
Chapter 47 Kill one person in ten steps

Secret post No. 1 is located on the east side of Wanxi Village, at the intersection of the village entrance leading to Mengka Township Road, and is placed under two grapefruit trees, nearly 600 meters away from the current location of Chen Chen's trio.

According to the entry plan of the Dongfeng Corps, this hidden sentry should have been dealt with after both mobile patrol groups were destroyed, because it was too far away, and the focus of surveillance was that road. For Chen Chen and the others, Penetration has basically no impact.

But now, due to the influence of the poisonous smoke, this post has moved ahead of schedule.

Although this situation is in Chen Chen's plan, it is also very difficult.

If he is allowed to roam around, the poisonous insects sucked on his head are likely to make various unpredictable actions, and even arouse the entire village. At that time, the trio's infiltration operation will have to enter the second stage in advance. Risks will also rise.

Chen Chen had to deal with him, but the problem was that the distance was too far.

To reach the killing range, Chen Chen had to pass through two intersections that Shi Dakai could not observe, pass through the warning area of ​​a No. 2 secret sentry, and also consider the reconnaissance line of sight from high-altitude towers.

Time and speed have become the key at present.

Without any time to hesitate, Chen Chen quickly made gestures to explain his combat intentions to the other two people, and then moved forward along the internal path that ran through Wanxi Village.

Every time he passed an intersection, one person was left to guard and respond, but he himself never stopped, betting that the enemy on the tower was completely incapacitated.

And that's exactly what happened.

Half an hour has passed since the poisonous smoke spread, and any enemy outside would have been high by now.

Under the influence of two completely different contrabands, they either collapsed on the ground and lost consciousness, or fell into a complex state of excitement and confusion, completely losing control of their bodies and actions.

Therefore, Chen Chen's rapid advance became extremely smooth. Even when he arrived at secret post No. 2 and planned to change his plan to deal with the enemy first, Chen Chen barely stopped.


The man had fallen to the ground, and his pants had already been taken off to who knows where.

It seems that when he first inhaled the poisonous smoke, he was aroused by the special effect of the hemp fruit and wanted to have a good time. However, as the amount of inhalation became larger and larger, and as the content of No. 4 in the poisonous smoke increased, He was breathing too fast and passed out.

Really dizzy.

Chen Chen quickly wiped his neck with a knife without any resistance.

Then, he continued to quicken his pace, sprinted through the security area of ​​the northeast tower, and saw the No. 1 secret sentry that had gone out of control.

At this time, less than three minutes had passed since Shi Dakai reported that the No. 1 secret whistle was out of control.

"No. 4, the target of secret sentry No. 1 should be the patrol team in the Northeast Tree House."

"There are only two villagers in the tree house, and the lights have been turned off. I suggest we deal with them together."

"The surrounding environment is safe, and the sentry on the northeast tower is stunned."

Shi Dakai's talent was once again revealed. Before taking action, he memorized the distribution of personnel in the entire Wanxi camp, and could even remember how many people were in each building.

Such an operation is unnecessary, but under the current emergency situation, it provides Chen Chen with new possibilities.


Chen Chen replied in a low voice, and then followed Shi Dakai's guidance to find the best shooting position.

The moment Secret Sentry No. 1 arrived at the tree house, bent down and muttered to check on the two patrols on the ground, a subsonic bullet accurately penetrated the back of his head.

The spinal nerves were instantly severed, and he fell straight down, making almost no sound.

The two people on the ground did not react at all. Until Chen Chen fired two bullets and penetrated their throats from the side, they were still lying on the ground muttering and moaning unconsciously, not knowing what they were saying.

But Chen Chen didn't dare to neglect. He did something very ridiculous, but very necessary.

Learn how people talk.

During the night attack, the sudden cessation of the continuous sound was an extremely dangerous signal. The spread of poisonous smoke in the room has not been confirmed yet. Chen Chen did not dare to bet that all the people inside would collapse, so he had to "continue" Listening to the inarticulate sounds of the three dead enemies, he dragged their bodies to the corral on the east side of the tree house.

At this time, Chen Chen had been away from the trio for 6 minutes. Except for the targets on the tower, all enemies outside the Wanxi camp building had been eliminated.

Everything happened in silence, no one was awakened.

The lights in the two houses with lights turned off again. Maybe they just got up to go to the toilet.

"No. 1, go up to the west tower."

"No. 2, southwest."

"I'll go up to the northeast tower while I work on the southeast tower."

Chen Chen gave a brief order, and two "clicks" came from the earphones, indicating that both Li Bang and Bao Qi had received the order.

Next, they will attack 4 towers at the same time.

The command was handed over to Shi Dakai. As the only team member who could clearly see the overall situation, he had to assume temporary co-ordination responsibilities.

"Attention, No. 1 has arrived at the tower."

"Arrived on the 2nd."

"Number 4 has arrived and is ready to launch an attack."

"No. 4, be careful where you step, the tower stairs are damaged."

"No. 1, stop advancing, the enemy on the tower is making moves."

"keep going."

"No. 1 has arrived at the attack position."

"Arrived on the 2nd and 4th."

"Wait where you are, the enemies in the southeast tower are blocked by bunkers."

"He's moving, he's getting up."

"Prepare to attack! 321! Go!"

Shi Dakai gave an order, and the three people who had been waiting outside the tower immediately rushed forward.

The enemies in the two towers on the west and southwest sides were all down and incapacitated, so Li Gang and Bao Qi could easily deal with them.

But on the northeast tower, the enemy was still standing firmly - but he probably didn't know what he was doing.

When Chen Chen saw him, he was facing the direction of the stairs.

But he didn't raise his head at all, he just stared at the piece of compressed dry food in his hand, breaking it bit by bit, and then grinding it into powder with his fingers.

He didn't make any effective resistance until Chen Chen knocked him down and put the dagger into his throat.

Even a second before his death, his last action was to subconsciously grab the compressed biscuit that fell on the ground.

This is drugs.

Why are there so many reports of people jumping off buildings or even killing their own relatives after taking drugs?

Because in this state, they have simply lost their most basic judgment.

Danger? What is danger?

They are not afraid of heights, death, or pain. Chemicals suppress their nerves, causing them to lose their most basic "functions" as human beings.

Blood was flowing on the wooden floor of the tower. Chen Chen quickly drew his sword and stood up, raised the muzzle of the CS/LS2, aimed at the enemy on the southeast tower nearly two hundred meters away, and fired a series of long bursts.

The recoil of this gun was terrifying, but fortunately the distance was not too far. After half the magazine was filled, Shi Dakai's confirmation came to his ears.

"Hit in the face, enemy falls to the ground."

"The towers are all cleared."

Chen Chen replaced the CS/LS2's only spare magazine, and then let out a long breath.

From the official launch of the attack, it took 11 minutes to clear the entire perimeter.

Next, comes the hardest part.

Indoor war.

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