Zhao Xiaoyao was shocked. If Pei Bingji really died, he would be so lonely for the rest of his life. Therefore, he endured the physical pain and released the precious "soul-sucking bugs". Thousands of the poisonous bugs pounced on Pei Bingji, sucking out the poison at the same time. As soon as he took a breath, the poison died and fell down.

Thousands of soul-sucking insects died quickly, and Zhao Xiaoyao released thousands more with a look of pain on his face. These are all children I spent countless efforts cultivating!

After spending four batches of soul-sucking insects, Pei Bingji finally let out a weak groan: "Okay, save a life. Stop sucking, if you continue sucking it, I will do it."

Zhao Xiaoyao quickly took back the remaining soul-sucking insects and used various elixirs to replenish Pei Bingji's life. After working for a while, Pei Bingji slowly sat up, but he did not dare to look at Taoist Bat. He had a dark face, but now that he had a new layer of skin, he was completely white. His face was just full of wrinkles, and it was so red that it looked like it was bleeding.

Taoist Bat is not a kind-hearted person. Don’t you look at me? You want to get through without looking at me? It's not that easy. Bat Taoist Shi Shiran floated in front of Pei Bingji - Pei Bingji lowered his head and turned around, but Bat Taoist linked up with him and still blocked him.

With a thought in his mind, his own spiritual power rolled up the black charcoal skins on the ground and flew up: "Hey, everyone, come and see, whose face has fallen to the ground?"

Pei Bing was so ashamed that he wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in! Unable to refute. Taoist Bat felt relieved and stopped forcing Pei Bingji. After all, he still wanted to do something.

"What is the origin of this strange poison?"

Pei Bingji still said: "Although I was slapped in the face, I still want to say that this kind of strange poison should not appear in Bahuang at all!"

He originally said this with some anger, but suddenly the three of them's eyes lit up: "Could it be..."

Pei Bingji suddenly became excited. Regardless of the fact that he was still seriously injured, he struggled up and came to the front of the poisonous miasma to inspect and analyze it carefully. He became more and more excited: "Okay, it's really good, good stuff..."

Zhao Xiaoyao explained to Taoist Bat: "Ignore him, that's what's wrong with him."

For normal monks, it is impossible to remove these poisonous miasma, let alone detoxify them. For example, if you use a treasure to store these poisonous miasma, the poisonous miasma will corrode the treasure, and the treasure will soon decay.

But Pei Bing was an expert in playing poison, and he quickly thought of a way: "Use strong wind to dilute these poisonous miasma. As long as the concentration is reduced by dozens or hundreds of times, it can be contained with treasures. But this poisonous miasma is very It’s huge, and it requires a huge amount of storage space after dilution…”

Zhao Xiaoyao suddenly felt uncomfortable: "Why are you looking at me? I don't have this kind of treasure."

"Don't pretend to me!" Pei Bingji said unceremoniously: "I know you have it. Just the [Eight Directions Treasure Basin] you use to hold all kinds of Gu insects."

"Bah!" Zhao Xiaoyao was furious: "I just saved your dog's life, and you actually want to rob my children's home? I gave you the Eight Directions Treasure Basin, where will my children live?"

"You have many similar treasures, but they are not as big as the Bafang Treasure Basin. They can be scattered to accommodate those Gu insects."

Zhao Xiaoyao flatly refused: "The space inside those treasures is too small, and it will be too crowded for my children to live in. Who doesn't want to live in a big house?"

"If we don't take away these poisonous miasma, we won't be able to dig out the Aedes mosquito eggs inside. It's your choice." Then he said: "I'm just borrowing it, it's not like I won't return it to you. Wait until we find a way to detoxify. , the Eight Directions Treasure Bowl is useless. Let your children be patient for a while, this is for everyone's good."

Zhao Xiaoyao: "Will you really pay me back?"

"of course it's true."

"What if it breaks?"

"If you break it, ask Sun Changming to compensate. He has a lot of treasures."

Taoist Bat shook his head, Pei Bingji, you are a real dog. I must report this matter to the adults.

Zhao Xiaoyao spent a lot of effort to transfer all the poisonous insects out of the Eight Directions Treasure Basin. Pei Bing took the treasure and immediately implemented his plan. It took several days to remove the poisonous miasma. It was blown away into poisonous gas and collected into the eight directions treasure basin.

Zhao Xiaoyao rubbed his hands and smiled strangely: "My little darlings, here I come!"

Taoist Bat has always been vigilant, because the master said that there is a terrible danger hidden in this poisonous miasma! Master Sun's thousand eyes can see everything, but the "underworld trap" is also very good, and he has an extraordinary background. Mr. Sun couldn't see through the front door completely, but he just felt that there must be something wrong inside.

Master Sun was going to "use the waste" in this place, so he called Pei Bingji and Zhao Xiaoyao. However, if he said that there were unknown dangers, he was afraid that these two people would not come. Lord Sun could only ask Taoist Bat secretly.

Zhao Xiaoyao began to dig carefully - Pei Bingji shouted from the side: "Be careful! The surface soil of the earth has been penetrated by strange poisons, and every piece of soil is extremely precious!"

Zhao Xiaoyao was digging in front, and he followed behind and sent the soil into the Bafang Treasure Basin. Fortunately, the toxicity of this soil is similar to that of diluted poisonous gas.

Zhao Xiaoyao quickly found the first mosquito egg. It was indeed completely lifeless. Zhao Xiaoyao dissected it on the spot - in the eyes of Taoist Bat, wasn't it just a white ball the size of a broad bean? When cut open, there were some biological structures inside. It's actually very simple. Why has this guy been studying it for so long and is so excited?

"These two guys are not very smart. Don't get too close to them in the future." Bat Taoist warned himself.

Zhao Xiaoyao dug out one piece after another and dissected one piece after another. His speed became faster and more targeted. Taoist Bat was very puzzled: Where is the danger that the master mentioned? Why didn't it appear from beginning to end?

After a few days, everyone finally arrived at the second place where Aedes mosquito eggs might be hiding. The [Land of Sorrow] was so dangerous at this time that even a seventh-level Chaos Mandrill would not dare to boast of being "unbridled", so the speed along the way was slow.

For the monks...that's really hard work! At the same time, you have to worry about the various sixth- and seventh-level monsters that may jump out, crawl up, float, or flash at any time on the road - yes, today's monsters in [The Kingdom of Sorrow] are full of firepower and use all kinds of unimaginable methods. .

On the other hand, they are actually more "fearful" of Master Sun. Not only is Master Sun extremely powerful - of course he is powerful, he can make the seventh-level monster Chaos Mandrill obey orders and kill the Sixth Realm Great Witch with one blow; he is also very thoughtful and has a sharp eye - When they arrived at the poisonous miasma, they could see that all the mosquito eggs were dead, so there was no need to rush in. After everyone stayed there for three days, they all fell into a fixed mindset in confirming the authority, and instead ignored the original purpose of breaking the poisonous miasma; in addition, the most painful and entangled thing for them was One thing is - Mr. Sun seems to be their creditor. Chaotiansi did not allow everyone to enter the [Land of Sorrow]. The people standing here now sneaked in secretly, and then they were unable to save their own lives. In the end, Master Sun had to come to the rescue.

Everyone felt deeply guilty towards Master Sun, so no one made eye contact with Master Sun along the way. The general situation is: No, the master has looked over, I feel guilty, hide quickly!

Huh -, what a danger! She almost met his eyes.

The second place they found during their long journey was eight 300-foot peaks connected together. The outside of the mountain is smooth and black, without any vegetation, and it is extremely steep and difficult for monkeys to climb. What's even more amazing is that there is a tallest mountain peak in the center, and seven others are arranged around it. Judging from the positional relationship, it looks like a formation, somewhat like the Seven-Star Beidou, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

There are dozens of connected caves at the bottom of these mountains, and there are even volcano-like openings on the tops of the mountains. When the monks saw this mountain peak, they were also worried: "Will mosquito eggs be hidden here? This is a huge ant nest, and the mosquito eggs hidden in it will have been eaten up long ago."

The underground structure of an ant nest hundreds of feet high must be many times larger than that on the ground. How terrifying is such an ant colony?

But Master Sun looked at the ant nest: "Just below, the former owners here have become the delicacies of Aedes mosquitoes."

The ant colonies here are scary, but the Aedes mosquitoes are even scarier! They eat up the ant colony and then take over the magpie nest. Mr. Sun even had another guess: Aedes mosquitoes may have had a premonition of the reversal of the sky's orbit and knew they were about to fall into a deep sleep. Just like bears storing fat before hibernation, they also prey wildly to survive the long sleep. sleep.

This place does not look as dangerous as the poisonous miasma, but the monks are a little timid looking at the dark caves under the ant nest. In those caves, some weird sounds came out from time to time, and it was unclear whether they were poisonous insects, monsters, or some weird monster.

Lord Sun was hesitating, but Jieying was already eager to climb forward - his idea was that although the master didn't explicitly say that he wanted me to come on, I would test it out, and if he didn't stop me, he would let me go.

Of course it had a guilty conscience, so it crawled quietly on all fours. Given its size...this concealing behavior almost made Lord Sun laugh out loud.

"Okay, go ahead."

Jie Ying received the permission, swayed up with a crash, and rushed towards an ant nest peak.

Scholar Huang is good at calculating, so he once again appeared near the ant nest in advance. However, after some observation, he found that this place was not suitable for setting up a "underworld trap", so he changed his method.

This time the "Sunset Nail" was to be used. To ensure that nothing went wrong, the "Book of the Dead" was also taken out as a coordinating means.

However, Scholar Huang did not dare to go into battle in person anyway, so he took out another "wonderful object", which was what he gained from an adventure in the "Da Luo Realm Gate": a fake puppet.

And it’s a set, with a total of four puppets. One holds the Sunset Nail, one holds the Book of the Dead, and the other two are also equipped with powerful magic weapons.

He was lurking outside with a bamboo hat, and four puppets were hiding deep in the ant nest, where mosquito eggs were accumulated.

Huang Shusheng also once thought about taking away some Aedes mosquito eggs himself - he was used to "calculating with his fingers" before doing anything, and then found that the consequences of taking away the Aedes mosquito eggs would be "serious" ".

After he had arranged everything and came out of the ant nest, he suddenly slapped his forehead: "Am I stupid? Do I still need to use 'Yuan Micros' to calculate this matter? The silkworm monster is looking for the Aedes mosquito because he There are demon clan techniques that can control the monsters. Once I take them and hatch them, how can I control these monsters? I will be poisoned on the spot!"

But this situation did not make him alert. He thought that he just didn't think about it for a while. I never realized that I had become more and more dependent on "Yuan Wei Shu" and had begun to lose the habit of active thinking, but "Yuan Wei Shu" could only calculate the "three-point" secret!

For example, Master Sun's Thousand Door Eyes, he didn't figure it out.

Jie Ying was in a dilemma when he reached the entrance of the cave. There were many entrances but none of them could fit through. It stretched out a root - the root continued to grow, drilling from this hole to that hole, like an earthworm. Not long after, this "earthworm" tied a knot on its own...

Scholar Huang was shocked. What kind of player was this? ! He has been observing the situation through four prosthetic dolls, waiting hard for Sun Changming to fall into the trap. Sun Changming has sent his men, so kill them first, and you can always lure Sun Changming over.

He felt that a "monster" like Jie Ying could be restrained by Sunset Nail, and he could kill him with just one strike! But he didn’t give me a chance. This guy tripped himself before he even got within a hundred feet of the mosquito eggs.

Mr. Sun sighed secretly, took control of Jieying's body, slowly opened its roots, and let it retreat. Jieying was very ashamed, with his head drooping like an umbrella ball, as if he was a child who had done something wrong.

Meibo volunteered, but Master Sun waved his hand, preparing to go in and see for himself. He stepped forward, and Scholar Huang saw it from a distance, and couldn't help but feel excited: A great opportunity is right in front of me, and Sun Changming is an opportunity for me to walk forward.

Master Sun walked to the entrance of the cave and suddenly received news from Taoist Bat. He was secretly surprised: There is no danger in the poisonous miasma? But Qianmenyan clearly saw it.

How is this going?

Master Sun connected the cause and effect, and a possibility emerged: "Someone wants to plot against me? The strange poison in the poisonous miasma, according to Pei Bingji, has exceeded the level that the Bahuang World should have. Thousand-door eyes will not see it. Wrong... someone has set a trap in the dangerous poisonous miasma. Jieying and the others cannot deal with the poisonous miasma. Once I enter the poisonous miasma after I go there, I am afraid I will not be able to escape!"

Master Sun stopped in front of the cave entrance. A gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall. He waved behind him and saw a clear spring flying from the sky, gurgling into the entrance of the cave.

Scholar Huang frowned: What are you doing? You should go in quickly.

Moreover, the clear spring came from outside the sky. Huang Shusheng was in the "Land of Sorrow" and could not understand such a method, so he found it unbelievable.

He didn't panic. There were naughty boys in the mortal world who filled ant nests with water. Sun Changming also wanted to do the same? What's the point? The ant nest is empty except for those mosquito eggs. Mosquito eggs hatch easily in water, and maybe the Aedes mosquitoes can kill Sun Changming and his men without doing anything themselves.

Master Sun used his magical power of "breaking the void" to attract the water spirit of Dongxian Lake outside!

Shui Ling no longer needs to guard the entrance to the Kingdom of Sorrow. Without his own leadership, none of the monks who come in can get out.

The water spirit has a huge body. There is no need to find a way into the ant nest. The water will just flood it.

Amidst the sound of rushing water, the water spirit soon filled the seven surrounding ant hills and spurted out from the hole at the top. Then they all gathered around the ant hill in the middle.

Sun Changming waited quietly outside. Every time Shui Ling stuck to a place, Master Sun built a structure in his mind. There were no doubts in all places, but when Shui Ling gathered at the ant hill in the middle, at the core deep underground, they saw a mountain of Aedes mosquito eggs piled up!

"In the [Land of War] back then, there were more than one group of Aedes mosquitoes."

Shui Ling's intelligence is on par with Erha's, and she is very lively. She also knows that this is her first time working for the master, and she found something smoothly. Naturally, she is very happy, so the water surges wildly, rushing through the underground space of the ant nest. Inadvertently, the accumulated mosquito eggs were scattered - the four prosthetic puppets hidden in the mosquito eggs were exposed...

Scholar Huang was speechless. Why is your water so wavy? It is very different from ordinary water.

But the four Six Realms couldn't see through Master Sun's life-giving Shui Ling, and Scholar Huang couldn't see through it either. He still thought that this was just an ordinary lake water brought by Sun Changming, and judged that it was not real water.

But Master Sun had already seen the fake puppet through Shui Ling, and his heart sank: There was indeed an ambush! It's just that Mr. Sun is a little confused: Who is it?

The people in Sangdao, Yaoting, and Beiyuan have all been killed by him. Who else is bold enough to plot against him?

The water spirit swept away the mosquito eggs, and also swept in the four fake puppets. The fake puppet was controlled by Scholar Huang and stabilized its figure in the water. Master Sun felt it silently, and found that neither these life-size dolls nor the "weapons" in their hands were created by gods, nor did they look like the magical weapons of monks.

"Is there another kind of cultivation system between heaven and earth?" This discovery made Master Sun quite surprised. Is it really the source of resurrection? The hidden forces are ready to move.

He thought about it and controlled the water flow to divide into two streams. One stream carried mosquito eggs and flowed out, while the other stream turned into a huge vortex, tightly binding the four puppets in place.

At this time, Scholar Huang noticed something was wrong, and immediately controlled the prosthetic puppet to escape from the water flow.

But water is extremely soft, so they managed to break free once, but the water spirit pounced on them from behind and entangled them again. When all the mosquito eggs were sent out, the water spirit immediately turned into a big wave and smashed several key locations in the ant hill!

Boom boom boom——

The huge ant hill began to collapse, the heavy structure fell, and the puppet was still underneath. Scholar Huang suddenly felt a pain in his heart, but he suddenly felt that the environment around him was somewhat different.

He cursed secretly: Cunning thing! Sun Changming quietly opened his territory, covering an area of ​​nearly two hundred miles. If Scholar Huang wanted to rescue his puppet, he would be exposed and discovered by Lord Sun.

But the puppets, the sunset nail and the "Book of the Dead" were all extremely precious. He would feel very sad if he lost the puppets, and he couldn't explain to his brothers and sisters if he lost the other two!

If he comes forward, he is afraid that he will not be able to defeat this guy. If he does not come forward, there will be no way to end the matter. Scholar Huang was in a dilemma for a while, and even "Yuan Wei Shu" could not calculate a solution that would best both worlds for him.

In the end, he obeyed his heart. Scholar Huang stood still, and the huge ant hill collapsed completely, heavily burying all the puppets in the ground.

Meiba, Jieying, Chaosmandrill and the monks did not show any shock when Master Sun collapsed eight ant hills with a wave of his hand. Master Sun's strength was such that it was just a routine operation.

They saw Mr. Sun rising thousands of feet into the air when the ant mountain collapsed, and a green aura of light swept back and forth within a radius of two hundred miles between his eyebrows, as if he was looking for something.

Huang Shusheng's bamboo hat is indeed a very mysterious and strange object. Master Sun searched for a full quarter of an hour and found nothing. At this time, other monks also sensed it: "When did the Lord open his domain?"

"What are you looking for, sir?"

Sun Changming sneered and said: "You hide your head and reveal your tail! Just hide in [The Kingdom of Sorrow] forever! After I leave, immediately block the exit of [The Kingdom of Sorrow]!"

He waved his hand, and a spiritual cloud swept up everyone: "Let's go -"

Flying hundreds of miles in an instant and disappearing without a trace, it seems that he really wants to break out of the [Land of Sorrow] before the ambush in the dark, and then blockade the [Land of Sorrow].

Scholar Huang remained motionless, with great disdain in his heart: "You want to deceive me with such little tricks? If I really believe it, you will definitely catch me when I go out now."

Scholar Huang has been hiding under his bamboo hat. I will fight with you to be patient!

Waiting and waiting, the sun went down and the surroundings were quiet. Scholar Huang finally couldn't help it, moved quietly, and then stopped immediately. I tried this several times and found that nothing happened. He rose into the sky, flew hundreds of feet, and then yelled: "This bastard, he actually left!"

Young Master, I have been lying here for most of the day in vain.

Now that Sun Changming was really gone, he immediately rushed to the collapsed ant hill, took out a wooden shovel from his arms and dug lightly, thousands of kilograms of soil flew aside.

He moved the shovel as fast as he could and quickly dug a passage. It only took half an hour to find the four puppets and other strange objects buried under the ant hill. With these things in his hands, Huang Shuchang breathed a sigh of relief.

He shook the prosthetic puppet. After all, it was a puppet and it was already soaked.

After putting away these strange objects, Scholar Huang thought about the next step. A black shadow quietly appeared behind him through the terrain, suddenly jumped up, and turned into a strange monster!

The monster's head is like an old cow, with a mouth full of fangs, and its mouth is open ten feet wide! The body is in the shape of an illusory centipede, with strange writing flashing on its abdomen and back. Such a half-real, half-illusion monster reaches the sixth level!

It lunged at Scholar Huang, and Scholar Huang stabbed it with his backhand like a raw eye. An ancient nail as long as an arm penetrated deeply into the monster's abdomen.

Seven layers of sunset-like spiritual light exploded on the setting sun nail, spreading layer by layer, looking extremely beautiful. But for the monster, it is destruction!

Its illusory body completely dissipated under the third layer of sunset light. The spiritual light continued to spread like ocean waves, constantly beating its head. In the fifth level of sunset spiritual light, the huge tusked cow head had scattered and flew away. The horns, tusks, skull, and flesh were scattered in all directions, and fell to the ground with a puff. superior.

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