The next day, Aimoye arrived at school.

The atmosphere in Heyuan is lively. It is said that today is the first day of the grade competition. The lower grades can go to watch the competition and the curriculum will be reduced by more than half.

Lin Jiahui had been waiting for a long time, and as soon as Ai Moye arrived, she was dragged to the competition venue.

Heyuan has a holographic 4D projection venue, and each venue is planned.

Snowy mountains, deserts, wastelands, etc. are suitable for people with different abilities to choose venues for pre-match training.

In the Snow Mountain Pavilion, several second-year ice power users were fighting each other. Various icicle ice knives were slashing at their opponents, and frost was flying all over the sky.

Lin Jiahui lay on the tempered glass and said infatuatedly, "The seniors and sisters are so powerful. Look at this superpower. If it hits me, I will die on the spot for them."

Ai Moye said, "I think it's quite convenient. Do you think that if it's a hot day, you can make yourself some ice cream to relieve the heat?"

Lin Jiahui, who is also a water-based person, said, "Convenience is convenience. You can condense the water factor anytime and anywhere and wash your hands."

She knew that moxa leaf is a rare type of wood, and said, "Can you also stimulate the growth of plants and get some fruits for yourself to eat at any time?"

Speaking of this, Aimoye took out a mini watermelon from her bag.

"It's for you."

Lin Jiahui took it and looked at it over and over, "These stripes are so strange. What kind of fruit is it?"

"Watermelon, have you heard of it?"

"No." Lin Jiahui shook her head.

Aimoye said, "Although it is small, it should taste good. I brought it specially for you."

No wonder she felt her bag was so heavy that she couldn't take it out for a long time.

Lin Jiahui accepted it and put it in her backpack first, planning to take it back and share it with the dormitory residents.

The two went to visit other venues, and the seniors were training intensively in order to compete.

People without abilities mostly use mechas for training.

Arriving at the ordinary venue, Lin Jiahui looked longingly at the tall and fierce mechas.

"When we are sophomores, we will have mechas."

"Does every student have one?"

"Yes, Heyuan is the only one among all the schools that issues mechas to all students. After all, it is backed by the royal family and major nobles, so it is arrogant."

Ai Moye has checked that in the interstellar era, the use of mechas in military applications was extremely proficient.

Mechas are not only used to fight against Zerg and star beasts, they can also provide the oxygen and environment that humans need on many planets that are not suitable for human survival.

Most of the military medical students are military medical reservists who will go to space to join the military in the future, so they also need to learn how to operate mechas in order to move freely in space.

Ai Moye also hopes to have her own mecha as soon as possible. Think about how convenient it was when Di Lie used the mecha to help her cultivate land and open up wasteland.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon, and the sophomore year competition began.

Each second-grade class at the Military Academy selects several top students to compete between classes.

The content of the competition is to go to a planet and kill the Zerg. Whichever class kills more people will naturally win.

In addition to the military academy, each team will also be equipped with a medical student to treat patients anywhere.

At that time, the students had arrived above the uninhabited planet, and countless Zerg species were roaring, glaring at the humans who dared to invade their territory.

The teachers came in advance to check the spots, circled a general area, cleared out the high-level Zerg that the students could not defeat, and left some "chess pieces" suitable for competition.

In addition, the army also sent people to guard the outside of the competition circle and provide immediate rescue if there was a situation.

The entire competition was broadcast live, only for the students of Heyuan University to watch.

Ai Moye spotted a familiar face in the camera.

"The third boy on the left side of the second team seems to be in the same grade as us, right?" Aimoye remembered meeting him once during an open class.

Lin Jiahui said, "That's Su Qi from Class 2. Like you, he has wood-type abilities. I heard he is another S-class in the empire after Master Sophora Mu. It's a rare opportunity in a century to be invited to compete."

The boy was very handsome and elegant. Because of his rare dazzling white hair, Ai Moye paid close attention to him.

At this moment, a boy named Suchi is also competing as a military doctor in the military academy team.

Each team, including the medic, totaled six people. When the whistle sounded, they immediately landed from the airship and began to kill the Zerg.

The superpowers first controlled the mechas. After being continuously attacked by the Zerg, the mechas became dilapidated and they simply left the mechas and began to use superpowers to kill them.

Those without special abilities always drive mechas, fire artillery fire from a distance to attack, and cover their companions.

This is a fusion and collision of technology and superpowers. The bodies of the Zerg are in pieces, and the camera lens is painted red with scarlet blood.

The first-year spectators were on tenterhooks, the second-year spectators were very calm, and the third- and fourth-year students did not pay attention to the senior competition at all.

Two hours later, the first-round scores were being tallied and the contestants took a short break.

The spectators were able to take a breather. Lin Jiahui found out that there were classes after the meeting, so she took Ai Moye to the cafeteria first.

The food in the cafeteria was tasteless, so Ai Moye took out the pickled radish she brought and shared it with Lin Jiahui.

Lin Jiahui took a bite and was shocked, "What is this? It's sour and sweet, so refreshing!"

"It's just pickles, don't be so exaggerated." Aimoye liked everything in Heyuan, except the cafeteria.

Lin Jiahui didn't even eat the vegetables. She ate at Ai Moye's kimchi like a chicken pecking at rice, and quickly emptied the whole jar.

Aimoye said sympathetically, "If you like it, I'll bring you some next time."

Poor child, it's just pickled radish, it's as rare as anything.

Lin Jiahui was full from eating carrots and did not refuse. She said, "If my family sends special products, I will leave a portion for you."

After the two finished eating, they went to class again. Lin Jiahui was thinking about the competition and was distracted in class. She was hit on the head several times by teacher Zhou Yinian in the pharmacy class.

After class, the two discovered that the whole school was in an uproar.

Lin Jiahui quickly logged into the school forum, glanced at it quickly, and said, "Ye Ye, something big happened!"

Ai Moye leaned over and took a look, and her pupils suddenly shrank.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Heyuan time, the second round of competition was going on on the unmanned planet.

However, at the end of the game, high-level Zerg appeared in groups and attacked the team.

Although teachers and the army quickly launched rescue operations, most of the students were injured.

The live broadcast is currently interrupted and the casualties are unknown.

After closing the forum, Lin Jiahui said, "It doesn't make sense. Heyuan has grade-level competitions every year. It stands to reason that the teachers are very familiar with it. There is no way that there are still high-level Zerg that have not been cleared away in the competition circle."

Ai Moye said, "Those who can participate in the competition this time must be the top students in the second grade. If they are injured, they may not be able to participate in the interstellar competition."

Lin Jiahui said, "There are very few sophomores who can participate in the campus preliminaries, and even fewer who can participate in the final interstellar competition. Every time it is said that they are selected from several grades, but in the end it is the third and fourth graders who take the lead."

The magic formations learned in the third and fourth grade are more complicated than those in the first and second grade. There are many high-level magic formations emerging one after another, and some can even carry star beasts to fight.

Even the mechas in the third and fourth years are gradually trying to improve themselves, making them much more powerful than the rubbish mechas in the second grade.

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