"Third party?" Team leader Jia Weixin was stunned and asked solemnly: "Where did the third party come from?"

"We are looking for it, but our portable radar can only scan an area with a radius of one hundred kilometers and has not found the target. The current environment we are in cannot release hot air balloon satellites at all."

Jiang Liang typed on the keyboard anxiously: "There are two possibilities, either the other party's technology is much stronger than ours, or the other party is not within a hundred kilometers."

Jia Weixin's expression changed, and he suddenly shouted loudly: "Call that person... quickly and ask him about his luck."

"Captain, are you talking about Li Liangcai, the psychic psychic? I'll ask him to come over now." The communications soldier called hurriedly.

Soon, a young man was brought to the security center. His name was Li Liangcai. His awakened power was the spiritual power of "seeking good luck and avoiding evil". He could see blessings and misfortunes to a certain extent. If he was lucky, he could even see some pictures. .

"Li Liangcai, use your ability to see what we will encounter next." Jia Weixin said very fast.

"Yes, sir!"

Li Liangcai hurriedly used his superpower.

As a result, his eyes widened in the next moment, because in his 'vision', a 'flying saucer' covering the sky dropped the body of a strange beast, directly knocking him out of his illusory vision.

"How is it? What did you see?" Jia Weixin asked hurriedly.

Li Liangcai said dryly: "I...I saw a flying saucer..."

"Flying... flying saucer?!" Team leader Jia Weixin looked confused: "Did aliens also enter this world? What is the specific picture?"

Li Liangcai: "The flying saucer dropped the body of a strange beast to the ground."

Jia Weixin continued to be confused: "That's it?"

"That's it." Li Liangcai nodded.

"Could that strange beast corpse be some kind of source of infection?" Jia Weixin frowned and asked, "What about blessings and misfortunes?"

Li Liangcai said in surprise: "I feel that something good is going to happen, but there is also something bad. It seems like someone wants to plot against us, but it doesn't seem like he wants to harm us. But I'm not sure. My ability sometimes works well and sometimes doesn't work." .”

Jia Weixin rubbed his brows and said to the communication soldier: "Let that...that rules-based person with the ability to turn stone into gold rush to make metal and build defensive measures as soon as possible. In addition, let the epidemic prevention center prepare for epidemic prevention. "

"Yes, regimental commander!" The communications soldier called again.

"Jiang Liang, if you find any trace of a flying saucer, send a message immediately to express our goodwill and see if there is any possibility of cooperation with the flying saucer that may appear."

"Yes, Captain." Jiang Liang replied hurriedly.

Jia Weixin gave some other instructions and then left in a hurry.

He also has to preside over the problems they will face next, because they discovered a race ahead that is suspected to be the native inhabitants of this world.

Although the native residents look like humans, they are obviously not humans.

This is definitely an earth-shattering event. Three years after coming to this world, this is the first time they have discovered that there are other intelligent races in this world.

At present, they have no idea whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, whether they have good intentions or malicious intentions.

It has only been three years since humans on earth came to this world, and there have already been several strong men who can destroy mountains and mountains.

If that racial civilization were really the native inhabitants of this world, how powerful would it be?

Although humans on earth have rapidly become stronger by constantly digging ancient ruins, don't the native residents of this world know how to dig ruins?

Therefore, they were very nervous. After all, this was an encounter between two different civilizations, and no one knew what would happen.

Anyway, based on the thinking of most humans, if they suddenly discover the civilization of other intelligent races, they will feel that their dominance as intelligent creatures is challenged, and they will instinctively want to destroy the other party.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

The other party will probably have a similar mentality.

What makes them most uncomfortable is that the opponent's population is likely to far exceed theirs, and the number of strong people is completely unknown.

On the contrary, their human civilization on Earth has been completely separated. There are less than 10,000 people here. If they really fight, their chances of winning are very low, and there is no chance of winning at all.

The only thing that makes people confused is that the appearance of the alien tribe in front is so weird. They didn't notice it at all when they were far away. It wasn't until they were a thousand meters closer that they almost hit each other in the face, then they discovered the huge tribe. .

In addition, there was something strange. Even though they were only a kilometer away, the alien tribe didn't even pay attention to them. A large number of people came in and out, ignoring them directly.

I don't know whether it is because I don't take them seriously at all, or what the reason is.

But no matter what, it's too late to retreat now. Leaving your back to the alien civilization you met for the first time is courting death.

They can only dig trenches here and build defenses just in case.

"There are many ancient ruins in this world. The characters in those ancient ruins are all in Chinese. What does this mean? Is the native language of that race also Chinese? I don't know if they can communicate with each other?"

"There are also flying saucers that may appear soon... I don't know if they are aliens or other civilizations in this world? I don't know if they can communicate..."

Jia Weixin was very worried. There were no language experts in their team.

The entire new safe zone was made suspicious by Yang Yuan's unintentional behavior.

And one hundred and forty kilometers away.

Yang Yuan was also a little bit agitated: "Why did it disappear? When I zoomed in on the terrain map, the fire disc automatically aimed at that location... Could it be that it was discovered?"

I can only say that it is worthy of the military. I just scanned it, and such a large safe zone disappeared directly from the radar map.

The military definitely has powerful background that he doesn't know about.

"There is no way to run now. It is easier to become a conspicuous target by running with a Frisbee. Even if the military finds it, it should only find the Frisbee and not me. After all, the target of the three of us is too small. Surveillance first I hope the movement in that direction will not affect my next actions.”

Yang Yuan's head was spinning rapidly, and then he turned his attention to the corpse of the ancient lynx in the distance.

"The energy contained in the body of this giant beast is so high, it should be very valuable, right?"

Maybe you can try to make a small transaction with the safe zone first. If it succeeds this time, you can continue to make larger transactions in the future.

However, the Firepower Frisbee has no transportation function, and the thickness of today's Firepower Frisbee is also very exaggerated. He cannot move such a heavy beast corpse to the top of the Frisbee.

Moreover, when the time comes, I can't follow him to trade. I can't let the military people climb up on the fire-powered Frisbee to get the things themselves, right?

If someone from the military pulls some dirty tricks and dismantles the firepower Frisbee, then you will have to cry.

"We have to make a tool to help with transportation."

Thinking of this, he hurriedly walked towards the pile of remains of the fire flying disc.

The most complete one among them was restored by Zhao Jiayan, but the remaining seven were all very incomplete, almost turning into a pile of scrap metal.

These scraps of scrap metal still have great use value.

"Is this... a magnet?"

Suddenly, Yang Yuan found a fist-sized magnet among the pile of scrap metal, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"What a strong suction!"

He tried to pull and found that the metal was attracted by the magnet, and he had to use all his strength to pull it off.

"Is this material for making anti-gravity devices? In other words, there are at least seven such strong magnetic magnets here -"

An idea flashed in Yang Yuan's mind: "Yes!"

He hurriedly took out the twisted barrels, and used the surrounding stone cracks and other large metal materials to bend them into metal rings.

Then these metal rings are fastened together to make an oversized chain.

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