In front of Mu Feng, who was sitting upright, a headmaster of Nakano College, whose hair was a little warped and streaked with gray, crossed his hands and said softly

"Don't be nervous. This exam will not affect Mu's study in our school. It's the same as what we said when we contacted before. We just hope that Mu can show his grades. After all, when we took the exam for studying abroad, we only set the foreign language and mathematics and chemistry subjects.”

"no problem."

Mu Feng replied bluntly, although he didn't know when he said the 'same thing', anyway, he just did it.

The secretary at the side moved several test papers and a pen to Mu Feng's face. His eyes scanned the papers, English, Mathematics, Mandarin, Geography and History, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, a total of seven papers.

But there are not many questions, basically multiple-choice questions, plus two to three application questions, but the questions are a bit difficult—or many of them are beyond the scope of high school.

"Let's set the time at one hour." Principal Nakano said with a smile

"In the name of the 'genius' carried by Mu, he must be able to do it."

genius? When did I have this title? Mu Feng, who thought about it and made complaints about it, narrowed his eyes and glanced at the test paper.

No problem, although it is a bit difficult for high school students, but it is not a big problem for the review of knowledge after the hellish senior year in the Celestial Dynasty and the super memory brought by the adjuster.

It is impossible to achieve a perfect score, but it is absolutely easy to achieve a 90% score.

"Of course, no problem." Mu Feng said confidently, then opened a round chewing gum and threw it into his mouth.

Although it's okay to do it by himself, he just wants to try his new baby.

In the next moment, write like a god.


"Computer pencil (gum version)?" Mu Feng frowned as he looked at the third prop displayed on the light screen.

The exchange price is 50 evaluation points, which means that the evaluation points required for the original non-incomplete version of this thing are at least five hundred.

It's a lot of money, and the most important thing is that if you buy it, the evaluation points you need to pay after 20 days may not be enough.

"Although the rules of the system cannot directly inform you of the specific uses of the relevant product, this system strongly recommends you to buy it." The system said softly

"After all, this is from the 'twenty-second century'."

"Twenty-second century?" Mu Feng was stunned for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly

"You said, it can't be...the twenty-second century!"

"Of course, it is the 22nd century when conservation robots are allowed to hold bombs on a scale that can destroy the galaxy." The system chuckled.

"This thing came from there."

Mu Feng's mind instantly remembered what a computer pencil is, a pen that can automatically fill in answers, one of the props of the blue fat man that Mu Feng dreamed of when he was a child!


Without hesitation, he immediately chose to exchange 50 evaluation points for this item. After passing this village, there will be no more shops here, and even if it is a broken version, it will not be a problem for the product from that terrible 22nd century!

Product Name: Computer Pencil (Gum Version)

Product grade: none (defective products cannot be graded and cannot be purchased)

Product introduction: From the world of Doraemon, it is a trial product from Omniscient Company. The purpose of this product development is to replace the original product "computer pencil", to provide users with more efficient and covert answers to questions, and to temporarily transmit information into the brain when chewing gum. However, due to the large defects of this product after the completion of development, this product is directly connected to the thinking network to convey information. If it is equipped with a miniature quantum computer like a computer pencil, the huge information generated by the connection network will cause personality damage, so we have to retreat. Secondly, the attached microcomputer and quantum network link functions were cut off, and it was changed to a simple information storage and processor.

Product price: no

(Click to view the detailed data)

What floated in Mu Feng's palm was a round chewing gum wrapped in colored sugar paper, similar to the watermelon chewing gum that Mu Feng had eaten when he was a child.

"Storing and processing information? This thing... how to use it?"

Mu Feng raised the chewing gum in his hand, thought for a moment and put it in his mouth, turned on the computer and clicked on the downloaded practice questions, and looked at them while chewing.

The taste of chewing gum is very good, an indescribably sweet taste, but there is no reaction other than that, and there is no inconceivable knowledge pouring in.

He spit out the gum, and the chewed gum quickly returned to its original shape in the palm of his hand.

Well, it can be reused, but even if Mu Feng is killed, he will not give this thing to anyone other than himself.

"Information storage and processor, which means that information needs to be loaded into it, which means that this thing may have the function of a USB flash drive..."

Mu Feng's thoughts had just arisen, at this moment the ball-shaped chewing gum was like flowing mercury, transforming into a silver USB flash drive in his palm.

"...future technology, shocking."

While admiring Mu Feng, he inserted the USB flash drive into the computer. The next moment, a silver border appeared on the computer screen, with the words written in Japanese on it.

'Data retrieval loading... 1%, 100%!'

The data was downloaded almost instantly, and the speed was so fast that it was worthy of alien technology. Mu Feng immediately took off the computer chewing gum and threw it into his mouth, while chewing, he looked at the question again.

The moment his eyes came into contact with those obscure math problems, all the answers had already appeared in his mind, and even the corresponding problem-solving ideas were attached.

The paper that originally took half an hour to finish was completed in less than five minutes!

"I needed this thing in the college entrance examination back then, but I couldn't do it easily when I got into Peking University and Tsinghua University."

Mu Feng took out the chewing gum and held it in his palm like a baby in amazement

But it would be a real waste to use such a baby simply for cheating in exams. In Mu Feng's opinion, the questions at the Nihong high school level were not difficult, and this chewing gum was more suitable for him.

With it, he is equivalent to carrying a storage knowledge base of modern information, as long as he thinks, he can act as an almost 'omnipotent' person.

"It's not that convenient. This product is a defective product, and it's not even the slightest bit worse than the original."

The system suddenly jumped out and said lazily

"Although the original version of the computer pencil had to be written by hand, in fact the amount of knowledge contained in it contains all the future knowledge of the entire 'twenty-second century'. Theoretically, as long as you exchange for a computer pencil, you have the ability to Replicate a set of technological products of the 22nd century."

"Strictly speaking, the chip in your hand is nothing more than a brain chip, which can record and transmit knowledge, but even if it records only 'existing' knowledge. It cannot allow you to obtain advanced knowledge, it only Allows you to have the knowledge you have now."

"Enough!" Mu Feng said confidently as he gripped the computer chewing gum tightly.

"With him, I can make a lot of plans in the future. At least I don't have to worry about work... I don't have to worry about starving to death!"

Although it is a very low thing to make money with such a thing, the most important thing is to have enough food. In short, come step by step steadily.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you one thing." The system suddenly smiled gloatingly

"The traffic charges generated by this thing to download data online will not be erased, that is to say..."

With a sound of ding dong, Mu Feng turned on the phone, and the text message sent was a message that he had used up all the data package charges for this month, and that he was in arrears to the maximum amount of 50,000 yen.

"NMD, WSM!!!"


ps: Ask for tickets at the third watch! ! !

Chapter 13 12. A few things about the school

The content of the school's entrance examination was unexpectedly difficult.

In the past, I always heard people on the Internet say how easy foreign high schools are and how easy the questions are, but in fact, 80% of them are misunderstood messages that are the same as "1 point on the Einstein test" produced by marketing accounts.

In a sense, they are right. Some foreign public middle schools have terribly simple questions because they advocate happy education, but that is only limited to some public schools, such as better public and private schools. The questions are not much simpler than domestic ones.

As for Nihong, although they are quite influenced by the capitalist "quality" education and the "Pacifier Fun" plan, high school is terribly easier than in China, but that doesn't mean how simple their teaching content is.

After all, they are all countries that have been influenced by Chinese culture. Whether it is a stick or a neon, many still believe in exam-oriented education, and scores prove everything.

Moreover, a group of people who really worked hard in the high school of Nihong and Bangzi either joined the corresponding clubs to accumulate experience for future goals after school, or went to cram schools.

The Minenosuke Higher Academy that the system arranges to enroll in is a prestigious school with a deviation value of 77 to 74 in Nihong. Strictness is also a matter of course.

But having said that, the original designer of this school was definitely kicked out of his head by being able to build the school gate in front of a 100-meter-long slope with an angle close to forty-five degrees!

When his thoughts were flying, he had already done all the papers in his hand, except that he deliberately made a wrong part of the Mandarin, so he handed the papers to the secretary.

The correcting speed was very fast, in about four questions and five minutes, the scores of all the papers were presented in front of Nakano Headmaster.

"Good! Very good! As expected, he is a genius with almost perfect marks in the entrance exam!"

Principal Nakano looked at the six papers in front of him with full marks and one paper with 80 points and nodded in satisfaction. The only one that didn't get full marks in Mandarin was also understandable. Not to mention that it is almost impossible to get a full score on the subjective questions, just because the people from Huaguo do not have a deep understanding of the neon language, getting a score of 80 is already very capable.

"I just didn't expect Mu to learn history so well."

The principal of Nakano Academy picked up the history paper and said, half of the paper is world history, and half is neon history. It is not easy to get high marks by relying on foreign history

"It's just rote memorization, and I will do my best for projects that involve test scores."

Mu Feng replied with a humble face

"There is no need to be modest, a good memory is also a great skill."

Principal Nakano crossed his arms and sighed suddenly.

"Student Mu, I actually didn't mean to make things difficult for you when the school started, but recently... our Minenosuke Academy is going to merge with the Sakakano Academy on the next campus, because it is an order from the Ministry of Education, and there is nothing we can do about it."

"Oh..." Mu Feng showed a clear expression

When investigating Minosuke Academy, he also learned about the recently merged Sakakino Academy, an ordinary Japanese high school with a stable deviation value below 50.

Mu Feng also didn't understand what the Ministry of Education and Culture of Nihong was thinking. It was as if the Hengshui High School and a secondary technical school next to it were merged into one because of the close proximity...

It may be a bit extreme to say that the technical secondary school is a bit extreme, but in terms of the difference in the deviation value between the two sides, once the other party merges into Minenosuke, the deviation value that was originally proud of it will definitely plummet.

If the deviation value drops, the school's ranking will drop, there will be no good students, and the deviation value will be even lower. As a semi-private Mininesuke Academy, it will decline further because it cannot get more resources.

Whenever he thinks of this, the president of Nakano Academy probably loses all his hair in a hurry, but this is an order from the Ministry of Education, and it is also the intention of several directors of this academy.

The ghost knows what those school directors want to do, it would be a big battle just to stuff their hapless daughters in. But the dean can guarantee that if Minenosuke smashes it in his own hands, then he, the dean, will come to an end.

It is impossible to refuse, and it is even more unacceptable to gather the poor students of Sakakino Academy into a few classes for differentiated education. If you dare to do this, you are blatantly expressing your support for the poor society, and it is not just PTA ( Parents Association) warned, if he fails to make trouble, he will have a bad reputation forever.

As for educating those poor students well, Principal Nakano thinks he still doesn't have the ability. He can't learn from Huaguo next door to lock up these students for militarized education, can he? If he dared to do such a thing, he would be the head of the school to the end.


"Student Mu, I hope to gather a few top students from our school. If necessary, we will let the best teachers in the school tutor alone. I only hope that you can get the top rankings in the national mock exam!"

Headmaster Nakano's eyes shone with ambition, and he said loudly

Oh, so I was thinking about it.

Since it is difficult to recover the negative impact on the school after the merger of the two schools in terms of quality, we simply start with the top quality. As long as the top few students of the national mock exam are Mininesuke's students, the publicity effect will naturally come, and he will have enough answer sheets to hand in.

"Hmm...Principal Nakano, although I personally want to respond to your call, it's just that my personal time may not be able to support me to devote all my spare time to study." Mu Feng said tactfully

"Because of various problems, I have temporarily lost contact with my family, so I have some financial problems. Your school's tuition fees for studying abroad are not cheap. In addition to my rent, I spend most of my spare time working part-time. superior……"

"All your tuition and miscellaneous fees for two years will be exempted!" the head of Nakano College said boldly with a wave of his hand

"Besides, I can also introduce you to a few high-paying jobs that don't waste too much time. As long as Mu can get the top three in the national mock exam, then I can also write a job for you. A letter of recommendation from a prestigious school."

"Deal!" Mu Feng immediately stood up and held the hand of the principal of Nakano Academy.

He doesn't care about recommendation letters from prestigious schools, he only cares about the tuition and fees. Anyway, he didn't know how much he would have to pay, but wouldn't it be nice to avoid all future troubles now?

"But a high-paying job..."

"Don't worry." Principal Nakano showed a playful smile

"I still need to investigate and investigate, and there are also his own candidates over there."


"Well, if everyone has no objections, classmate Gui will be chosen as the monitor."

Accompanied by the appointment of the class teacher, Gui Yanye, who had been stirring her fingers below, jumped up and walked up to the stage with a very nervous expression

"Why are you so nervous, student Gui, haven't you been the class monitor for a year in your freshman year?"

The class teacher looked at the nervous girl and laughed. Gui Yanye really wanted to give the teacher a calm smile, but his timid heart couldn't be so calm and generous. In the end, he could only nod slightly.

"I'll do my best."

That year's high school class monitor career was not something to be happy about. For Gui Yanye, coming to this Minenosuke Higher Academy was the intention of her mother, and serving as class monitor was an opportunity for her to hope to change herself. didn't turn out well.

It can only be said that Yan Ye is a responsible monitor, even a little too responsible. In the end, while being regarded as a tool by the students, they think she is nosy.

Teenagers and girls at this age have not completely shaken off the stupid thinking of junior high school students. Girls will subconsciously reject Gui Yanye who is tall, beautiful and has good academic performance. Even if boys and girls like her, few can really express it clearly.

Unknowingly, she was isolated. Once the cold and violent atmosphere formed into a rigid environment, it would soon become more thorough.

Therefore, Gui Yanye, who was standing on the stage, looked at the many old classmates who remained in this class after being divided into classes, and felt even more entangled and afraid.

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