[The Golden Crow Project was a complete success! This is the power of nuclear fusion! 】

[Generating 75 million degrees per hour: the power of the sun! 】

[The miracle of human civilization, the miracle of earth civilization]

【The sun stays here forever! 】

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the first day of the New Year, when even the self-media should have a holiday, the Internet is full of all kinds of exciting news.

The entire country of China, even the families who did not watch the news last night, have learned about this matter that has excited the people of the country under this overwhelming propaganda.

In various related articles, the success of the Golden Crow Project is also introduced in a more understandable manner.

For ordinary people, it may still be difficult to understand what it means to generate 75 million kilowatt hours of electricity per hour. However, in these articles, it is explained very concisely and clearly that electricity bills will be greatly reduced, and even some experts It is also predicted that in the future, a system will be implemented in which the first level of household electricity is free, that is, all household electricity consumption within a certain kilowatt hour will be free.

Because in the past, the per capita electricity consumption of each household was only about 60 kilowatt-hours, and if converted to a family of three, the monthly electricity bill might only be more than 100 yuan.

But now that controllable nuclear fusion power generation has been used, the electricity bill has been greatly reduced. It is estimated that the monthly electricity bill may be less than ten yuan.

By this time, the time and labor costs incurred by each household in collecting electricity bills, plus the cost of generating electricity, will probably be higher than the electricity bill of just a few dollars.

Even though most areas now provide online payment methods, there are costs for setting up payment servers, maintaining payment systems, manual verification, payment stubs, and a series of other things. If these costs are included, , in the end it may still be more than the electricity bill paid.

Therefore, from the perspective of economic interests, it is entirely possible to achieve free electricity within a certain power consumption range.

For the vast majority of these popular science articles, just clarifying this point can make the vast majority of ordinary people excited.

No matter what, although the electricity bill of more than 100 yuan per month does not seem expensive, it will feel distressed every time you actually pay it.

Once this kind of free welfare is implemented, it will obviously be a major thing to improve the overall happiness of society, and it can also highlight the style of an advanced civilization.

For a sufficiently advanced civilization, adequate social welfare is a very important condition.

Of course, for those practitioners, when they saw this news, their excitement was naturally higher.

For most practitioners, electricity costs account for a large proportion in production and operations, and now that the price of electricity has dropped dramatically, it seems to be very useful to them.

For example, in the semiconductor industry, whether it is chip foundries or chip raw material production in the mid-to-upstream industry chain, the cost of electricity is often the largest share.

For example, Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company is the company responsible for chip production among the two companies established since the success of the X-ray project.

Today's Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company has become the world's number one chip manufacturing company after so many years of development. After all, better process technology and cheaper production costs have directly dominated TSMC since its birth. Nowadays, the world's well-known chip design companies, such as Apple, Warwick, Nvidia, AMD, etc., have handed over various chip products to Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company.

All in all, today's Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company has become a company that accounts for 65% of the chip production share, while TSMC's share has shrunk to less than 15%, and Samsung has only less than 15%. to three percent.

On the contrary, after the original Huaxin International received capital injections from Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company and the X-ray lithography equipment production company responsible for producing X-ray lithography machines, it received approval to purchase X-ray lithography machines, and now accounts for 10% Fifteen shares.

As for the remaining share, it will be divided up by other "small workshops" - in today's semiconductor business situation, other chip manufacturers have been described as "small workshops".

Of course, because their market share is high enough, even though the electricity bill is much cheaper than the EUV lithography machine because of the use of X-ray lithography machines, they still occupy the majority of the electricity bill.

Now, once cheap electricity from controllable nuclear fusion is used, Chinese chip manufacturing companies will be able to continue to sweep the world's chip foundry market at cheaper costs and lower prices.

Of course, it just so happens that many of Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company's foundries are established in the Bohai Rim Economic Circle, which overlaps with Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Therefore, for Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company, it can now Enjoy the huge dividends brought by controllable nuclear fusion.

In addition, there is Hebei Province, which is a major power-consuming province in the country. It is a large industrial province with factories everywhere. For example, in the famous steel production rankings, China ranks first in the world, followed by Hebei Province. Province, the third place is Tang City.

Since Hebei Province can produce so much steel, the demand for electricity is naturally quite high. Now that cheap electricity can be used, the cost of producing steel here will also be greatly reduced, and steel is the most important raw material in industry. First, the price drop brought about by the huge drop in steel costs will also feed back to the entire industrial system.

In this way, the entire industrial system will develop in a healthier direction.

In the same way, the production costs of other important industrial raw materials will also become cheaper, resulting in higher profits.

In the past, China was a high-cost, low-profit world factory, and from now on, it will also begin to develop into a low-cost, high-profit world factory.

Therefore, the success of the Golden Crow Project is the beginning of its true rise.

Therefore, people across the country are becoming more and more excited. In this New Year, the things people talk about are no longer just family affairs, but also topics such as the Golden Crow Project and controllable nuclear fusion. In the past, such topics were absolutely impossible. It is often mentioned in the mouths of ordinary people.

Of course, at the same time, while we are celebrating the New Year happily in China and celebrating each other, this is far from the case in various places abroad.

Controlled nuclear fusion was the first to appear in this eastern country, especially since this country is also known as the crusher of developed countries. This moment is no less than the fall of darkness for any other country.

So political leaders around the world began to hold meetings overnight because of this incident.

At this time, a media news from America also shocked people. Their president actually fell into a coma after learning about this incident. During the period when the president was in a coma, the vice president took over. Presidential power.

This makes people feel that it is too difficult to treat an eighty-year-old man like this.

This is simply equivalent to playing Civilization 6 when you are still struggling in the Middle Ages, but someone has already invented the atomic bomb.

Of course, for people in many countries, when they heard the news, they basically just said: Like, pop the champagne!

However, no matter what, this incident has successfully affected the nerves of the whole world. No one knows what the next situation will be like.

But for politicians from various countries, they all know that history has reached a turning point.

Next, there may be a war that destroys mankind, or it may be witnessing the afterglow of one country and the rise of a new sun for another.

The Kremlin.

"Your Excellency, our neighbors to the south are now far beyond the allies we once were."

A white man looked at the man sitting in front of the large desk with a nervous tone in his tone.

Their neighbor to the south is a country with a policy of "diplomacy far away and attack near". Although this neighbor has never shown such signs recently, at this moment, they must also consider this kind of thing.

After all, the relationship between America and its surrounding countries is the best proof.

Just like the maid flower that lives in the back garden, you can only let it be picked.

Will the vast Asia also develop such a geographical relationship?

The man at the large desk stopped writing the official document, but for a moment, he didn't say a word.

After a while, he stood up and walked to the huge window, looking out at the silver-covered city.

Then he said: "Our friends have mastered the sun, but we still need to rely on the sun in the sky - especially at this time of year."

The people behind looked at the falling snow outside the window.

White Moscow can defeat a cavalry that sweeps across Europe, but it can also trap the people living here in this white sky.

"what do you mean?"

"I have never thought about making our people's lives worse. We have to do everything within our capabilities. Therefore, the best choice for us now is to borrow the sun."

The man turned around, returned to the desk, and then said: "Go and ask our friends if they are willing to accept my visit at this time."

Seeing the president return to his desk to work, the subordinate did not dare to disturb him anymore and lowered his head and responded: "I understand what you mean."

Then he raised his head again and slowly left the office. As he closed the door, he took another look at the President. Although the President's figure was still upright, his age had left behind a bleak look after all. trace.

After closing the door, he looked at the spacious palace hall again. There were two portraits hanging on the wall next to them. They were also the only two great emperors in the history of the Russian Empire.

Looking at the wantonness in the statues of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, he sighed.

Likewise, time has also left dark traces on their country.

And the same scene doesn't just happen here, it also happens in the highest political venues of other countries in the world.

At this time, how to stand in line has become the key test for each country.

But obviously, for many countries, the right to choose their side is not in their hands.

After all, there are not many countries in this world that truly have sovereignty.

"Academician Lin, we're here."

Downstairs of Lin Xiao's home in Jincheng City, a Hongqi L5 parked here. National security officers in black suits opened the back seat door and said to the people inside.

The person sitting inside was naturally Lin Xiao.

After hearing the sound, he let out a long yawn, then opened his sleepy eyes and looked around.

Well, it’s a familiar environment.

He shook his head, not bad, now his mind is extremely clear, and his understanding of many past knowledge has become deeper.

With a brain development rate of over 17%, the effects are obviously self-evident.

The only problem is that my head feels a little uncomfortable when I get the bonus.

But when the national security officers saw his appearance, they thought he still needed a good sleep, so they asked: "Academician Lin, do you still need to rest? How about we park the car here and you can rest slowly?" "

Lin Xiao came to his senses, then waved his hands with a smile and said, "No, I'm already asleep."

After all, the comfort of Hongqi L5 is not limited. At least he slept all the way without waking up once.

Then he got out of the car and looked around. The cold weather gave the world a cold tone.

But it was familiar to Lin Xiao. After all, he had been facing such cold colors when he went home for several years.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone."

He smiled and said thank you to the national security officers who kept sending him to his door during the Chinese New Year.

But obviously, when these national security personnel faced his thank you, they quickly said: "You are serious, you are a hero of our country, this is what we should do."

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "Let's not talk about the meritorious role or not. Let's go up first and have a meal together."

"That's no need. We will make arrangements. We will live next door to your house. If anything happens, just contact us."

"All right."

Hearing this, Lin Xiao said nothing more.

Sometimes he also admires the work spirit of these people, at least they are more dedicated than him. After all, if it were him, if he didn't have important research work, he would definitely leave some rest time for himself sometimes. of.

Not to mention that he basically gives himself a holiday during the Chinese New Year, unless he is in a hurry.

Of course, it is a special job after all.

Without stopping, he went upstairs, arrived at the door of his home, and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened.

And his parents were standing at the door, looking at him with surprise.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

he said with a smile.

Both Lin Guowen and Yang Rong quickly stepped forward and hugged their children.

"Kid, you have worked hard."

Lin Xiao seemed a little caught off guard by the hug, but soon a smile appeared on his face, and he enjoyed the warmth of family affection after being busy for so long.

When the national security personnel who were originally following him saw this, they consciously took a few steps back and did not disturb them.

Of course, these national security personnel would also smile heartily when they saw Lin Xiao's child-like appearance.

Although they sincerely admired Academician Lin for his superhuman intelligence in his daily research and work, at this moment, in front of his parents, he was still just a child.

In this way, after a moment of hugging, Lin Xiao also separated from his parents, and then walked into the house with a smile, and these national security personnel were able to continue their work.

After Lin Xiao returned home, he naturally chatted a lot with Father Lin and Mother Lin. At the same time, he also ate the food cooked by his mother, reminiscing about the taste of his childhood.

"The role of controlled nuclear fusion?"

When she heard her father ask her about this thing, Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but laugh: "I remember that there are a lot of this kind of things when I search online?"

"But I just want to hear it from your own mouth." Lin's father spread his hands and said: "I think that others can only learn about it from the Internet, but I am different. I heard it directly from the chief engineer of the Golden Crow Project. How awesome is it to tell people?"

"So I haven't read any of the articles you mentioned."

Lin Xiao suddenly shook his head in amusement.

Where does this sense of unprovoked comparison come from?

Of course, he also knew that it was probably the idea of ​​being a parent.

Then he shrugged and said, "Okay, then I'll say it."

Then he explained exactly what it meant.

From politics to economics, technology, and military.

Although Lin Guowen doesn't know much about technology, as someone who works in the industrial and commercial sector, he still knows a lot about politics and economics, as well as the military.

So just like that, Lin Guowen finally fully understood how influential this controllable nuclear fusion was.

"According to what you said, we now have inexhaustible energy and no longer have to worry about environmental pollution. Isn't this nuclear fusion equivalent to the ultimate technology? In what direction should we develop in the future?"

Lin Xiao smiled and then said: "Developing into the universe, as well as medical technology, these are all things that need to be considered."

“In addition, we must also face the situation that although carbon dioxide emissions will gradually be controlled within a controllable range in the future and the greenhouse effect will gradually weaken, the earth’s heat may still continue to rise due to controllable nuclear fusion. "

"Why is this?"

Hearing this, Father Lin became confused: "Can nuclear fusion generate electricity and heat the earth?"


Lin Xiao said: "After all, we have created a sun on the ground, and the temperature on the ground will definitely rise."

"Aren't they all used to generate electricity?"

"Who said that? Our energy utilization rate for controllable nuclear fusion is less than 20%. Part of the remaining energy is used to maintain the spontaneous reactions of controllable nuclear fusion, and some is used as heat escape. Scattered around."

"And this heat will naturally cause the temperature of our earth to rise."

"Although we were able to avoid this problem in the early days by relying on the earth's own cooling system, in the future with more and more nuclear fusion reactors, we are bound to still face such problems."

"Of course, the issue I'm talking about is not a big issue for this hundred years. It is an issue that future generations need to consider. If you mention it now, it is like worrying about the Milky Way in a few billion years. Like Andromeda colliding, there’s nothing to worry about.”

But Lin Guowen was confused at this time, because he still didn't understand the logical relationship that nuclear fusion would increase the temperature of the earth.

Of course, I was too embarrassed to admit it in front of my son, so I coughed twice and said, "By the way, your..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Xiao stood up suddenly and said, "I'm going back to the room first. I need to rest. I didn't sleep well last night."

Lin Guowen was blocked when he was about to say the word "girlfriend", so he had to say: "Okay, have a good rest."

Lin Xiao snorted in his heart, wanting to GANK him? There is no way!

The Spring Festival has passed like this. For every Chinese, this Spring Festival is completely a holiday that makes people full of hope for the future. Even the stock market is beginning to show signs of a bull market.

Having hope for the future makes the entire society full of vitality.

Lin Xiao also said goodbye to home and returned to Jinmen City.

Although the goal of the Golden Crow Project has been completely successful, the next finishing work will naturally require some discussion.

Similarly, just like after the success of the X-ray project that year, this finishing work was also a feast of cake distribution.

Controlled nuclear fusion, how big is this cake?

Even Lin Xiao doesn't know how to imagine it now.

But what he knew clearly was that this feast was probably going to be another good show.

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