After going home and taking a shower, Zhang Chi, who had been drinking too much, felt that his head was not as groggy as before, but he still felt dizzy. Finally, he lay down on the sofa and thought he had found the most comfortable way to rest.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

I almost heard a child's voice calling in my dream.

Zhang Chi looked around blankly, but there was no one around!

""Daddy, Daddy" the calls continued, but Zhang Chi just didn't see anyone.

Suddenly he remembered something, and suddenly felt that all the hairs on his body stood up.

"Damn it!"

"Daddy, don't be afraid! do not be afraid! I'm not a ghost, I'm your daughter"

"daughter? What daughter? I don't have a daughter! I only have one son, and he is studying for graduate school in other places."

"Daddy, I am really your daughter, I am by your side"

"Around? where?"

"Daddy! Do you see that stone next to you? I'm inside that stone now"

"daughter? Inside the stone?"

Zhang Chi looked at the trouble-making stone that had been placed next to the bed.

It was indeed abnormal! The trouble-making stone was now emitting bursts of blue light, which looked particularly weird.

Zhang Chi was in a trance for a moment!

"Daddy, daddy," the childish voice still shouted crisply.

"what happened? How is this going?"

"Don't be afraid! Daddy! Don't be afraid!"

"I'll tell you slowly"

"I'm not from Earth, I come from a distant water planet"

"oh! I am not an alien, I am the daughter of an alien and you!"

"A daughter conceived by an alien?"

"Are you really my daughter?"

Zhang Chi, who was deeply regretful for not having a daughter and had already despaired of having a daughter, suddenly heard that he had a daughter.

Having a daughter... having a daughter…

"Do I really have a daughter?"

"Really, daddy! I am your daughter!"

"you! you! Why are you in the stone?"

"Damn it! Don't panic, don't be afraid, let me tell you slowly, this is all a bit long."

"Far, far away from the earth, there is a water-terrestrial star. The water-terrestrial star has an environment very close to that of the earth, but is slightly larger than the earth. There are the same mountains, rivers, oceans and forests."

"About 100,000 years ago, people from the Water Planet came to the Earth for the first time. They conducted a comprehensive survey of the earth. They also found several great apes that were very similar in gene and appearance to the water-dwelling people. In order to promote the rapid evolution of the great apes on the earth and improve the intelligence of the great apes, they conducted experiments on several different female apes using the sperm of the water-dwelling people. Conception."

No wonder biologists and archaeologists can't find any evidence of the long process from apes to humans. The skull of the only missing Peking Man seems to be a treasure.

Zhang Chi seems to understand a lot. Something I didn’t quite understand

"The people who were born after the union with the water-earth star were named new humans. Among the several new human groups, only three species reproduced more successfully, namely Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, Homo heidelbergensis, and Homo heidelbergensis. Some of the less successful ones did not survive as long and had less impact than these three groups."

"After the new human race has multiplied to a certain number, they will be dispersed to different parts of the earth and allowed to grow and reproduce on their own.

But in the end, only Homo sapiens became the master of the earth, and other human races eventually became extinct due to various reasons."

"The water-dwelling planets and earthlings are actually cousins."

If the above relationship is published, I don't know how many scientists and biologists will be shocked. This completely changed Darwin's theory of evolution and their long-term research on human evolution.

"More than 6,000 years ago, the human race in various parts of the earth had developed to a considerable scale, and the water-dwelling stars once again carried out an upgraded intervention on the earth's people. Teach them planting, urban construction, written records, and some necessary social management, etc."

No wonder civilizations emerged in different places thousands of miles apart on the earth almost at the same time.

Mesopotamia civilization, ancient Egyptian civilization, ancient Indian civilization, Chinese civilization, Mayan civilization, ancient Greek civilization, etc., the age of their emergence They are not much different. This has puzzled scientists.

Human evolution has millions of years. Why did so many civilizations arise at the same time in just a few thousand years? In ancient times, production Under the conditions, it is impossible for them to communicate with each other and transmit different civilizations as easily as they do now.

This is unscientific!

It turns out that the ultimate reason is this! Zhang Chi thought to himself

"After the earth entered a civilized society, the scientific and technological level of the Shuidi people has also improved a lot, and it has become much more convenient to come to the earth for inspections.

Because they often come into contact and interact with humans all over the earth, and help them, people on earth who are not civilized can easily worship them as gods and gods."

This can also explain the religious beliefs that different civilizations around the earth arose at almost the same time.

If we take some of the crystallizations of modern earth civilization back thousands of years ago, humans at that time would see airplanes, cars, mobile phones, cannons, etc. Yes, it would be strange not to think that they are magical weapons used by gods, and modern people who use these magical weapons will naturally become gods.

What's more, the civilization of the Shuidi people is much higher than the civilization of the people on earth today. There are many, and the magical instruments are correspondingly much more advanced.

"Then, why didn’t we see the Shuidi star people again? Zhang

Chi asked curiously

"Daddy! This starts from the history of the civilization development of the Shuidixing people."

"The civilization history of the Shuidi Star people, due to the continuous development of science and technology, embarked on the wrong development path, which directly led to their final annihilation.

We, the people of Earth, must fully learn the painful historical lessons of the Shuidi people in our future development."

Zhang Chi noticed that in his daughter's conversation, she referred to the alien water-dwelling planets as"them", but used the term"we" to the earthlings. This may be because her attentive daughter was stating the fact that she is an earthling like her father, and she also wanted to be with the earthlings. Daddy established the same emotional bond.

Zhang Chi felt warm inside for having such a caring daughter!

"I won’t go into details about what happened before the civilization of the Water Earth Star. It’s not very significant. I’ll start with the time when it was at the same level as Earth’s civilization!

When the civilization of the Shuidi people reaches the third level, it will be similar to or slightly higher than the civilization on modern earth.

They invented a computer that can be directly connected to the human brain, which is what we people on earth call brain-computer integration. At first, they handed over many tasks that humans could do to computers, such as memory storage, knowledge and skills. Hard storage indicators such as storage can be understood as equivalent to hard drives on the earth. In addition, most of the strengths of computers such as logical reasoning and complex calculations are completed by computers.

The main function of the human brain is to do more abstract things such as planning, design, invention and creation.

Later, in medicine, different mechanisms were successively invented that could replace the functions of various organs of the human body. For example, artificial eyes, artificial skin, artificial ears and nose, artificial heart, artificial bones, artificial muscles, human lungs, artificial liver, etc.

This greatly extends people's lifespan and improves their quality of life.

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