God-level Game Designers Start From Scaring the Crying Anchor

Forty-six how can you increase the price without authorization

Monday, December 6th.

In the office, Xun Ze is perfecting the PVP mode of Zombie World War.

He decided to make certain modifications based on the PVP mode of Left 4 Dead.

Players are still divided into two teams, who take turns serving as the attacker and the defender.

In addition to the traditional 4V4, two modes, 8V8 and 12V12, can be added to make PVP more lively.

The attackers are survivors, and they will encounter a large number of infected people on their way out of the safe house to the next location.

The round ends when four people reach the target location, or when all of them fall to the ground or die.

The farther the attackers advance, the more people survive and the more points they get.

During the attack, when the survivors die, they cannot be revived in the safe house, but can only be revived through electric shocks.

When a new round starts, the equipment from the previous round will not be inherited, and the HP will be restored to full capacity.

The defender is the infected, and the player can select multiple or one type of infected from assassins, vomits, restraints, and rage to snipe the player.

In view of the strength of witch, troll, and Roshan, etc., these three special feelings cannot be selected in PVP mode.

As the ragers are elite monsters, the defender can only choose one at most, not four ragers to face together.

In addition to the traditional mode, the "drug resistance" mode can also be added to increase the difficulty of the challenge.

In this mode, the attacker can only use the lowest level of weapons, such as pistols, submachine guns, and shotguns.

In addition to not being able to heavy weapons, the first aid kit will be deleted, and the amount of painkillers and adrenaline will be reduced.

After the defender's special sense is killed, there are different respawn times depending on the type it chooses.

But when resurrecting, it must be in a place that the attacker can't see. At that time, Ding Fanxin can be asked to add a reminder system to the defender when he is resurrected.

For example, where it can be resurrected, the defender's soul form will turn blue, and red means it cannot be resurrected.

In the process of the game, ordinary zombies will also be spawned, but the level of these zombies is also the lowest.

The number of zombies refreshed at one time is about 30, which can not only play a certain blocking role, but also will not cause a fatal threat to the attacker.

You can make a few PVP maps alone to give players a certain sense of freshness.

In some locations on the map, you can also add terrain kills to increase the suspense of the game.

Regarding pvp, there are still many things that need to be refined, and Xun Ze recorded them one by one.

These data were all analyzed by him from "The Road to Survival". With the current abilities of other people in the studio, they are not enough for this job.

After the content of the PVP was almost perfected, Xun Ze re-looked at the content of the previous design draft.

Then he really let him see something.

In "Zombie World War", although there are heavy weapons, the explosion effect is too bad. It is obviously a rocket, but it is almost like a firecracker.

This will give players a huge sense of gap, so that players will not experience the refreshment brought by heavy weapons at all.

Therefore, this visual effect must be improved, and at the same time, the power of the explosion must be increased, so that players can feel the effect of heavy weapons.

Of course, the amount of ammunition for heavy weapons must be limited to a certain extent. It is best to give players a feeling that if they are used up now, they will be useless later.

In this way, when players use heavy weapons, they will think more and not randomly bombard.

As for hamster-type players, they were reluctant to use heavy weapons until they died, so Xun Ze could only hope that when they used other weapons, they would be able to clear the level.

In some specific levels, specific locations, vehicles can also be provided.

Such as heavy machine guns, armored vehicles, tanks, and even helicopters, this part is to make players cool and relieve the pressure of players.

"In order to make the players have a good time, I really took great pains..."

Just as Xun Ze was about to pat his shoulder and praise him, a system voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

【Ding! It is detected that the cumulative emotional value of the host reaches 500,000, and the system begins to upgrade...]

【Ding! After the system is upgraded, the host can view the new content after the upgrade. 】

"Huh? Why is the system upgraded at this time? And is your upgrade too perfunctory?" Xun Ze couldn't help complaining.

For other people's systems, every time they upgrade, they have to be silent for 24 hours. His system is good, and he said that the upgrade is completed in one fell swoop.

It seems that there is no difference between upgrading and not upgrading, for the system, it is just a cutscene.

His heart was full of pitfalls, but Xun Ze still clicked on the system, wanting to see what good things the system had upgraded.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. When Xun Ze saw the system mall, his face suddenly darkened.

The prices of all the items in the system mall have been increased, the ones with low price increases have doubled, and those with high price increases have even doubled tenfold!

For example, the lucky bag he couldn't buy now actually needs 100,000 emotion points, but the description has not changed at all.

There is still no guarantee, it may be out of crisp noodles, or it may be out of good things.

However, since the emotional value of everything has increased in price, it makes the lucky bag look more attractive. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

After all, in the past, a lucky bag could at most be worth one million emotional points, but the current lucky bag has a chance of winning something worth ten million emotional points.

Although things haven't changed much.

But Xun Ze was still very angry!

【system! come out! How can you raise the price on your own? 】

[Host, you are now a two-star game designer, not a rookie. There will only be more people buying your game than before. The price of things in the system mall should naturally be worthy of your status. 】

【Let your fart! Your things have become more expensive, but the effect of things has not improved! Isn't this cheating? 】

【Doesn't this show that your host is emotionally rich! 】

[What I bought is not a luxury item! 】

[Host, don’t get excited. After the system is upgraded, the lottery function is also open. As long as you get achievements, you can conduct a free lottery. Of course, you can also consume emotional points for lottery. 】

After being reminded by the system, Xun Ze saw that there was indeed a lottery button in the system mall.

It's just that he was so annoyed by the price hike just now that he didn't notice it.

After clicking the lottery button, in front of Xun Ze, a gashapon machine appeared that only he could see.

Next to the knob of the gashapon machine, it is also obvious that Xun Ze can now use twice the number of gashapons.

[System, how did this number come about? Is it a gift? 】

[Host, this is the reward given by this system after you are promoted to a two-star game designer. 】

【alright! Talking is better than nothing, but I want to see what new tricks this gashapon can make. 】

As soon as Xun Ze's thoughts moved, he twisted the knob, and the gashapon in the gashapon machine immediately jumped rapidly.

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