
Chapter 75 Meeting Lin He Again

Two hours later, the five-person group finally arrived at Camp 2.

In fact, the second half of the journey was much easier because the camp chosen was a peak on a hillside facing the sun.

On the northwest side of the hillside, due to the difference in sunshine and precipitation, the lushness of the vegetation has dropped significantly. Coupled with the increase in altitude, the proportion of pine and fir has begun to increase, and the terrain has become flatter.

This is why Chen Chen chose to ambush in this camp.

Not to mention high and low, the sparse vegetation zone nearly 500 meters long and several kilometers wide is the enemy's biggest obstacle. If they want to cross this isolation zone and approach the Dongfeng Corps, they will have to bear the price of massive casualties. .

And if they can really use their firepower advantage to suppress the group of four and rush into a "fair combat" distance, the group of four can also retreat calmly from the other side of the hillside and escape into the dense forest again.

The only flaw is that the opponent may launch an attack from the side and catch yourself off guard.

In order to avoid this risk, Chen Chen deliberately left a large number of traces during the march, with the purpose of letting the enemy bite him to death and chase him along the traces.

He didn't know whether the opponent would take the bait or not, but he had done everything he needed to do.

This is how it is on the battlefield. You may not need a lot of preparation work in your lifetime, but if you don't do it one day, your life will be over.

After arriving at the camp, he selected a few of the best bunkers and set up traps. If a battle broke out, the enemy would have to take a broadsword shot as long as they looked for bunkers to hide.

After all the preparations were done, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Now, they are about 4 hours ahead of the opponent's leading soldiers, and at least 6 hours or more ahead of the enemy's main force.

There is still plenty of rest time.

At the camp site on the east side of the slope, Chen Chen directed the Li Gang to raise a bonfire. They still followed the established procedures to bake clothes, boil water and rest. After simple repairs, they took turns to be on guard in groups of one person.

The first group of people on alert was Li Gang. He was the most physically exhausted and needed the most rest, so he was in charge of the easiest first post. Chen Chen himself was in the third post, which was also the most dangerous and difficult one.

“Eat first and then rest, hold your backpack close to your chest and maintain your core body temperature.”

"It's better to be so hot that you sweat, than to be so cold."


Bao Qi and Shi Dakai answered immediately, then set up a kettle to boil water and swallowed the energy bars in big gulps.

For this battle, Chen Chen did not prepare any so-called individual soldier rations. Although that thing looked convenient, it was still too troublesome in a jungle chase. To put it bluntly, it was not as good as a bar of chocolate and a bar of beef jerky. it works.

Does it taste bad?

After all, it’s only four days, how can we still eat it to death?

Of course, Chen Chen was a little tired of eating this thing four times in 12 hours. He chewed a few mouthfuls, mixed the energy bar with water and swallowed it, and then went to check on Jiya's condition.

The effects of two pills actually don't last long, especially when you're extremely tired.

At this time, Jiya had collapsed to the ground, her eyelids were shaking, but her consciousness was already awake.

"Drink water, eat, swallow if you want to live."

Chen Chen said without any doubt.

Jiya struggled to sit up, took the thing in Chen Chen's hand, and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls like him.

"You are a devil."

"Maybe you shouldn't be called a shipwreck, you should be called Satan."

The two hours of painful experience made Jia completely lose her affection for the man in front of her. Although she knew that what he did was indeed saving her life, and although her rationality told her that she must not blame him, emotionally speaking.

No one can smile at the "torturer" after being tortured.

Fun fact: Your first experience with drugs is unlikely to be pleasant, any kind of drug.

Nausea, vomiting, and pain are the most common malignant reactions, and severe cases can even lead to cardiac arrest and acute organ failure - this is why Chen Chen prepared so much adrenaline.

Therefore, he was not surprised by Jiya's reaction and just replied calmly:

"I just use Satan's way to save people. In your culture, maybe you should call me Gabriel."

"Gabriel is just corrupted. He will not be as violent as you. You should be called Shura. This is the most appropriate expression for you in your culture."

".That's Buddhist culture, not my culture."

Chen Chen rolled his eyes, took Jiya's water bottle and threw in an effervescent tablet, then stuffed it back into the other person's hand.

"Drink and sleep. You'll have at least 4 hours."

Jiya stopped talking, but drank the still scalding water in one gulp, and then fell asleep.

Chen Chen shook his head and fell asleep holding his gun.

Worry? concern? alert?


The rotation sequence has been arranged, and now all he has to do is put everything down and rest.

This is the most correct way and the most correct mentality - to act as if the enemy does not exist.

Thinking too much like a fool will only reduce the efficiency of physical recovery and bring worse results.

It only took less than a minute for Chen Chen to fall asleep. When he was woken up again, standing in front of him was Bao Qi from the second post.

"Is there something wrong?"

Chen Chen's consciousness quickly returned, he stood up lightly and asked.

"No, it's a routine changing of the guard."

"Understood, go and rest."

Chen Chen stood up, took out his binoculars and climbed up the hillside, and started observing the watch at a fixed hidden point.

This work is very boring and grueling.

"Rotation alert" sounds very high-end, but in fact it is just a person holding a telescope and scanning the observation range in front of him like a fool.

Everything in front of you is the same scenery, and the most ridiculous thing is that even if you see something interesting, you can't be attracted by it.

For example, Chen Chen wanted to watch the fight between two pheasants on the hillside in the distance for a while, but he had to move the telescope to search for the possible location of the enemy.

For a moment, he even hoped that the enemy would appear soon, because that meant that the opponent had completely distanced himself from the subsequent large forces. After killing them, he might be able to sleep for two more hours.

Of course, his wish was in vain.


But, he actually saw people.

And they are acquaintances.


He was alone, holding the old 56 punch in his hand, but he was definitely not here to hunt.

His steps were hurried, and he stopped from time to time to observe the traces on the ground, obviously following them.

Chen Chen put down the telescope, turned on the safety of HK416, put his eyes on the small conch, and pressed the trigger with his finger.

He really didn't want to shoot.

But he had to do it.

Chen Chen took a deep breath and made the final mental preparations for himself.


But at this moment, Lin He's movement caused Chen Chen to immediately release the trigger.

He bent down and erased the traces on the ground.

That trace I left on purpose.

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