After nightfall, Ai Moye dug a pit at the entrance of the cave, then threw firewood into the pit to light a fire, and placed a big potato next to the fire to bake.

The potatoes didn't smell very fragrant, and there wasn't much pulp inside. They were very dry, making Aimo Ye lose his appetite at all.

But even so, you have to eat it. It is better than the same prison food - coarse grain bread three meals a day.

The prison guard responsible for supervising the prisoners in the management center saw this scene from countless monitoring screens.

"Come and look, another fool has eaten the seeds."

The person next to me came over and said, "Haha, if there is no harvest to hand in at the end of the month, she will know that she shouldn't be greedy."

Someone else said, "However, she only ate one potato. If she planted others, maybe..."

Before they finished speaking, they watched Ai Moye move a stone slab, put it on it, and cut the remaining potatoes and sweet potatoes into pieces.

Everyone was silent.

In the cave, Ai Moye had no idea that she was being watched.

"Damn, you're so stingy! You have five potatoes and five sweet potatoes, and you still let them grow the land? You don't care how low the germination rate is. Are you deliberately trying to bully criminals like us?"

While muttering, Aimoye placed the cut sweet potatoes separately, and then looked around the cave to see if there was anything that could be used.

Water pipes are installed in the cave, but each person can only use 3 liters of water per day, because Huangxing is already short of water and cannot be wasted by the prisoners.

If excess water is needed for planting and breeding, a report must be made to the center.

The cave is actually very big, at least hundreds of square meters, but it is very empty. There is a spring bed, a cupboard, and the toilet is blocked by a curtain.

There was only one washbasin in the toilet, and Ai Moye shouted to the drone, "Can't you give me two more basins?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a hole opened above the cave, and two stainless steel basins fell down with a clang.

A ruthless voice came from the drone: "Prisoner No. SB250, two stainless steel basins were paid in advance, and he owes the center 10 star coins."

Ai Moye: "..."

Are all people on this planet as cruel and ruthless as the male protagonist?

Got the pot and spread the soil on it.

This kind of soil was dug out when she cut down the bushes.

It is wetter than sandy soil, and the remaining shrub rhizomes can be used as fertilizer, and mixed with plant ash, it can bring more fertility.

Later, Aimoye used plant ash to sterilize the sweet potato and potato pieces.

If it weren't for the fact that the center is too picky, it should actually be germinated, and the success rate would be higher. But in order to get more seeds, we can only cut them into pieces.

After doing this, Aimoye put the seed pieces into the basin, buried them lightly, and sprinkled a few drops of water evenly.

The prison guards were stunned.

What kind of planting method is this? Shouldn't we just bury the sweet potatoes in the ground and let them grow freely?

One person complained, "I said we should train first. Look, this idiot is just wasting food!"

Another person mocked, "Don't expect these former wealthy ladies to actually cultivate plants. They can't even tell the difference between rice and wheat. They are even more useless than the stupidest idiots!"

In the cave, Ai Moye was unaware of this comment and waited happily for the seeds to germinate.

When Ai Moye struggled to farm the land, in the capital of Blue Star and the castle of the Imperial Marshal, the subordinates were silent.

"So, no one knows what happened that night?" The man sitting on the sofa had a very noble posture, black hair and blue eyes, and looked around at his subordinates with a smile.

Everywhere he looked made everyone tremble.

After a long time, the deputy general who couldn't stand the pressure stepped forward and said, "Marshal, maybe it's your hallucination?"

"Oh, hallucination?" the marshal said in a high tone, as if he was very interested.

The deputy general said bravely, "The Ministry of National Defense sent news that the phantom bugs from Bug Star may sneak into Blue Star. This bug can cause very strong hallucinations after biting people in an unknowing moment."

The marshal's eyes were cold and he said with a smile, "I must have cooperated very cooperatively and left scratch marks on my back when I was hallucinating. Those marks don't even match my fingerprints?"

The corners of the lieutenant's mouth twitched.

No one wants to know the details, Marshal, there’s no need to tell them!

The marshal changed his tone to a more relaxed tone and continued to be weird.

"It seems that when I was young, I should have studied acting instead of entering a military school. Otherwise, with my talent, I would definitely become the best performer in history. Is that what you mean?"

The lieutenant buried his head, determined to play dead until the end.

A few days ago, Marshal, who had been single since birth, suddenly said that he was slept with... ah no, he was slept with someone else.

That person may have been romantically involved with him, but he walked away afterwards without leaving any clues... now corrected, leaving bloody scratches on his back.

Maybe it was because the marshal, who had been single for decades and had always been pure and innocent, couldn't bear this blow, so he had to find that person and cut him into pieces.

The confidants have been secretly investigating for several days, suspecting everyone who attended the party, but they can't find any information.

The lieutenant general was worried that if this continued, they would be the ones to be torn into pieces.

"Marshal, please rest assured, we will definitely find this person!"

The marshal said calmly, "If the cakes painted can be eaten, humans will not have to worry about food problems at all."

After driving out the useless men, the marshal fell into deep thought.

Under the setting sun, the marshal's great face was also plated with a dazzling golden color.

There are many men and women who have always wanted to climb into the marshal's bed and fly into the sky, but they have never been successful.

Until that night...

The marshal smiled softly, his face was so gentle, but his eyes were sinister, and his knuckles crackled.

He didn't want a woman to appear in front of him soon with a big belly and hold him responsible.

Whether it's out of ambition, true love, or some other reason, if you want to use this method to blackmail him, he won't give in.

So, get rid of the stupid schemers first before harming one more innocent life.

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