Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2716: Interface channel

The three quickly came to the side of the bitter fountain of hell.

The martial arts deity looked deep at the slowly surging spring water in the center of the pool.

The prisoner of Kuquan persuaded: "Master, the power of Kuquan is not trivial. It can not only suppress the ghost clan, but also cause great damage to ordinary creatures."

This is the case with the bitter spring of hell, not to mention the end of the bitter spring, the legendary Styx!

But now, if he wants to return to Zhongqian World, he has no choice but to take a risk.

What's more, the martial arts deity is very interested in the birth of Styx. If his guess is correct, the reason why these creatures in the **** world are called styly may also be related to Styx.

"You wait for me here, I'll go down and explore."

The martial arts deity left a word, then jumped into the middle of the spring of the bitter spring, his body sank and disappeared.

"Ho ho!"

There was a strange laughter from Xukong Yasha's mouth, and he muttered: "This person really dares to go down. He is going, I'm afraid he won't come back."

The prisoner of Kuquan was silent, standing beside the spring quietly waiting.

After entering the bitter spring, the martial arts deity not only has to resist the impact of the spring water, but also the strange power contained in the **** bitter spring.

The martial arts deity urged the blood, and the sound of the sea tide roared from his body, sinking continuously.

However, the spring water is surging, and the martial arts deity is going against the current. As he continues to deepen, the resistance of the spring water and the surrounding pressure, including the strange power in the nine springs of hell, become more violent!

The martial arts deity stabilized his figure, and the Kuquan chapter of "Jiuquan Hell Sutra" flashed in his mind.

He just read this scripture just once.

However, he has long understood the general formula of the "Nine Springs of Hell", so there is not much hindrance to the comprehension of the Sutra of Suffering, which can be said to be a matter of course.

Surrounded by the bitter springs of hell, compared to the bitter springs, it becomes easier to perceive the power contained in the bitter springs.

Before long, as the martial arts deity continued to comprehend the Kuquan chapter, the obstacle of the Kuquan of Hell became smaller and smaller.

The martial arts deity continued to sink.

Even in the depths of the bitter fountain of hell, two groups of purple flames were still burning in his eyes, reflecting everything around him, maintaining his vision.

In the bitter fountain of hell, there is no direction at all.

The martial arts deity just follows the direction of the surging spring water, constantly walking against the current, sometimes sinking and sometimes moving forward.

I don't know how long it took, the martial arts deity suddenly opened up, and saw an extremely shocking scene!

At the end of his sight, eight different rivers faintly appeared, like a sky full of milky way, across the endless void, flowing slowly, exuding a completely different breath!

The source of the eight rivers leads to another gloomy, endless river.

If you count the bitter spring of **** where the martial master is, it corresponds to the number of nine springs!

In other words, the dark and gloomy river ahead is the legendary Styx!

Before getting close to the Styx, just looking at the dark river in the distance, the martial arts deity felt a huge pressure!

It seems that every drop of river water in Styx contains supreme power, which can destroy the world and break the sky!

The martial arts deity continued to go against the current.

As he keeps getting closer to the Styx, the pressure from the front is getting bigger and bigger!

Finally, the martial arts deity came to the end of the bitter fountain of **** and stopped.

As long as he takes a half step forward, he can enter the Styx!

The martial arts deity stood in front of the Styx, feeling that he was extremely small, and his power, in front of the Styx, seemed vulnerable!

This kind of feeling, even when facing the Jianmu Sacred Tree, had never felt before.

The martial arts deity hesitated a little, but broke into the Styx!

In the Styx, it was cold and bitter.

The power of the nine springs of **** is like clouds and mud.

The martial arts deity forcibly urged the martial arts purgatory to fight against the power in the Styx, but the water of the Styx is constantly surging and scouring, and the martial arts purgatory is also crumbling!

He wanted to move upstream, breaking through the surface of the Styx, and coming to the top of the Styx.

But in the Styx, there seemed to be countless big hands constantly pulling his figure, causing him to sink continuously!

It is a blessing that he can maintain his figure in the Styx without sinking to the bottom of the river, let alone breaking the water.

The most important thing is that the mighty waters of the Styx pushed him down the river.

According to Void Yasha, he came down to the Nine Springs of Hell only when he descended in the Styx.

And if you want to go to the ghost world, you must go against the direction of the Styx.

With his current strength, he can't do it at all!

The martial arts deity did not stay in the Styx for long, so he quickly drew back and returned to the nine fountains of hell.

"No way."

If the martial arts deity allowed Styx to move down the river, he would not know where he would go.

What's more, with his current physical bloodline and cultivation realm, he couldn't sustain him for long in Styx.

After pondering a little, the martial arts deity can only retreat the same way.

This time, I went down in the bitter spring of hell, much faster, and it didn't take long before I came to the spring of bitter spring.

The martial arts deity broke through the water and returned to the Kuquan Palace again, breathing slightly.


Void Yasha saw a trace of surprise in his eyes when the martial arts deity came back alive.

He smelled a hint of the unique breath of Styx on the body of the martial arts deity.

In other words, this person has really entered the Styx.

"This method won't work."

The martial artist stared at Void Yasha and said slowly.

Void Yasha grinned and shrugged.

After a short pause, Void Yasha's raised eyes rolled, and suddenly said, "There is another way to go to the ghost world through the underworld."

"In the underground palace, through the six reincarnations?"

The martial arts deity moved in his heart and asked.

Void Yasha nodded.

Concubine Yu once mentioned to him about the underworld.

According to Yu Fei, the underground palace is independent of the six realms, but is connected to the six realms.

After beings have fallen, their souls will escape into the underworld, and they will escape into the six realms and begin reincarnation.

The martial arts deity asked again: "How do I get to the underworld?"

The soul in the underworld can escape into one of the six realms of hell.

But the creatures in the **** world cannot go retrograde into the underworld.

Unless, like the Lord of Hell, he has the power of the Great Emperor, he can ignore the rules and regulations and break the barrier between the two interfaces at will.

Void Yasha said: "As far as I know, there are some connections and passages between the underworld and the underworld."


The martial arts deity turned his eyes and looked at the prisoner of Kuquan beside him.

The prisoner of Kuquan never mentioned this matter to him.

The prisoner of Kuquan hurriedly explained: "Return to the master, there are indeed two passages connected between the underworld and the **** world, but there are still rules barriers at the connection, and even I cannot break it."

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