
Chapter 83 Absolute Confidence

"This kind of fruit is called snake fruit. There are many of them in the mountains. Some people say they are poisonous, but they are actually edible. They are just not sweet."

"But you still have to wash it first, because it grows on the ground and some animals will chew it, so it's very dirty."

"These are the feathers of a dumb chicken. This kind of pheasant is very expensive. You can catch it in the net, but it is worthless if you kill it."

"Be careful where you step. There are many tree holes on the ground, which are formed after the tree roots have rotted. It's easy to twist your feet if you step in."

As the six people walked through the jungle, Lin He was particularly energetic. He could even explain to the others while walking. Under his leadership, the six-person group moved much faster.

He could always find the optimal route in the complex jungle. Many times, even though he was faced with a bush that was so dense that it was almost opaque, he would choose the least labor-intensive way to cross without hesitation.

The most exaggerated thing is that at first glance, his route is nothing surprising, but if he deviates even one step from his footsteps, the difficulty will suddenly rise.

The branches and leaves have become tough, the thorns have become dense, and even the footholds on the ground have become much more rugged.

There is almost no difference in the jungle in the eyes of everyone, but it is absolutely different in his eyes.

"Actually, there are many roads in the jungle. Roads are not just those that are exposed above the ground. The ones that are exposed above the ground are basically animal paths. If you walk on them, you will be discovered by prey."

"In some places it looks like there is no road, but in fact it is just blocked by large leaves. You can walk through it if you push it aside."

"On the contrary, those places that don't look very dense from above usually have a lot of vines and thorns growing there."

After hearing Lin He's words, Chen Chen nodded secretly.

This is not some metaphysics, but the accumulation of serious experience.

Just like Lin He said, because the light is completely blocked in areas covered with broad leaves of plants, there is relatively little rain and light in the lower parts of the earth's surface, and there are few low shrubs and vines growing, so it is much easier to get through.

And if an area is not occupied by broad-leaved plants, it will definitely be filled by small-leaf shrubs.

It is completely scientific and can be used.

It's really a treasure. With such a person by his side, the Dongfeng Corps' jungle combat effectiveness can be conservatively estimated to increase by more than 20%.

After leaving Camp 2, the six people walked for a full five hours, but their physical exertion was less than the previous four hours of walking. Even Jiya could hold on and no longer needed drugs.

It was two o'clock in the night, and 26 hours had passed since the Dongfeng Corps set off. Their overall rest time did not exceed 6 hours, and they once again reached the critical point of physical strength.

Therefore, Chen Chen ordered to rest at Camp No. 3 by the river and wait for dawn before continuing to set off.

The double-layer heat-reflecting fence used to light the fire had been erected before. It was all built with yellow mud and covered with vegetation. It came in handy at this time and could avoid the Lion Corps' thermal imaging search to a certain extent.


Of course, if you're observing from the air, there's nothing you can do.

But Chen Chen didn't believe that they could have a helicopter. If they did, he would definitely kill Jiya in front of them without hesitation, and then join the Lion Corps camp.

After all, having helicopters means that they are the strongest force near Mengka

The flames rose, and white mist rose from the dew-stained clothes of the people sitting around the bonfire. Chen Chen unfolded the map and re-examined the escort plan based on the positioning he had made long ago and the current status of the team.

"Now we are only 26 kilometers away from Wantongyin Pass, which is about 4 hours faster than our original plan. Overall, it is quite smooth."

"However, we consumed too much energy in the first half of the journey, and we will need longer and longer rest periods later."

"We estimate that it will take at least 50 hours to complete these 26 kilometers."

"That means we still have two days to go."

"After arriving at Wantongyin Pass, we still need to go south and walk two kilometers to Nayong Village. This section of the road is the most dangerous, but as long as we can enter Nayong Village, there is basically no need to worry."

"That's the territory controlled by the 756th Brigade of the Southern Shan State Army. Chaisri has already given us a warning. As long as we go in, we will be safe."

"So the biggest problem now is the Lion Corps."

"They haven't shown up yet, which is a very bad feeling."

"I suspect that they may have chosen to divide their forces and encircle us after learning about the battle between us and Jia Luojia. They planned to control our range of movement and then besiege us from a favorable position."

"That is to say, worst-case scenario, they have guessed our route."

"In this case, whether or not to proceed on the original route has become a question before us."

"If we continue to move forward, we may face a tough battle at the Wandongyin Pass in the end; if we change the route, our action will be further prolonged, and it is possible that even the large force of Karaja will be able to catch up with us."

"Vote, keep going, or change the route and try your luck?"

Hearing his words, Shi Dakai and Bao Qi both fell silent beside the campfire.

This is indeed a decision that is not easy to make.

After thinking for a long time, Shi Dakai said:

"I think we should continue walking. Changing the route is really just a matter of luck. It's too risky."

After hearing his words, Bao Qi nodded and agreed:

"I also think we should continue walking. Although the Lion Corps may guess our trajectory and set up an ambush at Wantongyin Pass, at least we can still have a prediction."

"If we change the route to the south and run into their encircling team, and we are not prepared, we will be in trouble."

"Whether we can survive the encounter with the Lion Corps is really a question."


Chen Chen nodded slightly. He actually knew what they were worried about. To put it simply, it was: the number of people was too small.

There are only 4 people in the Dongfeng Corps, and with Lin He, who has no combat experience, there are only 5 people. Even if one of these five people dies, it will be a heavy loss, which will lead to a significant drop in the success rate of the operation.

On the other hand, the Lion Corps has a large number of people and a higher error tolerance rate. Compared with them, the Dongfeng Corps' chances of making mistakes are pitifully small.

Therefore, unprepared battles should be avoided as much as possible.

Even if you know that there may be an ambush at Wantongyin Pass, it is better to rush over after careful planning than trying your luck on an unfamiliar route.

This is not so much a kind of "caution" as it is a kind of extreme self-confidence, because these two people really believe that under the leadership of Chen Chen, as long as it is a well-prepared battle, there is no reason why it cannot be won.

But of course, Chen Chen still hopes that the final battle will not happen.

If possible, he would choose to quickly break through the enemy's defense line, and then rush into the shelter of the 756th Brigade at all costs.

"Then it's already 3 versus 1. There's no need for the Li Gang to shoot. Let's move forward the same way."

Chen Chen said.

"Understood, keep going the same way."

The plan was decided. Chen Chen glanced at his watch and gave the team 6 hours of rest time.

Their current situation is certainly not absolutely safe, but they need rest, and the enemy may not need it either.

The lead time is not shortened, that's enough

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