Regardless of whether Negev can beat the alchemist alone, but the Negev echelon, which is surrounded by an iron-blooded army, has definitely not a high chance of winning.

Fortunately, Type 95 found Negevliu's backhand Galil in time and saved the besieged Negev in time.

With the support of Type 95 and the harassment of Type 03, the iron-blooded troops were repulsed, and everything seemed to be going in a good direction.

Sure enough, before the chapter ended, something naturally happened.

It turned out that when the Negev team was not paying attention, Type 95 and Type 95 seemed to have spotted the figure of Type 97, so they left the team and followed.

By the way, 95 light is QJB-95.

As an AR team, Type 03 naturally knows how fatal this is to his teammates, but this is an obvious trap!

As expected, Type 95 and Type 95, who left the team, really lost contact.

And on the side of the battlefield, Type 95 and Type 95 chased to the corner of the battlefield.

95 asked, "95 light, did you find anything?" 95 light

replied: "Not yet, I obviously caught the figure just now...... Damn!It should be around here!"

Type 95 continued to search for the familiar figure, and she did not forget to tell 95 lightly.

"The communication is still blocked, don't go too far, evacuate immediately if the situation is not right.

95 said incomprehensibly, "Why do you keep avoiding us...... "

Because you ...... You're always getting me in trouble.

With a familiar voice rang out, 95 was stunned by Type 97.

Similarly, Type 97 also stunned Type 95, and not only that, but she also took Type 95 with her.

"Damn! This Type 97 is really an internal ghost!" the

movement was shocked, and when Chapter 5 Style 97 ran away, he thought that there must be a reversal in this matter.

After all, I've been teammates for so many years, and they're all humanoids

, that is, robots, how can I say that when I'm an inner ghost, I'm going to be an inner ghost? But now the 97-style behavior can't be washed, there is no doubt that she is the inner ghost.

The Type 97 was still missing, and the Type 95 was hitch in, so Herian decided to evacuate the existing humanoid from the S08 area.

The found 95 light and 03 were also given an evacuation order, and the plot began to reach the climax of the sixth chapter!

The comatose 95 had a dream, which should have been when she was first created, and it was also the time when she first met with 97.

But ......

I don't seem to have this memory, why did I remember it all of a sudden?

Then Type 95 woke up, she saw the strange and familiar Type 97, and after a series of interrogations, she was asked that creepy question by Type 97.

"Type 95...... Who the hell are you?"

Looking at the 97-style question, the movement was stunned.

Since Chapter 0, the AR team, especially their captain Type 95, has been chased and killed by iron and blood, and even Tianhe Security has not given up.

He always believed that the reason why Iron Blood chased and killed them was because Type 95 took away their important information.

But from now on, it doesn't seem like that's the case.

"I have to say, Ling Yun is planning to play big chess. "Anyway, this game has a fart of love and hope." "

It's an inner ghost again, it's war again, what does this have to do with love and hope?"

The movement goes on.

In the plot, it seems that someone is talking to Type 95 through the memories of Type 95, and then trying to find some information from it.

But she never got what she wanted, and Type 97 gave the answer.

"The AR team's mental cloud map has been encrypted by 16LAB, and many of the contents are not even allowed to be viewed by ourselves.

"It seems that the information about Type 95 is one of them, and I can't access it through [umbrella]......

" After listening to Type 97's words, the mysterious man was silent for a while and said, "In other words, you can't bring me Type 95 information." "

You've broken the promise, QBZ-97.

Type 97 said: "As I said, this is not very possible. The

mystery man clapped his hands and said, "I hate people who break the agreement." "

Go, alchemist, the authority has been given to you. "

Bring back the Type 95, and you don't need anything else. At

this point, the two sides tore their faces.

Therefore, the alchemist attacked again with the iron-blooded army, and Negev led the echelon to resist and evacuate.

And Type 03 didn't know when, so he found Type 95, who was unconscious again for some reason, and took her to the direction of the transport plane.

In the sixth chapter, the full team can still kill indiscriminately, but in the face of the alchemist at this time, even the player has to avoid its edge.

The Alchemist in the final level is countless times more powerful than the starting level, and she has a huge armored force that can break the head of any player who crashes into it, a veritable barricade.

But she is not incomprehensible, and she can fight with the strongest team.

However, the ultimate goal of this level is to get Negef, the AR team, and the player's echelon to evacuate, so the player can complete the level even if they don't defeat the alchemist.

The plot also came to an end here, and the 3D animation CG began to play.

The 95-style who woke up looked at the 03-type in front of him in confusion.

"Type 03...... Why you?"

"Why not me? Isn't it me every time." Type 03 replied.

"I mean, Type 97 ......"

Type 95 suddenly realized something and opened his eyes wide.

"Where is she!"

"She's ......

" Type 03 lowered her head and said slowly: "She made her choice......"

Type 95 listened, looking back at the building that was already far away.

"Type 97, she, what does she want?" a

terrible thought came to her mind, and she broke free of Type 03's embrace and ran towards the building.

"Type 95! Where are you going! Come back, don't go near the building!" Just

then, an explosion rang out and the building began to collapse.

Humanoid companions who fled in a hurry, buried iron-blooded pursuers ......

And I, knowing what that means......

With the 95-style confessional sound, the screen goes black, and a CG picture appears in front of the player's eyes.

Type 95 looked up in disbelief and muttered, "Type 97? Why?"

The screen went black again, and a few words appeared on the screen:

it was a noisy funeral, and a silent goodbye.


End of Chapter VI.

The movement looked big final, and he couldn't forget it.

"This game, in the end, has a yarn relationship with love and hope!".

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