Getting Simulated By The Empress Is Not My Intention

Chapter 81 In troubled times, life is like nothing

(I found that many people misunderstood, thinking that Ying Yiren killed Wei Yao. I think the writing is very clear. After Wei Yao was under house arrest, she felt bored and committed suicide.)

"Father, aren't we going?" Wei Bi looked at him. She grew up in Qin State, and it was Qin State's food that raised her.

During her travels in Qin State, she also met many friends, and many of these people have died on the battlefield now, which made Wei Bi feel very uncomfortable.

"In disputes in the world, there are winners and losers." Zhang Beichen said, "Pack up your things and leave here."

In this game, he just wanted to be an ordinary person.

【You and your daughter packed your bags and moved to the hinterland of Qin. However, due to the chaos ahead, most of the soldiers and common people went to the battlefield, and the demons and robbers began to stir up trouble, and life was very unstable. 】

"Death!" Zhang Beichen killed a man-eating wolf demon with a single sword. The huge body of the wolf demon lay in a pool of blood, and there were undigested human corpses in its stomach!

"Father, there are too many monsters here." Wei Bi was panting. Along the way, they failed to find a relatively stable place.

"Let's go, continue to move." Zhang Beichen prepared to move.

At this moment, horses neighed outside the village, and someone shouted: "The robbers are coming, everyone hide!"

Outside the village, a group of robbers rushed into the village on horseback with swords in hand.

Those who hurriedly avoided were hacked to death by them, and the rest were surrounded by them.

"Hand over all your food and belongings!" The bandit leader threatened them viciously, "Leave the women and strong men, and kill the rest!"

The robbers raised their knives and fell, and soon killed many people.

Wei Bi couldn't stand it anymore, she rushed forward to fight the robbers.

"Yo? Where did the little girl come from? She has delicate skin and tender flesh, not bad!" The bandit leader was very excited when he saw Wei Bi, "This time it's the right time!"

"Brothers, take her down, let's play together tonight!" The bandit leader shouted, and the bandits rushed towards Wei Bi together.

[Wei Bi fights against the robbers, even though she is agile, the opponent's strength is not weak, and she can even form a small battle formation. Wei Bi is outnumbered and gradually loses. 】

"Little lady, come back to the village with me!" A robber grabbed Wei Bi with a grinning grin. In the next second, his head fell to the ground. Zhang Beichen appeared in front of Wei Bi with a sword in his hand, and said softly, "Be careful."

"Who?" The robbers immediately surrounded Zhang Beichen.

"Those who dare to kill the uncle don't want to live anymore!" The bandit leader stepped forward and was shocked when he saw Zhang Beichen: "You are Zhang Beichen!"

"You know me?" Zhang Beichen asked in surprise.

"Of course I know!" The bandit leader's expression turned grim, "Back then, I just beat someone in the village, and because of the Qin law you issued, I made him serve five years of hard labor! These five years almost exhausted me to death! Grandpa wanted to kill you a long time ago!"

Zhang Beichen shook his head and said, "You still haven't reflected on yourself at all. It seems that you should have been given a longer sentence in the first place."

He looked at the other robbers again: "You are very skilled and can form an army. You must be trained soldiers. Why don't you serve Qin and burn, kill and loot here?"

The robbers sneered and said, "You didn't even go to the battlefield, so you want to fool Grandpa to die?"

The bandit leader even said: "What kind of soldier should you be? To listen to someone's order and work for someone? Shit! Grandpas occupy the mountains and become kings, and they are free and easy!"

"Zhang Beichen, it's unlucky for you to meet us today! Grandpa will avenge the past now! Kill him!"

[The robbers swarmed up, you fought with them, and in the end, you killed them all with your own cultivation. At the same time, you also found that because of the decline of Qin, your legalist cultivation is declining. 】

"The turmoil is everywhere, and the legalist cultivation base can no longer be used." Zhang Beichen used to be the prime minister of the Qin State, and originally had a legalist cultivation base of the nine realms. Legalist cultivation base has fallen to the fourth level.

He can only rely on his Confucianism and military skills to fight against the enemy.

[After killing this group of robbers, you and your daughter continue to go north to escape the war. On the way, they encountered a large number of refugees migrating from the north. 】

"Old man, why did you come here?" Zhang Beichen asked one of the old people.

The old man looked at them and asked, "Do you want to move to the north? Don't go, there is only a dead end!"

"Old man, why is this?" Wei Bi asked.

The old man sighed and said: "Qin and Chu are at war, and we are defeated by Qin. The Huns and Hu people in the north heard the news and began to go south to plunder. Wherever they went, they burned, killed and looted, and they did everything."

"Right now, the villages and towns in the north are empty! There are still people in the villages, and there are only a few old people who can't move there waiting to die!"

"Hey." Zhang Beichen sighed, in troubled times, how can there be shelter?

"Father, what should we do?" Wei Bi was already at a loss.

"Let's go to Chu State." Zhang Beichen could only choose to leave Qin State.

【You and Wei Bi started to go south, and after going through hardships and dangers, they finally crossed the state of Qin and came to the border between Qin and Chu. At the border, you were interrogated by Chu soldiers. 】

"What's in the package, take it out and have a look?" The soldiers savagely snatched their packages, opened them to check, saw some belongings inside, and took them away.

Wei Bi wanted to argue, but Zhang Beichen shook his head, signaling her not to be impulsive. There are Chu army troops here, if there is a fight, I will not be their opponent.

"You two horses are also good." The soldiers looked at their horses again and led them away.

Wei Bi couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "What's the difference between you and robbers?"

The soldier laughed and said, "Of course there is a difference. This is not a robbery, but a protection fee, you know? If you want to enter Chu, you have to pay the protection fee!"

Wei Bi's face turned red, if she had done it before, she would have done it long ago.

However, at this moment, the soldier looked at Wei Bi's appearance carefully, and asked in surprise, "Hey, are you a little girl?"

"Take off your clothes, quick!" he ordered.

In order to prevent being harassed, Wei Bi kept wrapping himself in clothes and smeared mud on his face, but he was still seen by others.

Zhang Beichen stood in front of Wei Bi, and said sternly, "You guys are going too far. Is there no military discipline in the Chu army?"

The soldier said coldly: "None of your business! Get out of the way, if you don't get out of the way, your life will be lost!"

Zhang Beichen didn't back down, but the soldier actually stabbed him in the heart with a spear, and he grabbed him with his hands, pulled and pulled the soldier to the ground.


[A group of soldiers surrounded and killed them. You didn't want to cause trouble, so you just knocked them down and didn't hurt them. But they refused to let go, and they still killed you. You had to kill a few people, causing chaos. Immediately, a general of the Chu army came with soldiers. 】

"What's going on?" Chu Jun ordered you and Wei Bi to surround him and asked.

"General, this man is a spy of the Qin State. We want to investigate him, but he still resists!" A soldier who was still alive complained.

"I'm not a spy..." Before Zhang Beichen could explain, the general of the Chu Army shouted, "Take it down!"

[A group of people came to attack again, their strength is stronger, you can't beat four hands with two fists, so you decided to escape from here. 】

"Where are you running? Hurry up, call someone!" The general of the Chu army shouted, and someone waved a flag on the sentry tower, and immediately a general of the Chu army rushed over.

【You wanted to escape, but you were stopped. General Xiang Mu of the Chu Army led elite soldiers to intercept you and arrest you and Wei Bi. 】

Zhang Beichen and Wei Bi have become prisoners.

"Father, why is this happening? We didn't break the law!" Wei Bi asked Zhang Beichen.

"In troubled times, human life is worthless." Zhang Beichen sighed, "Whether we like it or not, in their view, we have lost the right to survive when we came from Qin."

[Soldiers of the Chu army recognized your identity and sent you to King Chu's camp for interrogation. 】

In the camp of the Chu army, Zhang Beichen saw the King of Chu again.

She was still so heroic, wearing golden armor, standing beside Fan Lue, Xiang Mu and others.

"Zhang Beichen?" In this simulated time and space, it was the first time that King Chu saw Zhang Beichen, but she had seen Zhang Beichen before, so she recognized him immediately.

"As the prime minister of Qin State, you are not in Qin State. What are you doing in Chu State?" Xiong Zhitong asked.

Zhang Beichen said: "I am no longer the prime minister of Qin State. Now I am just an ordinary person. I came to Chu State to escape the war."

"Hahaha." All the generals of the Chu army laughed, "What a joke, avoiding the chaos of war? Don't you even have the courage to fight?"

Xiong Zhitong looked Zhang Beichen up and down, and continued: "I don't care what your purpose is, but you killed my soldiers now, what should you do?"

Zhang Beichen retorted: "Your soldiers not only robbed, but also took my daughter. I had to do it as a last resort."

"Soldiers who violate military discipline are punished by their own military discipline officers. Is it your turn?" a general of the Chu army scolded, "How dare a prisoner be so arrogant! Your Majesty, I think it's better to kill this person to scare Xiao Xiao!"

Xiang Mu remonstrated: "Your Majesty, this person has some abilities, why don't you stay and use them for your Majesty."

Zhang Beichen didn't speak, but looked at King Chu.

Xiong Zhitong stood up and said, "Zhang Beichen, others want to use you, but this king is different. This king and Chu Kingdom don't need you! With or without you, this king can rule the world!"

"This king is not Wei Yao, Ying Yiren, Han Mengshu, those guys who are full of love and love!"

"If you killed the king's soldiers, you should deal with them according to the military law and execute them!"

Up to now, Zhang Beichen has nothing to say. It seems that this simulation game will be offline in advance.


In the big tent, Fan Lue said to the King of Chu: "Your Majesty, since Zhang Beichen and his daughter are going to be executed, why not make use of this matter."

"Teacher, what are your plans?" Xiong Zhitong asked.

Fan Lue showed a treacherous smile, stroked his beard and said, "Although this Beichen has long been laid off by the King of Qin, he still has a great reputation in Qin."

"If we execute him and his daughter in front of the Qin army, the morale of the Qin army will be greatly reduced. At that time, we can defeat the Qin army in one fell swoop and take the Qin country!"

Xiong Zhitong said: "Then follow what the teacher said."


In the city of Qin, Ying Yiren was discussing with Ying Ge and other generals how to fight against the Chu army.

At this time, spies came to report.

"Your Majesty, the Chu army captured Zhang Beichen and his daughter. They sent a letter saying that they will be executed in front of the city three days later. Please watch the execution!"

"What?" Ying Yiren was shocked, "How could Zhang Beichen be caught by the Chu army?"

Ying Ge and other generals looked at each other, and someone said: "Your Majesty, this method of the Chu army is to destroy the morale of our Qin army, and this matter should not be made public."

"Zhang Beichen is suspected of defecting, it is better to say that he is a traitor, so as to preserve morale."

"Nonsense!" Ying Yiren scolded, "Zhang Beichen is a hero of our Qin State, how can we allow you to slander him?"

The general was stunned for a few seconds, then quickly said: "The last general is guilty."

"Your Majesty, the general thought that we had no choice but to refuse to leave the city, as if we didn't know." Ying Ge said, "We are no match for the Chu army in this battle."

"Isn't that Zhang Beichen going to die?" Ying Yiren asked back.

No one spoke.

"Forget it, you go down first, and we will discuss this matter tomorrow." Ying Yiren told the generals to retreat.


At night, Ying Yiren tossed and turned.

In this battle, she has already made up her mind to fight to the death. But who knew, such news came unexpectedly.

"Why is he in Chuying?"

"Could it be that he wants to go to the king of Chu?" Ying Yiren only felt sore in his heart.

"No, he's not that kind of person."

"But, what should I do with the widow? Qin's safety depends on the widow alone."

Ying Yiren stayed up all night.

The next day, she called Ying Ge alone.

"Ying Ge." Ying Yiren said, "I have decided to send troops to rescue Zhang Beichen."

When Ying Ge heard this, he quickly persuaded him: "Your Majesty, this is not feasible! The Chu army is in full swing. If they go to battle at this time, they will be defeated! Then our country of Qin will be in danger! Your Majesty, you must not be so impulsive!"

"The widow knows." Ying Yiren said in a deep voice, "The widow will not use any army, but will only lead the Black Dragon Guards to attack the Chu army's camp in the dark."

Ying Ge panicked even more, and said, "No matter how powerful the Black Dragon Guard is, there are only a hundred of them. How can a hundred of them attack the camp?"

"So even if it fails, it will not affect the overall situation. Qin still has the power to fight!" Ying Yiren said.

"Your Majesty, you can't go, this is going without return! Qin can't live without Your Majesty! It's not worth it for a Zhang Beichen!" Ying Ge was still admonishing him, he really couldn't understand, that wise and mighty King Qin , why make such a reckless decision? This is a joke with your own life!

A hundred people going to attack a camp of hundreds of thousands of people is not called raiding the camp at all, it is called sending to death!

"I've made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me anymore." Ying Yiren said firmly, she took out her seal and tiger amulet, and said, "Ying Ge, you are my descendant of the Ying family. I have no descendants, if I go here and never return, You are the next King of Qin, and you will protect the state of Qin for me."

"Your Majesty!" Ying Ge was tearful, trying to persuade him, but Ying Yiren was unmoved.

Ying Yiren also called a hundred people from the Black Dragon Guard.

She said to everyone: "The widows have decided to go to the Chu army camp to rescue Zhang Beichen and his daughter. But the army cannot be dispatched, only you can use it."

"This trip is close to death. If you don't want to go, you can leave on your own, and the widow will not embarrass you."

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