It would be strange if the medicine of the Haitian civilization could be analyzed by people on earth so quickly!

Scientists on earth have been studying small viruses and bacteria for decades, but they still can't find a way to deal with them. What's more, this medicine not only contains repair fluid, but also has so many complex ingredients in it.

"This is a good idea!"

Wei Lai stopped lying on his stomach and knelt down from the bed.

A pair of white hair trembled and dazzled.

Drool dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"You have some potential, okay?"

"Looking at your pig-like appearance, I feel a little embarrassed."

Can you blame me? After peeling off his skin, Wei Lai's skin was particularly good and moist, as if it was about to burst. The skin on his face was also replaced, revealing his originally beautiful face. Although his hair and eyebrows were only She has grown a little bit, but Zhang Chi has never seen those exquisite facial features. Many female stars don’t have such exquisite and well-matched facial features!

This is completely a beauty crafted by the Creator!

It seems that she can win the title of school beauty. It’s really not covered

"Have you seen enough? Do you still want to see it?"

Wei Lai puffed up his chest and looked down at Zhang Chi proudly.

"Your woman is not bad!"


Zhang Chi had a magical week, and today it came to an end. Wei Lai had to go to the hospital where he had tested positive for AIDS for a re-examination. AIDS cannot be felt at ordinary times. Without a strict examination, Wei Lai could not be completely relieved.

In addition, Wei Lai also needs to confirm whether the cancer cells have been completely eliminated. After all, although all the fleshy lumps outside the body have fallen off, whether all the cancer cells in the body have been eliminated still requires detailed scientific examination.

There is another thing, after these two diseases are confirmed to be completely cured.

To convey a message to the outside world, she, Wei Lai, has specific medicines to treat various types of cancer, and AIDS is not incurable.

Of course, according to Zhang Chi's request, the incidental matter must be particularly cautious. For the safety of the two of them, Zhang Chi must make arrangements before it can be implemented.

Zhang Chi currently has two things to do.

First of all, you need to raise some start-up funds, and secondly, you need to establish enough qualifications that can be recognized and protected by the country and the government, and you must not be exposed.

This last one is particularly difficult and requires careful planning.

Zhang Chi gave all the company's severance package to Wei Lai. Women can't live without money. It hurts a man's self-esteem too much to talk to his parents when he has a man of his own. Regardless of Wei Lai's firm opposition, the domineering Zhang Chi insisted Ask her to accept it.

It is not easy for Zhang Chi to find money now. The key is that the money must be clean.

Wei Lai did not go down the mountain with Zhang Chi because their relationship could not be made public. Surveillances are now everywhere in the city. Although the two of them have nothing now and don't have to worry about what the surveillance will see, it will not be difficult to find out when there is something in the future.

The days Zhang Chi spent in the mountains were pretty good, but it was quite sad that he could see but not move. If the AIDS virus in Wei's body could not be completely confirmed and eliminated, Zhang Chi would never be allowed to go any further.

Zhang Chi is about to go down the mountain, and he still misses his baby from time to time.

Bao'er still stayed at the head of the bed quite honestly, sitting in the nutritional nest.

Zhang Chi gently caressed the civilization inheritance incubator containing Bao'er, his heart filled with tenderness. Although a father's love is said to be as strong as a mountain, in fact there are also times when a father's love is very tender.

Bao'er, Bao'er, my beloved daughter, when can I see you! Daddy misses you!

Zhang Chi’s eyes are moist!


A weak call

"Bao'er, my Bao'er, aren't you in retreat to develop?"

"Daddy, I miss you too!"

"Daddy! You are so stupid! It’s not that I can’t contact you completely because I’m in retreat, I just can’t contact you as often as I used to."

"I'm just afraid that contacting you will affect your development. Your dad's sin will be huge!"

"Daddy! Have you used memory?"

"Are you spying on your dad's brainwaves?"

"I don't know how! Without Daddy's permission, I will never peek at Daddy's brainwaves. Otherwise, would I still be your daughter? This is the most basic respect for daddy!"

Zhang Chi breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, if his daughter knew everything about Mount Emei, he wouldn't be ashamed.

Since Bao'er didn't know, Zhang Chi told Bao'er what happened on Mount Emei. Of course Some details are withheld

"Daddy! Daddy did a great job with both of these things! I want Aunt Wei Lai to be my mommy"

"This matter will take several months. After you are born, can I ask Aunt Wei Lai to adopt you as my daughter?"

"good! Daddy needs to keep his word!"

"Daddy said it must count"

"Baoer! I’ll make a small gift for your Aunt Wei Lai. It’ll be fine if it has some of your daddy’s protective features."

"It's not easy. It can be done in two days."

"Then make a small bracelet, just like daddy’s pendant."

"laugh! laugh! Daddy, isn’t it just a couple’s set? Baoer knows"

"Daddy! What are you going to do next?"

Zhang Chi told Bao'er about finding money and the need for self-protection.

Zhang Chi hoped that Bao'er would give him some advice.

"Daddy’s plan is so good! It's just that Bao'er can't help daddy."

Send a slap in the face, but in the end you can't help him with any ideas."

"Baoer! Do you have any good ideas?"

Zhang Chi still refuses to give up.

"Daddy! Bao'er can help daddy in many aspects, but he really doesn't know as much as daddy about how to actually operate it, as well as people's hearts and people's affairs! Daddy! Don't you blame Bao'er? When Bao'er grows up, he will work hard to learn more knowledge in this area and learn to master human affairs, so that daddy will not think Bao'er is useless."

What can I say? It seems that Baoer really lacks knowledge and understanding in this area.

"How can daddy blame Baoer for being useless! In fact, daddy has already thought of a way."

Zhang Chi can only lie to deceive Baoer.

"What solution does daddy think of? Tell Baoer about it, so that Baoer can also understand how to solve the problem. In the future, when he grows up, he can better help daddy.?"

Zhang Chi is so eye-catching, isn't this just making him angry? But the brain is running at high speed

"I want...I do this"

"Money... money... money, but think about it from this aspect.

Zhang Chi's mind suddenly lit up.

After being forced by Bao'er, he had an idea.

Aren’t there so many high-tech gadgets in the memory? If I were to develop them one by one, I'm afraid hundreds of years wouldn't be enough. If I just find one, run it, and find a big company that can afford the money to sell it to them, wouldn't it make money? It's also very legitimate, I just need to find a way to prevent people from knowing that this is from me.

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