From all-round academic master to chief scientist

Chapter 420 Complete unification of experiment and theory

"Seventy percent work."

Gross shook his head and recalled that when he saw Lin Xiao a few times before, he only regarded Lin Xiao as a talented physicist.

And now after reading this paper, he even felt for the first time a sense of being crushed in terms of talent, IQ, application skills, etc.

"It's really scary..."

He shook his head and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Then he re-read the entire paper. All in all, the comprehensive academic level displayed in this paper, which relies on pure theoretical derivation, is probably no less than the multi-dimensional field theory that Lin Xiao originally developed.

If he were allowed to go back to his youth, he would probably really want to be Lin Xiao's student.

While he was sighing in his heart, suddenly his cell phone rang, and he glanced at the caller, his name was Frank Wilczek.

This was his student and the physicist who discovered the asymptotic freedom of the strong interaction with him. They won the Nobel Prize in Physics with another person that year.

He could guess a little bit about the purpose of his favorite disciple's call, and after answering the call, Frank Wilczek's excited voice came from the other side.

"Oh, my dear Professor Gross, I bet if you had just read Lin's paper on CEPC, you would have been extremely surprised."

Gross smiled and said: "Bingo, you won the bet, but there is no reward."

Wilczek on the other end of the phone laughed immediately: "Sure enough, I knew you must be paying attention too."

Gross laughed and scolded: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Who in the world of physics doesn't pay attention to the unification of the three fundamental forces now? Just make a call now, and I guess they are either reading the paper or have already finished it."

Wilczek said: "Okay, okay, I know, no matter what, Lin's paper is so... amazing. He actually derived the final result entirely through mathematical processes. I thought he was It relies on experimental data from CEPC.”

"Yes, this is really amazing."

Gross said it was hard for him to disagree, and then he joked with a smile: "If you could be as good as that Lin Xiao, I, as a teacher, would probably be able to enjoy my old age in peace."

Wilczek said helplessly: "My dear professor, what you said is really shocking. Even if I am not as good as Lin Xiao, aren't you proud of me? The world of physics is envious of you having me as a student. .”

"Hahaha~" Gross laughed.

But as he smiled, his laughter gradually stopped. After a while, the sighs of this pair of model masters and apprentices in the world of physics came from the microphone.

Even if they are model masters and apprentices, after seeing Lin Xiao's achievements, the two Nobel Prize winners in physics seem to have lost their luster.

Of course, perhaps what they can also praise is that they at least have the Nobel Prize in Physics, but Lin Xiao does not.

But as for why Lin Xiao didn't, they still knew better.

So even when I think that they have it but Lin Xiao doesn't, I have to feel ashamed.

And the same scene did not only happen in the offices of Gross and Wilczek. Similarly, many people around the world were amazed by the ability shown in Lin Xiao's paper.

The process of unifying the three forces derived from pure theory must be very difficult, just like the original electroweak unified theory.

And the former is a bit more difficult, especially since research on the strong interaction has been going on for so many years, and until Lin Xiao started research, no important results had appeared for a long time, and the unified theory of electroweak systems has been around for a long time. It was completed in the 1970s and was experimentally verified in 1983.

As a result, people are looking forward to Lin Xiao's next academic seminar even more.

In this way, the time came for the day of the report meeting.

For Lin Xiao, holding an academic report or something like that was basically as normal as eating and drinking. Of course, it was different for those present who came to participate in the report.

Because every time they attend Lin Xiao's report meeting, they always bring them some refreshing and important results, and these important results can often bring some help to their subsequent research.

Therefore, for these participants, they really wished that Lin Xiao would hold more report meetings.

Of course, it is precisely for this reason that there are often very many people attending Lin Xiao's report meetings.

Like this time, there were more than 2,000 people, a lot of whom were from CEPC, and some who were not in China originally but flew over overnight after hearing the news.

Because of this, even the venue for this report meeting was rented in the conference center.

After all, more than 2,000 people are still too many. In addition to the more than 2,000 people at the scene, there are no less than 10,000 people watching the live broadcast of this academic report online. Although there are quite a few people among the less than 10,000 people, They are just here to join in the fun, or they are some students or something. Of course, there are still quite a few big names in physics included, such as Nobel Prize winners in physics like Gross and Wilczek.

As a result, nearly 20,000 people were waiting for the report meeting to begin.

At this time, Lin Xiao did not stay backstage, but sat in the front row.

Sitting next to him was Wang Yi.

Wang Yi looked at the scale of the scene. He had held a report meeting of this size before. At the CEPC groundbreaking ceremony report meeting, he was addressing this scale.

But if the word "academic" is added and it becomes an academic seminar, then he has never held one before. Look at how many bigwigs there are in the audience.

At this moment, he couldn't even imagine it.

Finally, he looked at Lin Xiao next to him and asked, "Lin Xiao, I still haven't figured out how you wrote this paper."

"Obviously before writing this paper, you have been busy with us about CEPC? It would be easier to understand if you used the experimental data about CEPC in the paper."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "But before I was busy with CEPC, I had been studying this."

Then he waved his hand and said: "Of course, I will talk about where my inspiration comes from later."

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, Wang Yi couldn't help but become curious.

Where did the inspiration come from?

Then he really needs to listen carefully. Maybe he can encounter this kind of inspiration next time?

At this time, the time has come for the report to begin.

After the host took control of the report, Lin Xiao walked up to the stage. Looking at the "hungry for knowledge" eyes in the audience, he smiled slightly and said: "Thank you everyone for coming to my report again. Of course, nonsense There’s no need to say more, there are so many old acquaintances in the audience, so I won’t say too much.”

"However, before getting to the point, I would like to talk about an issue that may be of interest to everyone."

“That’s where the inspiration for me to complete this paper came from.”

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, many people in the audience immediately sat upright.

Indeed, they were all curious about where Lin Xiao's inspiration came from.

Lin Xiao then smiled and said: "Of course, this is my source of inspiration. You can just take it as a joke and don't take it too seriously."

His words immediately confused everyone in the audience. What did this mean?

At this time, Lin Xiao took out his mobile phone, opened an audio file, and then played the sound.

Then, everyone in the audience could only hear various sizzling sounds, very much like those teammates who were playing games.

Now the people present were even more confused, what the hell is this?

Then, Lin Xiao stopped playing, and then laughed: "Before CEPC started, I put a recording pen in the detector, and then when CEPC started, the electromagnetic waves caused by particle collisions were recorded, and then This formed the sound that everyone just heard.”

"When I heard these sounds, it seemed that I was inspired, so I turned around and came up with the theory of the unification of the three forces."

“So, that’s where my inspiration comes from.”

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, his smiling expression seemed to be in sharp contrast to everyone in the audience who rolled their eyes.

Obviously, people in the audience didn't believe what Lin Xiao said at all.

I thought I could really hear something useful.

Of course, there are also some people who feel that sometimes inspiration requires a metaphysical aspect. Maybe what Lin Xiao said is true?

Then some people really wanted to try it.

However, these are all things for later.

Lin Xiao stopped talking nonsense and said, "Okay, we're done with these jokes. Let's get down to business."

"That is, how the strong interaction is unified with the electroweak interaction."

"So, first of all, let's get into gluons, the elementary particles responsible for transmitting the strong interaction force."

"According to the equation..."

Lin Xiao's report officially began, and everyone present stopped thinking about the joke just now and listened seriously.

And Lin Xiao's personal account is obviously better than what he said in the paper.

As time passed, everyone was mesmerized and came to the end of the report.

The end of this lecture has also symbolized that in physics, the electroweak and strong interactions have been completely unified experimentally and theoretically!

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