Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning

Chapter 61 The person with absolute abilities plans an existence called

Dengeki: "What? Misaka Sister Plan? What is this?"

Misaka Mikoto was a little confused. The name seemed to have something to do with her, but she had no impression at all.

"Ding, the group owner uploaded a memory copy"

Ordinary group leader: "Sister Pao, you can take a look."

Ordinary group leader: "I hope there's still enough time."

Son of Nature: "Although I can understand your urgency, isn't it called the Absolute Abilities Project?"

According to the calculation results of the "tree diagram designer", as long as 128 types of battlefields are prepared and Misaka Mikoto is killed 128 times, Accelerator can evolve into an absolute ability user; but because there are not 128 Misaka Mikoto, he focuses on mass production On the beautiful Misaka sister.

According to calculations, as long as 20,000 battlefields and 20,000 Misaka sisters are prepared, Accelerator can be promoted to LV.6.

It sounds incredible, why can you level up by killing 20,000 Misaka sisters? As for the so-called growth direction of control skills, it is not very reliable that Accelerator's skills have been improved in these 20,000 battles.

After all, to him, Sister Misaka wouldn't even resist. How could she improve her skills by killing her so easily?

In fact, this plan is not really to promote Accelerator, it is to cover up Aleister's plan.

Ordinary group leader: "Oh, don't think about it so much, it's pretty much the same anyway."

Ordinary group leader: "It's a pity that the time travel function is not turned on now, otherwise we can go and help Sister Pao."

Saving Sister Misaka is also her dream.

As for Accelerator, she couldn't complain. After all, he didn't want to kill Misaka's sister. He even kept asking the researcher if this was really okay? no problem?

As a result, the first sister executed the order and shot him. Because the counterattack vector set by Accelerator rebounded and died, this was the first sister he killed!

He was also shocked at the time, and he didn't recover for a long time.

According to the thinking of any era, if you have to kill him, it is normal for him to kill you.

Even though the Misaka sisters have their own emotions, because of the orders, they have to obey them like robots; even if Accelerator doesn't want to kill at first, he can only imply that these are not human beings, and he will kill too many. I don’t feel it anymore.

If Miss Misaka can refuse orders, maybe...

As for whether Accelerator was at fault, she didn't know what to say.

Just like Touma and the last work said, although this experiment was cruel and made Accelerator bear the guilt; but without Accelerator participating in the experiment, the sisters would not see the light of day again and would not be able to experience grief and life.

As for those scientific researchers, do you think they are wrong? To them, Miss Misaka is data.

If the experiment can be successful, they will not think it is a mistake to exchange 20,000 Misaka sisters for one LV.6.

Different positions mean different ways of looking at problems.

Su Yunqing shook his head, hoping that Sister Pao could solve this problem.

It's a pity that the time travel function of the chat group is not turned on, otherwise they would be able to help.

After all, Accelerator's strength is no match for Sister Pao.

Son of Nature: “???”

Nature's Son: "Do you know what you're talking about?"

Bai Xuan was confused when he saw Su Yunqing's pity, and even felt shocked.

Son of Nature: "Have you eaten the angel fruit of a phantom beast and no longer consider yourself a human being?"

Son of Nature: "Sister Pao's worldview is a forbidden one!"

Son of Nature: "Let's not talk about those demon gods who can add phases and change concepts at will; even Aleister is not an easy person to deal with."

Ordinary group leader: "Damn it! I forgot!"

Ordinary group leader: "There is a demon god coming to the Demon Forbidden City!"

Ordinary group leader: "If you are discovered, you will die!"

When Su Yunqing saw Bai Xuan's words, he also remembered that there were demon gods in the Magic Forbidden City, those who had gone to the extreme on the path of magic.

Their strength cannot be matched by today's chat groups.

It's okay if you go without being discovered. If you are discovered, it will definitely be over.

Uchiha Dance King: "Demon?"

The most evil elf: "Devil?"

Boil Dagu into soup: "Devil?"

Be my son: "Devil?"

Glory of the Northern God: "Woof?"

Golden Flash: "It sounds like a very powerful existence, but it actually makes the group leader and Bai Xuan so... fearful?"

Dongfang Bubai: "Existences related to gods are not simple characters."

The richest man in Lighthouse: "Really?"

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Isn't a certain thunder god just a Shiba Inu? Picking his nose.jpg"

Glory of the Northern God: "I am Thor, God of Thunder, for the glory of the Northern God!"

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Shut up, you are just a Shiba Inu!"

Uchiha Dance King: "Ignore this person and this dog and continue talking."

Uchiha Dance King: "I really want to know how strong the so-called devil can be."

Be my son: "Ku la la la, I am the same."

Ordinary group leader: "They are not very strong, they are extremely strong! Ridiculously strong!"

Ordinary group leader: "In the setting, demon gods are a special kind of magicians who have completely stepped into the realm of gods. They have mastered all the knowledge on the magic side, and through special rituals, they have elevated themselves to the realm of gods. field."

Ordinary group leader: "Complete demons have unlimited power and can subvert all laws. The world will be shattered for them at a touch."

Son of Nature: "Life will definitely die, apples will definitely fall from top to bottom, one plus one equals two... These laws that will never change in the world can all be changed with the magic recorded in the magic book. Destruction, reorganization and creation.”

Son of Nature: "Thus, one plus one will become three, the apple will fall from bottom to top, and the dead life will be resurrected."

Son of Nature: "Of course, this is the case in Sister Pao's world; because in the forbidden world view, the world is overlapped by many religious phases, and these phases are like filters, covering the world layer by layer. superior."

Son of Nature: "Those demons can change the world at will by creating phases."

Son of Nature: "So, even if we can travel through time, we still can't go to the forbidden world at will."

If a magician is a being who is born to fulfill a wish, then the devil is a being who exists after the wish is fulfilled.

If a person's wishes have been fully fulfilled, what else awaits them?

Demons yearn for the unknown, they long for infinity.

If they were made aware of the existence of the chat group and the unknown world of various power systems in the universe, they would be willing to pay any price to join.

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