
The puppets looked at each other, none of them understood.


Yayi looked at them and said,”Why, you only know how to avoid me, but don’t you know why you are avoiding me?” Huh, it seems you don’t know where your weaknesses are.”

The puppets were not in the mood to listen to her words at all.

They were all doubting life:”How could the power of the Herrscher of Thunder…how could it…be unable to take away the work?!”

“Do you want to know why?”

All the dolls looked at Mei

“It’s simple – you are too weak.”

This kind of contemptuous words made the puppets furious, and they could only vent their emotions by shouting ‘Abominable’.

Mei Yi was still finishing her blows:”In the final analysis, your control is just taking by force. If you encounter a force stronger than yours, not only will you be hurt, but the power of domination itself will be disrupted.”

“Are you ready? It was just a test. Your dominance or my conquest, which one is stronger?……”

“Next, it’s time to get real!”

Mei Yi raised her right hand, and the power of thunder gathered in her hand.


Kiana’s voice suddenly appeared.

The thunder in Mei Yi’s hand was stagnated.

“Mei Yi doesn’t have to fight anymore. I’ll take you back to St. Freya. Everyone is waiting for you. Let’s go back in time together and never be apart again.”

This is exactly what the Herrscher of Dominance is using the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness to interfere with Mei Yi.

“I don’t need to go back to the past”

“She doesn’t need it either!”

The thunder in his hand turned into a long knife, condensing all the power of the Herrscher, and slashed it out with one strike.

All the puppets in the theater fell, and the objects they constructed also disappeared.

“Haha… After all, it’s just a stolen power.……”

The mouth of the puppet lying on the ground was still opening and closing:”Qi, what…after using up all your strength like this…won’t you become weak…how can you fight like this………”

“Ha…haha…I see you are like this…you will be kicked out of this theater soon.……”

“At that time…you will never be able to come in again……”

“Just wait…we will kill all your companions……”


Mei crushed the doll’s head with her foot:”Haha… you won’t understand. I’ve told you before… Kiana and the others… will never lose to you no matter what.””

“And the answer I want…has been found.”

As the last doll died,

Mei Yi was also kicked out of the Domination Theater, just like what she had experienced with Raven at that time.

“Thunder Mei Yi! Jackal saw her coming out and hurriedly helped her up:”Are you okay?””

Mei Yi shook her head:”It’s okay, your guess is correct, Thousand Herrschers cannot seize power more powerful than them.”

She is a little anxious now.

Kiana and the others are still fighting against the Thousand Herrschers. She wants to help, but there is no other way.

Jackal can roughly see what she is thinking.

“After you entered the Domination Theater, I received news that Anti-Entropy fought against Thousand Herrschers. There are specific results. I will tell you. Before that, you can lie down on the test bench next to me and let me study your Body”


Mei Yi decisively refused.

He went to the side to rest and waited for the latest news to come.

He didn’t wait for too long.

Didi didi… the communication sounded.

Jackal connected the communication and deliberately let out the voice.

“Kiana completed her emergence and successfully defeated the Dominant Herrscher.”

Hearing this news,

Mei Yi was also relieved.

Jackal continued to ask:”Has the core of the Herrscher been recycled? Did someone die?”

She knew that this was the news that Mei wanted to know.

The other party responded in a calm tone:”The whereabouts of the core of the Herrscher is unknown. The person confirmed to be dead this time is – Wuliangta Jizi.”


Mei Yi’s heart seemed to skip a beat.

Her body, which was already weak due to exhaustion of strength, became even weaker, and there was no trace of color on her face.

Although she was mentally prepared when she checked with Kevin before.

But… when the result was announced and completely confirmed, she still couldn’t accept it.


The scene changes.

The time has come to the next day.

Mei had visited Himeko’s grave the night before.

And now, she came to the familiar corridor.

Walk deeper along the corridor.

Kevin sat there as always, as if he had never left


“What’s the matter?”

Kevin looked at Mei Yi in front of him and took the initiative to speak.

She had changed a lot since the last time they met.

Kevin knew that she would come to him.

Mei Yi said:”The Herrscher of Domination has been eliminated.

“I know.”

Kevin’s answer was still cold.

Yayi seemed completely unaware and continued:”Its core has disappeared and its whereabouts are unknown.”


Kevin did not answer this because he knew the whereabouts of the core.

Mei continued:”But that’s not why I’m here today.”

Kevin looked at her:”What do you want to ask?”

“When I used the power of the Herrscher to collide with the doll, my consciousness was brought to an indescribable space, which should be the source of the Herrscher’s power. I felt that there was a boundless consciousness shrouding that place.”

“That consciousness seems to want to pour something directly into my brain……”

“But this attempt was blocked by the excessive electromagnetic waves overflowing from my body.”

Mei Yi looked at the man on the throne. He seemed to be thinking about something, and seemed to be recalling something…but he didn’t take any action.

She had no choice but to say:”If it’s because my electromagnetic waves are too powerful, those special Thousand Herrschers are How to resist? Is it really just because they were special during their lifetime?”

“——Kevin, this makes me confused. If that consciousness is the so-called collapsed god…is it really just because of this reason that it cannot affect its own apostles?”

Kevin didn’t expect her to ask such a question.

I don’t know when she understood it to this extent.

“You, who have been fighting since the last generation and are the last heroes of the previous civilization, cannot possibly know anything about this. Meiyi looked directly into Kevin’s eyes:”How many secrets do you have that you haven’t told this generation of humans?””


Kevin remained silent, thinking about something

“i need an answer”

“Right now!”

Kevin looked at Mei Yi who was so persistent and so similar to her, and made a decision:”No problem. Now you have that qualification”


Mei Yi was confused, ‘qualification’ again?

What exactly is this qualification?

Before she could ask, Kevin raised his hand and pointed in a direction.

It was a lightless corridor that snaked out from behind the throne. , the end of darkness is connected to the beginning of the world

“Qualifications to seek answers.”

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