From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 280 The nine hardest materials

Kyoto, Satellite Navigation System Management Office!

After hanging up the phone, Director Yang walked back to the conference room, sat down at the front seat, and then looked at the noisy people in the conference room, shaking his head helplessly.

Recently, one of their satellites launched for a long voyage into outer space was hit by a meteorite and was damaged.

This situation is very common. Satellites are damaged by meteorites, rays, black holes or other things in the universe.

In the past, they launched few satellites on long-distance voyages, so the losses were not huge.

But with the development of science and technology, humans are more eager to explore outer space.

Therefore, more and more satellites are being launched now.

But there are too many unknowns in the universe, and many unknowns will cause great damage to satellites.

So, they are discussing whether there is a material that can increase the satellite's defense.

Even if it is hit by a meteorite, there will be no damage.

A middle-aged man wearing thick glasses, with half-white hair and a wrinkled face said: "Don't we have carbon nanotubes in the Graphene Research Center? These things are so strong that even space elevators can be made. And the material is very flexible, just suitable for manufacturing satellites."

Many people nodded slightly when they heard this. It would be very suitable to use carbon nanotubes to make satellites.

Satellites made of carbon nanotubes are not afraid of meteorite impacts.

If any meteorite hits it, the satellite will be fine, but the meteorite will turn into fragments.

Unless the meteorite hits at a speed of 0.1 light-years per hour.

At that speed, anything would be wrecked.

However, in the entire universe, meteorites with such speed rarely exist.

Therefore, meteorites with such speed can not be considered.

Therefore, it is very suitable to use carbon nanotubes to make satellites.

"No!" A middle-aged man with a square face shook his head slightly and said: "The carbon nanotubes produced by the Graphene Research Center are in short supply. How many units across the country need to use carbon nanotubes!"

"Although the production capacity of carbon nanotubes is increasing year by year, there are still many units across the country that cannot use carbon nanotubes."

"Think about it again when we manufacture satellites. It's not just a few kilograms of carbon nanotubes, it requires several tons of carbon nanotubes."

The several tons here do not mean how many tons the satellite has, but that there must be material damage during the manufacturing process of the satellite.

Therefore, the weight of the materials used to make the satellite is much greater than the satellite itself.

Besides, satellites weighing several tons are not suitable for going into space. The first factor of a satellite is to be light in weight while ensuring performance. The lighter the better.

"Under current conditions, it is impossible for the Graphene Research Center to provide us with several tons of carbon nanotubes."

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded slightly when they heard this.

Another person asked: "Where is the carbyne sulfide?"

Sulfide carbyne is the hardest of all materials discovered so far.

It is harder than graphene material, has a density more than 200 times that of water, about 40 times that of diamond, and more than twice the tensile strength of graphene.

Therefore, it is stronger than carbon nanotubes.

Sulfide carbyne is composed of methine free radicals, and its chemical formula is called CH-, so it is also called monohydrogen.

It is a very unstable gas or free radical containing only one carbon atom and one hydrogen atom, also known as methynyl group.

Because the internal structure is unstable, although the hardness of sulfide carbyne is higher than that of carbon nanotubes, it is not as good as carbon nanotubes in terms of pressure resistance.

Moreover, it is easily vaporized, so its performance is not as good as carbon nanotubes.

Someone retorted: "This material is not suitable either. The internal structure of the material is too unstable and is easily oxidized in space."

"The satellites we manufacture will be very prone to failure by then."

"Satellites made of carbyne sulfide are equivalent to throwing money down the drain. I strongly disapprove of using carbyne sulfide to build satellites."

"We should find a material that is energy-producing, hard, lightweight, and structurally stable."

Many people nodded slightly, agreeing with this point of view.

Someone said irritably: "Carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, graphene, and carbyne sulfide are already the hardest materials we can think of, and they are also very light."

They considered a variety of materials, including Darwinian spider silk, osmium, carbon composites, wurtzite boron nitride, hexagonal diamond, graphene, carbyne sulfides, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes.

These are the nine hardest materials ever discovered.

Darwin spider silk is the silk spun by a species called Darwin spider, which is the hardest and lightest of all spider silks.

After scientific research, humans can artificially produce pseudo-Darwinian spider silk.

Of course, in terms of hardness, there is a certain gap compared with osmium, not to mention compared with carbon element materials.

Osmium is a very dense material with a high flash point that is commonly used in pen nibs and bearings in clock instruments.

Wurtzite boron nitride is a constituent crystal composed of many atoms or compounds combined.

Boron and nitrogen are ranked fifth and seventh respectively on the periodic table of elements. They are materials with extremely extreme forms, but are also extremely hard.

The material was formed during volcanic eruptions and is 18% harder than diamond.

Although the two materials, osmium and wurtzite boron nitride, are very hard, they are heavy.

In addition, the structure of sulfide carbyne is unstable.

Therefore, in the end everyone still focuses on carbon materials.

Only the carbon element has the most stable structure, high hardness, and acceptable quality.

They want to find a material in carbon that is more balanced in quality and hardness.

After they discussed it for a long time, they still couldn't figure out what materials to use.

Many people sighed deeply: "Although carbon nanotubes meet the requirements, the current mass production volume is too low, and the supply exceeds demand. We can only find materials from other directions."

They could wait, but they heard that carbon nanotube freedom would not be possible for at least five years.

They couldn't afford to wait five years.

"But, what other materials meet the requirements!"

Someone looked at Director Yang and asked, "Director, has Academician Pang successfully developed the composite sulfide carbyne?"

Sulfide carbyne is the hardest material in the world, but it has the disadvantage of being easily oxidized because of its unstable internal structure.

Therefore, it cannot be used in many areas.

However, many scientists around the world are developing a composite sulfide carbyne material to remove the shortcomings of sulfide carbyne.

Academician Pang of Xia State is the leader in developing this material.

Director Yang shook his head slightly and said, "We haven't succeeded yet!"

Many people sighed with regret.

If the internal structure of carbyne sulfide is stable, it will be an ideal aerospace material.

"Does he have any clues about his research and development?"

Director Yang shook his head slightly: "I talked to him on the phone two days ago, but I still don't know anything about him."

Everyone sighed with regret again. If they had any clues, they could wait a little longer, but there were no clues, which made them very desperate.

"Director!" Someone said distressedly: "The superiors are pressing hard, and we can't find suitable materials. Why don't you talk to the superiors and ask them to relax some time?"

Director Yang glanced at the speaker and said expressionlessly: "We can wait. Can other countries wait for us?"

"Every country in the world is making trouble in the universe. If we don't catch up, we will easily fall behind."

Everyone sighed in their hearts, why don't they know this truth, but they really can't find the right materials now!

How to build a satellite that can block meteorites without the right materials.

Of course, they are not lacking in technical aspects.

They also thought about installing some technology on satellites to predict the trajectory of meteorites in advance and avoid meteorites.

But in the universe, there are not only meteorites, but also many attacks that cannot be seen.

Therefore, materials are very important for a satellite, it is more important than technology.

Director Yang saw that no one had any good ideas for a while, and he felt helpless.

Director Yang said: "Since no one has any good ideas, let's end today's meeting here. You can also go back and think about what other materials are suitable."

"I will also contact some domestic and foreign materials scientists and materials research institutes to see what good materials are available."

"We'll have another meeting in a few days after we find the right materials."

Director Yang glanced at his watch and said, "It's already past twelve o'clock in the evening. Let's go back and rest!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded, and that was all they could do. There was no other way for them to just sit there.

After that, everyone left the conference room.

Director Yang walked slowly towards the office, thinking about what materials were suitable for satellite manufacturing.

"By the way, in the middle of the meeting, Ye Fei called me and said that there was a new material made into a dark matter detector, and he also wanted the dark matter detector to travel across the universe instantly."

Director Yang felt funny when he thought of this.

How can it be possible to achieve instantaneous travel through the universe with the technology on earth?

Even if instantaneous travel through the universe can be realized, the materials of the dark matter detector must be very strong.

It is several times stronger than the materials they discussed at today's meeting. It must not only withstand the impact of meteorites, but also the devouring of black holes and the corrosion of rays.

Director Yang shook his head slightly in his mind: "How can such a material exist? At least based on the materials that have been discovered on the earth, such a material has not yet appeared."

"If such material really appeared, we wouldn't be so distressed at today's meeting."

"It is impossible for Ye Fei to allow the dark matter detector to travel through the universe instantaneously."

After a while, Director Yang entered the office.

Director Yang's office is not big, with a desk, three bookcases filled with books, and a sofa.

On the desk lies a black desktop computer and some pen and paper.

There is a set of quilts and pillows on the sofa.

Usually when Director Yang works too late, he doesn't go home and just lies on the sofa all night.

Director Yang sat down at the desk, took off the glasses on his nose and put them on the table. Then he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose between his eyes with his fingers. The depression in his heart slowly dissipated with this movement. a little.

After a while, Director Yang put down his hands, opened his eyes, shook his head to wake himself up, and then put on his glasses again.

Then, he turned on his computer and prepared to check the email Ye Fei sent him.

Soon, he opened the email.

In less than a minute, his eyes widened in surprise and his lips trembled: "This..."

Then, he pinched his right arm hard with his left hand.

"It hurts..." Director Yang said in surprise.

"High hardness, light weight, and high stability!" Director Yang said excitedly: "This is the most perfect material. There is no more perfect material than it."

Immediately, he looked at the email and said anxiously: "Is this true?"

He was very uneasy, fearing that the materials and data Ye Fei sent him were false.

If you look at the material data in the email, this is the material their department has been looking for.

Moreover, the material was even more perfect than they expected.

In addition to whether the material data is accurate, there is also whether the material can be mass produced.

If the material cannot be mass-produced, it cannot be used to make satellites.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found Ye Fei's WeChat account, and wanted to call him.

Then, he put down the phone again and said, "It's already past twelve o'clock now. Ye Fei must be asleep. Let's call him tomorrow!"

That night, Director Yang lay awake on the sofa, looking at the ceiling with his eyes open, feeling uneasy and praying that the material data provided by Ye Fei would not be false and that it would be productive.

Of course, reason told him that it shouldn't be fake.

However, if it has not been personally acknowledged by Ye Fei, there is a certain probability that it is false.

Therefore, he is more worried about whether it can be mass produced.

The material quality is up to par, and if it can't be mass-produced, then they can't use the material.

The next day, early morning, six o'clock in the morning!

Ye Fei was lying on the bed sleeping. At this moment, the mobile phone placed on the bedside table next to him suddenly rang.

"Ding Lingling..."

After the phone rang for a moment, Ye Fei opened his eyes in a daze, then closed them again. He reached for the phone on the bedside table, then looked at the phone with half-squinted eyes. He didn't see clearly who was calling him on WeChat. , he connected WeChat.

He said in a sleepy voice: "Hey!"

"Academician Ye!" Director Yang's voice rang from the mobile phone, saying: "I'm very sorry to call you so early."

Although Director Yang didn't sleep all night, he was very energetic at the moment.

"'s Director Yang!" Ye Fei tried his best to wake up and said, "Is something wrong?"

"Academician Ye, is the material data you sent me last night true? Do you have this material now?"

Ye Feidao: "It's true, the materials are in my hands."

Director Yang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he asked very anxiously: "Can it be mass produced?"

"Yes, the production principle is somewhat similar to carbon nanotubes."

Ye Fei was much awake now and could talk to Director Yang freely.

Ye Fei took the phone and lifted the quilt, stood up from the bed, and then went to open the curtains.

In an instant, dazzling sunlight shone in from the window, breaking through the darkness in the house.

Immediately, Ye Fei opened the window, and fresh air rushed in.

Behind Ye Fei's house is a big mountain.

Ye Fei took a deep breath, and the refreshing air flowed through his nose. He saw a green mountain in front of him, and he felt very relaxed.

"Director Yang, based on the material data I gave you, is it possible to create a dark matter detector?"

Director Yang smiled and said, "Of course."

"But, Academician Ye, I want to see this material with my own eyes."

Director Yang is still a little worried and wants to see this material with his own eyes.

"Okay!" Ye Feidao.

Director Yang said impatiently: "Okay, I'll book a flight ticket now and arrive in Jinling in the afternoon."

Ye Fei stopped him and said, "You don't have to come to Jinling. You can go directly to the Graphene Research Center and see that there is F60 graphene there."

"F60 graphene is the name of the material in the email I sent you."

"Graphene Research Center?" Director Yang asked in surprise: "Is this a material developed by the Graphene Research Center?"

Director Yang was very confused. Some time ago, he asked Director Li from the Graphene Research Center if he had materials suitable for manufacturing satellites.

But Director Li told him no.

However, now Ye Fei told him that F60 graphene was developed by the Graphene Research Center.

This made Director Yang a little angry. Why, I asked you, but you said no, but it was Ye Fei who told me in the end.

This made Director Yang feel that he had been tricked by Director Li.

In fact, this is not Director Li’s fault. The main reason is that F60 graphene has not yet been approved by the higher authorities, so naturally it cannot be told to others.

Ye Fei is the discoverer of F60 graphene. If Ye Fei wants to use it in advance, he can naturally do so.

Ye Feidao: "Yes!"

Director Yang gritted his teeth in his heart, "Okay, that's true. Director Li, just wait. I'm going to settle the score with you today."

Director Yang said: "Academician Ye, thank you very much for telling me this news. We will talk later."

After speaking, Director Yang hung up the phone.

Ye Fei held the phone and felt that something was wrong with Director Yang's last tone.

Ye Fei shook his head slightly and didn't think about it any more.

Ye Feixin said: "Since dark matter detectors can be made, the next step is to develop how to make dark matter detectors made of F60 graphene realize instantaneous travel in the universe!"

"Even with the experience of instant information transmission, it is still very difficult to study this problem."

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