Extreme Knight

Chapter 33 Great Advancement in Swordsmanship

? "This is the advanced swordsmanship talent?"

Sensing this change, Sean couldn't hide his joy.

With such terrifying talent in swordsmanship, it is no longer impossible to possess Benjamin's swordsmanship. After all, he is now at the same height as Benjamin, and the only thing he lacks is time to improve his swordsmanship.

It is impossible for him not to be envious of the weird swordsmanship that Benjamin displayed at the last moment.

Even though his strength is mediocre, even because the chivalry he practiced is not as good as the swordsmanship of the Silver Frost Knight, and even the average students of the same grade at the Neo Knight Academy, he has been able to force him into danger several times. The reason for hiding his strength, but it is enough to see the horror of Benjamin's weird swordsmanship.

Of course, the most important thing is that the effect of swordsmanship will not be weakened due to the increase in strength. Even if it reaches the realm of knights or even great knights, the effect will not be weakened in the slightest, just like a permanent amplifier. It was what made him most envious.

Wanting to understand this, Xiao En didn't want to delay for a moment, and immediately put himself into the practice of the Silver Frost Knight Method.

Silver Frost Reflects Snow

silver frost first snow

silver frost spring snow


Nine styles of Silver Frost Knight swordsmanship were practiced one by one, and all kinds of understandings and perceptions came "forward and backward". At no moment, Xiao En's perception of the sword would be so clear.

After one pass, Sean had a new understanding of the Silver Frost Knight's swordsmanship.

After two times, Xiao En had a deeper understanding of the Silver Frost Knight's swordsmanship.

After three times, Sean learned a lot about the Silver Frost Knight's swordsmanship.

After four times, Sean began to try to add what he had just learned to the Silver Frost Knight swordsmanship.


After ten times, Sean's Silver Frost Knight swordsmanship has changed to a certain extent.

The swordsmanship is still the original swordsmanship, but it has become smoother, and the connection between moves has become more natural.



In the grove, Sean was practicing swordsmanship. The swordsmanship he was practicing now seemed to be the swordsmanship of the Silver Knight, but it was quite different from the swordsmanship of the Silver Frost Knight practiced by others.

This difference is mainly reflected in some details of sword moves.

For some sword moves, the sword's lifting range is obviously higher than others...

For some sword moves, the tip of the sword obviously retreated a little. Although the attack distance became shorter, it gave him more coping ability...

It has been a month since Sean obtained the advanced swordsmanship talent. During this month, Sean's strength has grown again, and among them, swordsmanship has grown the fastest, almost soaring at a rocket-like speed.

It is understandable that he has made such a big improvement. In the past, he only had elementary swordsmanship talent. With hard work, his swordsmanship was slightly stronger than other peers, but it was limited. In the eyes of a swordsmanship genius like Benjamin, It can be said that it is still in a relatively crude state.

But now that he has advanced swordsmanship talents, these rough spots can be easily detected and corrected, which is why his swordsmanship will grow extremely rapidly within this month.

Of course, he is still far from Benjamin's level of swordsmanship. After all, Benjamin has been able to reach his current level of swordsmanship after several years of training. Benjamin's current level.

However, he was not discouraged by this point. The high-level riding talent he possessed was something that Benjamin could not have, so he was destined to be ahead of Benjamin, a genius who only had talent for swordsmanship.

In the morning, in one of the open-air training grounds of the many colleges of the Neo Knight Academy, students from the sixth class were paired up and practicing with each other.

Among them, the battle between the two was the most eye-catching. They almost occupied a large area of ​​the training field, but none of the students were dissatisfied. Instead, they looked at the two with awe.

Among the two, one of them has a handsome face and is a boy with blond hair, while the other is a boy with abnormally fair skin. They are Sean and Thackli.

Although Wallace left, he still left behind some methods to deal with Sean, one of which was this newly recruited follower, Thackli.

Recently, Thackli would come to Xiao En every time he encountered duels, and his intention of provocation was naturally self-evident.

For this kind of provocation, Sean was extremely angry on the surface, but in his heart he burst into laughter.

After taking the medicinal bath, his physical fitness is not much better than that of Sakri. In addition, his swordsmanship is stronger than that of Sakri. Although it is not easy to defeat Sakri, it is absolutely It won't be too difficult.

But he didn't do this. Instead, he hid part of his strength after the medicinal bath, so that his strength remained at the level before the medicinal bath.

There is a purpose in doing so, and his purpose is to make Sackri his "free sparring partner".

Among the current six classes, the one with the closest strength to him is naturally none other than Thakri. Facing the opponent, Xiao En can fully use it to his heart's content without worrying that the opponent will be easily defeated by him. Isn't this the best sparring partner?

So during this month, he has been suppressing his strength to practice against Thakry. The only thing he didn't suppress was his swordsmanship. After all, he fought with Thakry to hone his swordsmanship.

However, the frightening progress in swordsmanship in this month made Thakri, who was practicing against him, feel more and more chilled.

In the beginning, facing Sean, he had an absolute advantage. Every time he could suppress Sean, he was in danger and made Sean feel embarrassed.

Afterwards, when Sean faced him, he felt much better and had some strength to fight back. Although he was still suppressed, he was not as embarrassed as he was at first.

Afterwards, Sean was able to draw with him by virtue of his swordsmanship.

But now, Sean can rely on his sword skills...


The two swords collided, making a violent impact sound.

The strength of Thackli's sword was obviously stronger, and Xiao En immediately took a step back.

Seeing this, a gleam of joy flashed in Sacre's eyes, and just about to make persistent efforts, when he shot at Sean again, he was surprised to find that Sean, who was obviously at a disadvantage in the duel just now, was actually faster than him in drawing the sword.

call out!

A sword light flashed across his chest, and a neat crack suddenly appeared on his black leather armor.

The slit was smooth and smooth, and the extremely fair skin under his knight uniform could already be seen from the slit, but there was not a single wound on his body.


Sakri looked at the slit on his chest in disbelief, his eyes filled with horror.

He didn't understand why the opponent could take the lead before him even though he was faster in both strength and speed.

"You lost!"

Sean smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, looked at Thackeray, and said jokingly.

With the sword just now, he could have stretched a little further and injured Sakri, so he won the duel.

The reason why he didn't hurt Thackli was not because he was kind, but because he couldn't.

After all, this is just a "combat duel", the teacher Chaucer obviously will not allow anyone to be injured, once he finds that someone is likely to be injured, he will probably stop it immediately, so Sean absolutely refused to injure Sarah during the duel. Kerry's thoughts.

As for Thakli's shock, why his sword speed is faster than Thakli's, it is also easy to understand.

Because there is almost no gap in the connection of his moves, and there is no pause time at all, but Thackli is different. His moves still have pauses. Although the pause time is small, it is still enough for Sean to strike first.

"I actually lost?"

Hearing Xiao En's words, Thackli's face turned pale.

He actually lost to Sean! ! !

Once upon a time, Sean was the kind of guy he looked down on the most. After all, the other party had failed the assessment twice in a row and was about to be expelled from school.

But it was this most contemptuous guy who actually defeated him now, which made him feel extremely unreal.

Although he had seen Xiao En's frightening progress in swordsmanship in the past month, he was still full of disbelief when Xiao En really defeated him.

Glancing at Thackli, who was ashamed, Xiao En shook his head.

Originally, he wanted to slap the other party with a few words. After all, the other party was ordered by Wallace to retaliate against him, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Let the other party be my training partner for free for a month, even if there is resentment in my heart, it should be gone by this time.

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