
Chapter 56 Little People

The crisis was eliminated - or, in other words, temporarily suppressed.

Someone died in the Vientiane Hotel, and it was impossible to continue eating. The four members of the Dongfeng Corps left in a hurry, leaving Chen Shenhe to clean up the mess.

Sitting in the warrior car, Bao Qi asked:

"Brother Chen, why would he let you kill someone?"

Chen Chen glanced at Bao Qi and replied:

"He originally wanted me to kill people - Dakai, do you know the background of Vientiane Hotel?"

"I know. I learned about it when I was doing artificial intelligence before."

Shi Dakai nodded and answered.

"Then explain it to Bao Qi."


Shi Dakai adjusted his sitting posture slightly and said:

"The Vientiane Hotel is owned by the top forces in Shan State. Generally speaking, no one is allowed to kill people here."

"Not to mention killing, even fighting is not allowed, because this hotel will receive many 'normal' guests, including some international investors, some officials and the like."

"So, as long as we kill someone inside, the handle is already in Chen Shenhe's hands - he can deal with the matter now, or he can expose the matter at any time, making us the whole Shan State, and Not just enemies of the 7th Brigade.”

"As for what he said about someone from the Dongfeng Corps having to die just for fun, he probably wanted to see if we would take action against Brother Chen."

"This person's character is very sinister - I can't say it's sinister, he's just purely bad."

After listening to Shi Dakai's explanation, Bao Qi and Li Bang nodded suddenly, while Chen Chen added:

"This is the main reason, but there is another point. The person who died was the He family. I think he may have something to do with Meng Bin's He family."

"This may be part of the handle, but there's no need to pay too much attention to it."

"Sooner or later we will break up with them. No one will be a mercenary for the rest of his life. If you don't say this, go home!"

Chen Chen's simple words made the other three people in the car feel excited.

Yes, no one will be a mercenary all their life.

So what is Chen Chen's goal?

Whatever it is, he's big

The warrior moved forward, but in the silence of several people, Chen Chen suddenly thought of a new problem.

"We may have to take over the Jackal's mission."

"We can't just be crushed to death by the Seventh Brigade. We need an identity and a new backstage!"

"Mugui can't give us this identity, only Chaisili can."

"This matter is not urgent, but it must be done!"

"Looks like we're going to take a risk. What do you think? Do you agree?"

After hearing Chen Chen's question, the other three people immediately answered:

"Listen to you!"


"it's up to you."

So, in just a few hours, the Dongfeng Corps once again made a major decision.

Send Jiya to Mengbin?

With a distance of more than 100 kilometers, I don’t know how dangerous it will be.

A tough battle is really just around the corner

Early the next morning, Chen Chen went to Chaisili's camp and found Jackal.

"We are ready to take on the mission."

"Wreck, please think carefully. I heard from Peng Xucheng about what happened at the Vientiane Hotel yesterday. I can find a way to solve this problem for you, but you don't have to accept the task."

Now that things have happened, Jackal has begun to persuade Chen Chen.

"I want to give you the task out of consideration for the interests of both parties. I don't want you to be forced to take on this task, as that would appear."

"I know, don't worry."

Chen Chen said calmly:

"It's absolutely impossible for you to arrange Chen Shenhe to do such a thing, I'm sure of that."

"Then let's talk about the terms?"

Jackal handed Chen Chen a cigar, but Chen Chen pushed it back instead of smoking it.

"I want the identity of Thailand, the identity of four people."

"It can't be done. It's impossible in the short term. You have to give me at least one to two years to operate it."

The Jackal answered frankly.

He would not hide things from Chen Chen that were beyond his ability.

"Chaisili can't do it either?"

"If you can't do it, it will take time. This thing is a dead rule. Unless you leave Monkha and sneak from Myawaddy to Laixingfu now, you really can't do it."

"Don't talk about Thailand. In this state, it is difficult to even deal with Myanmar's identity."

Chen Chen nodded slightly. It seemed that the issue of identity was still not so easy to solve.

"Then I want Chaisili's full support - we will be Chaisili's only outsourced mercenary group in northern Myanmar."

The only external mercenary group, this term is very "commercial", but in fact, it means a simple thing: the appointed younger brother.

"Okay, this was originally part of the plan."

The jackal nodded immediately.

"I want to share equipment, including all kinds of optoelectronic equipment."

"Except for sensitive equipment controlled at the company level, there is no problem."

"Where's the drone?"

"Small reconnaissance drones can."

"Where's the armored vehicle?"

"No, at least what we have now is not enough. If the headquarters expands its support in the future, we can lend it to you."

"That's about it. I want another million dollars."

"I can't give it to you. The company's budget is 500,000 yuan. I have to make up for every extra point myself. But for the subsequent equipment, I will find a way to help you lower the price."

"Okay, that's settled."

The negotiation was simple and direct, completely different from the confrontation with Chen Shenhe the night before.

If Chen Shenhe is a poisonous snake, then Jackal is really a wolf king.

Although he is also cunning and sharp, he is very honest and proud towards his partners.

With the mission in place, Jackal finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to complain to Chen Chen about the troublesome woman.

".So about Jiya, I really don't know what to say."

"Have you ever met someone who was both smart and stupid? She's the classic example."

"During this period, we really put a lot of effort into getting information out of her, and she also acted very smart."

"But she was stupid enough to believe that she really didn't have to die."

"Maybe she didn't believe it and was just lying to herself."

Chen Chen opened his mouth and said.

"It's possible. But in the final analysis, she is just a poor victim."

"There's nothing to be pitiful about, she just lost the bet."

Jackal was stunned for a moment when he said this, but he soon came to his senses.

"Indeed, she just lost the bet."

"If she could escape from northern Myanmar on her own, or escape to China, the situation would be different."

After thinking for a moment, Jackal asked again:

"Wreck, can you promise not to feel sympathy for her?"

"Does not."

Chen Chen replied without hesitation:

"I sympathize with her very much now, because she reminds me of that kind of little person who is struggling to stand up. He finally seizes an opportunity, only to find that a bigger hand has fallen on his head and wants to pat him down. died."

"But I won't hesitate for a second when I need to kill her."


Jackal frowned slightly and asked curiously.

Chen Chen's statement was very contradictory and made him a little confused.

Looking at Jackal's expression, Chen Chen sighed.

"Because the little person I just mentioned is myself."

"She and I are the same."

"But I can't be like her."

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