
Chapter 6 You can only accept the reward

Mu Gui's door was easier to enter than Chen Chen imagined, because Mu Gui's headquarters itself was a large casino, Wanfeng Casino.

Entering the door is the individual guest hall, where a large number of noisy people crowded together to gamble and have fun.

This kind of scene has long been common in Guokang. No one in the four-person team was tempted, and no one even picked up the mud code that the junk code boy took the initiative to hand over.

Chen Chen was very satisfied with the performance of the three people. In fact, at that moment he thought that if anyone showed interest in gambling, he would have to find an excuse to kick them out.

On the one hand, of course, it is because of the three bottom lines of pornography, gambling and drugs. On the other hand, it is because he always feels that life is already a super large casino. The luck he finally accumulated has to be used in a small casino. What is the difference between that and being mentally retarded? ?

"Brother Chen, where should we find the mission?"

Bao Qi approached Chen Chen and asked in a low voice.

Seeing the serious expression on his face, Chen Chen couldn't help but want to laugh.

From the moment they left the house, Bao Qi and Li Bang acted like drama queens. Every move they made was imitating the bodyguards of the big boss in the movie, which made him a little uncomfortable.

But having said that, after all, the two of them had just seen blood on the battlefield with him, and their temperaments were different depending on which station they went to. At first glance, they looked similar.

"It's definitely not on the first floor anyway. Let's go to the VIP room on the second floor and ask."

Chen Chen opened his mouth to answer.

"Just go directly like that?"

Shi Dakai asked hesitantly.

"When you open a business, you can't help but ask questions. Although it doesn't matter to us, we don't offend anyone. It's okay to ask more."

Chen Chen looked free and easy, and led the four of them through the gambling table. He ignored the supercilious eyes of the junkie and went straight to the second floor. He politely greeted the security guard and explained his purpose.

The security guard took out his walkie-talkie to verify his identity with the front desk, and then carefully asked the four people about the weapons stored at the front desk. Then he finally nodded and took the four people into the office of the person in charge of task subcontracting.

It went smoothly—it should have gone so smoothly.

The person in charge was a fat man with a simple and honest appearance. He didn't say much when he saw Chen and Chen and the others coming in. He immediately stood up and greeted them with smiles.

"Welcome, welcome! Sir, you found him yourself, right? Have you cooperated with us before?"

The fat man asked.

This sentence is both a test and a demonstration.

His meaning was obvious, which was to tell Chen Chen that I've been watching you since you entered the door, so don't try to play tricks on me.

"I heard the old group leader talk about things on the Tachileik side before, but the old group leader left some time ago, so we have to do it alone."

"It's presumptuous to come here today. I hope the boss can give me something to eat."

Faced with the fat man's attitude of hiding a knife behind his smile, Chen Chen's tone was calm, his demeanor was neither humble nor arrogant, and he told lies as quickly as he opened his mouth, which made Bao Qi secretly admire him.

What is a chief? This is what you call a sir!

He can fight and do things. In comparison, Shi Dakai is really...

Forget it, he is the company commander after all, so he can't complain too much.

He was still sighing, but the fat man had already asked:

"Which group leader is it? If you are familiar with it, we can discuss it easily and let you act on your own."

"But if you are not familiar with it, you can only go to the shooting range to try out the gun first and do it with our brothers."

Discreet and professional.

Fatty's meaning was very clear, that is, if it was a team of experienced acquaintances, then he could directly subcontract the task and let Chen Chen do it himself.

If you are not famous, go to the shooting range and try your luck. If you pass the test, you can join Mugui's own gun group. If you can't, then the mountains are high and the road is far away. See you again in the world.

But the problem is that Chen Chen's team neither has the reputation to directly take on tasks, nor does it have the strength to pass the assessment.

To tell a joke, the assessment requirements for mercenaries in northern Myanmar are much higher than those for the "regular army" of various armed forces.

Even if you can get through it, others can't.

feeling bad.

Chen Chen frowned. He wanted to find a reason to scare the fat man, but after hesitating for a moment, he decided to be honest.

He made up a name at random and answered:

"It's Cao Ying's army. It's been defeated a long time ago. It probably doesn't have any cooperation with the boss."

"I understand what you mean, but it is not our intention to join Mugui directly."

"So we want to ask, are there any tasks that have no consequences that a group like ours can take on?"

"We are seeking wealth in danger, but we are not afraid of death. We just want to give it a last try."

After saying this, Chen Chen basically gave Fatty an explanation.

The so-called tasks without consequences mean that there is no need to consider the success or failure of the task, and the employer can trial and error infinitely.

Don’t care about the process. If you don’t do it, you will die. If you do, you will get money.

"Then all you can do is make a reward list."

The fat man's expression did not change at all, which perfectly demonstrated the professionalism of Wanfeng Group in the transformation process, and also reflected the basic qualities and basic courtesy that a service staff should have.

"What are the reward lists?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

"That's a lot."

The fat man sat back on the sofa and said in a familiar voice:

"Li Aishu, Bao Yongxiang, Peng Jiasheng, Bai Suocheng. The death of these people."

"Mofa Wanshengshan Camp, Burmese Army Mengku Camp, Wa State Mengping Camp. Sweep lists for these places."

"Daluo, Bada Brown, Sanmianpo, Nangou. The routing of these points is simple."

"They've all been hanging for two or three years, and no one has picked them off yet. These are considered open bounties. If you want them, I can give you a list directly. Do you need them?"

Chen Chen fell silent.

What kind of missions are these? No wonder there is a public reward.

Assassinate Bao Yongxiang and Peng Jiasheng?

Capture a military camp?

Relatively speaking, the simplest task is to route routes in several locations, but the problem is that those points are key border control points, and if you can get through them, there will be trouble.

But it seems like now, they have no other choice?

That's it for now, let's take a look first.

"Then please trouble the boss and help us make a list."

"no problem."

With almost no pause, Fatty directly took out a few thin A4 papers from the drawer under the table that were stapled to everything.

Chen Chen glanced over and saw that he had another box of the same materials.

It seems that this is not the first time he has encountered this situation.

"Thank you!"

After saying thank you, the four of them said goodbye and left. The fat man walked to the door respectfully, but when he turned around, Chen Chen was keenly aware of the look of disdain on his face.

Too normal.

A mercenary group should be looked down upon before it achieves results.

After all, he didn't know the past records of the four people on his side, and Chen Chen would never take the initiative to tell them.

All the way out of the gate of Wanfeng Hotel, Chen Chen immediately opened the reward list given by the fat man.

As Fatty said at the beginning, the above are really all tasks that are basically impossible to complete.

The other three people were a little disappointed - today's misfortune made them deeply feel that it was not that simple to become mercenaries.

Don't say whether you can do it or not. You can't even get the mission, okay?

And Shi Dakai had already started to persuade them to retreat.

"How about we stop being mercenaries? Can we sell the guns and start a small business here?"

“I’ve sold fruit before and it was pretty profitable.”

"When I have the capital in the future, I can open a Meiyijia supermarket."

"do not talk!"

Before Chen Chen could speak, Bao Qi interrupted Shi Dakai.

"What are you thinking? Have you forgotten that our family is still in Kokang? Selling fruit, when can we pick them up? If something happens to them, how can we avenge them if we don't become mercenaries?"

"I told you not to come."

"Don't come or you'll die!"

"Who knows."

"do not talk!"

Chen Chen finally spoke.

"What's the fuss about? Come and take a look at this first."

"I found a bounty. The four of us might actually be able to take it down."

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