw Jia Ren taking out the bait, his face turned black. He had a bad temper, and he directly started to chase people away.

Jia Ren was too lazy to continue looking at the stall owner's face, so he turned around and left.

You deserve this bad temper and you deserve not to make any money.

Changchun Gong is not the only one that sells it, there are other options.

"Insect Control Sutra?"

Jia Ren stopped at a stall and his eyes fell on the gray jade slip inscribed with the Chongshu Sutra.

The stall owner is an elderly monk with long, pale hair. It seemed that his end was approaching, and even though his Taoist robes were starched and clean, he still couldn't hide the smell of old age and 'decay'.

The old monk opened his cloudy eyes and glanced at Jia Ren, and then the old voice sounded.

"Are you interested in controlling insects?"

"Not many monks are interested in bugs these days."

Black insects emerged from the collar and corners of the old monk's clothes. The number was increasing, and they were constantly crawling on the clothes and body. From the looks of it, they seemed to have settled in the monk's body.

The horrifying scene is enough to scare someone with trypophobia to death.

Jia Ren was also shocked and subconsciously took a few steps away.

"Are you still interested now?"

The old monk smiled narrowly with success in his trick.

The end is approaching, but the childlike innocence is still there.

If the Insect Control Sutra is really useful, what do the insects have to fear?

I wanted to buy a dog to keep watch at night.

Bugs can do it too!

Not only that, small bugs are more hidden and difficult to detect, and will become a weapon for night vigilance.

Jia Ren could tell that the old cultivator was more teasing than actually turning people into monsters. Otherwise, it would be fine not to practice the Insect Control Sutra, which had hidden dangers.

"There is not much difference between controlling insects and controlling beasts. They are both the skills of cultivating immortals. Why should we be afraid of them?"

Jia Ren walked to the stall, picked up the jade slip of the Imperial Insect Sutra, put it on his forehead, and began to examine it.

There are only a limited number of parts that can be read, and most of them are in a restricted state and cannot be used for free.

"I wonder how much the Insect Control Scripture costs?"

Just seeing the part, Jia Ren was very interested and asked about the price.

The smile on the old monk's face disappeared and returned to the same state as when they first met.

"One hundred spiritual stones, no bargaining."

One hundred spirit stones?

Might as well grab it!

If you can't afford it, say goodbye!

Jia Ren put down the Imperial Insect Sutra and turned around to leave. After taking two steps, he suddenly looked back as if he thought of something.

"I wonder if the Insect Control Sutra can be sold separately?"

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