Second level spiritual vein, somewhere.

This place is close to Chixiafang City, but it happens to be the location of a new spiritual cave.

This place was first discovered by Chixiafang City, but Feicuifang City and Jusenfang spent great efforts to occupy this place.

In mid-air, three people sat cross-legged.

One was wearing a dark robe,

One is wearing a white robe,

One was wearing a linen robe.

There is a "giant brain" floating above the heads of the three of them. The giant brain emits clear light and is obviously running.

The three of them kept counting with their fingers, thoughts racing in their minds.

Suddenly the man in the dark robe opened his eyes, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"The time has come!"

Not long after he finished speaking, the other two calculated the results, obviously several beats slower.

"Fellow Taoist Mo Yuan is worthy of being a member of the Mo family, and we are convinced!"

Another person also said: "Next, please ask fellow Taoist Mo Yuan to direct me to wait..."

Mo Yuan was neither happy nor sad when he heard this and just nodded slightly in response.

He was originally a genius among the previous generations of the Mo family, and Mo Renju was just a defeated general under his command.

It's a pity that the Mohist scholar was pedantic and insisted on putting his character first. Before his death, he actually handed over the Mohist Treasure Book to that loser. This old guy had been on the run for so many years and was finally found by him.

"In that case, let's go into battle!"

"Go into battle!" "Go into battle!"

Many monks, half wearing green robes and half wearing half white and half purple robes, took their places after hearing the command and entered each formation.

But they are monks from Jusenfang and Jade Fang.

They have clearly joined forces.

"Start the formation!"

The formation monks from the two workshops injected their spiritual power into the formation flag in front of them.

The formation opens.

One by one, the large arrays began to operate, just like light bulbs that were lit one by one. When the large arrays were lit, the shaking between the arrays was induced, and soon they became a strip of light.


The monks from the two workshops controlled the formation disk, and the formation continued to circulate, beginning to have a strong connection with the general trend of the surrounding world.

After the formation has been running for a while.

The sky begins to change.

The wind howled, dark clouds gathered, and lightning flashed.


A five-element divine thunder fell from the sky, illuminating the earth shrouded in dark clouds in an instant.

After the huge thunder, lightning and thunder continued in the sky.

Several giant thunders struck the formation, causing the spiritual dragon that had just been connected to the formation to become a little shaky.

This Tianzhen Sympathy level has failed twice before, and we can't fail again this time!

Mo Yuan concentrated on it and kept counting with his fingers.

The brilliance released by the giant brain on his head is getting stronger and stronger!

"Jia-One, Zhenzhuankan, Wu-Shiba, Li Zhuangen..."

As he issued instructions one after another, the formation continued to change.

The surrounding wind roared, lightning flashed and thunder roared, and the spiritual dragon gradually began to solidify, and gradually took shape...

For the next half day, Mo Yuan and the others kept giving orders, and the spiritual dragon struggled but could not break free for a while.

However, using the small force of the formation to control the big force of heaven and earth, the law of forceful control cannot last long.

It's only a matter of time before the spiritual dragon breaks free.

Only by truly finding the key nodes and taking advantage of the trend is the right way.

This time the acupuncture was done shoddily and in a hurry for quick success, it will definitely be in vain.

However, Mo Yuan had no intention of successfully tapping the acupuncture points.

The reason why he teamed up with the other two major cities to create this battle was that the acupuncture failed, causing the spiritual veins to tremble.

Once the spiritual veins vibrate, a tsunami of spiritual power will form, impacting the entire spiritual vein's world.

The defensive formation established based on the general trend of heaven and earth will naturally be affected.

At least the effect is greatly weakened, at worst the formation is directly destroyed.

Since the defensive formations of Jade Square and Jusenfang are also built on a spiritual vein, they naturally do not want their formations to be destroyed, nor do they want the spiritual tsunami to be too strong.

After the tsunami, it is enough as long as the great formation in Chixiafang City is greatly weakened.

When the time comes, they can use the formation to break the formation, coupled with the spirit boat bombardment, they will be able to break through Fangshi.

To achieve this effect, control is key.

In order to control this speed, they have been working together for a long time.

What's even more coincidental is that decades ago, the formation master Mo Yuan came to them and was willing to cooperate with them.

His only request was to hand over the captured Mo Renju to him after they captured Chixiafang City.

Of course there was no problem, they agreed without thinking.

Half a day later, a spiritual shadow twisted like a twist could be seen in the sky. The shadow struggled wildly and was about to lose control.

"The time has come, the formation... is reversed!"

"Reverse the formation!" "Reverse the formation!"

Mo Yuan gave an order and the formation was reversed.

This reversal is like opening the floodgates to release water after a heavy rainstorm!

The surroundings were turned upside down, and the mountains roared and the tsunami roared!

The terrifying spiritual power surged like a giant dragon, destroying all the surrounding formations set up by the two major cities in an instant.

Even after destroying the formation, it’s not over yet.

The river of spiritual power, the dragon tumbling, the spiritual waves surging into the sky, the power is astonishing.

This huge wave is rolling towards the distance, and its spiritual power is surging.

At this moment, many formation cultivators were unable to escape and fell into the raging spiritual tide. They were swept up by the spiritual tide and were crushed into scum in an instant!

The monks hiding by the spiritual tide looked at the surging and terrifying spiritual tide, and listened to the high-pitched dragon roar of the spiritual tide, and they were all shocked in their hearts!

Nature is too vast and vast, and human beings are just a leaf in the ocean.

The spiritual tide continues, spreading wider as time goes by.

In the area affected by the terrifying spiritual tide, there were violent winds and rain, and lightning and thunder continued.

The ground was also rumbling non-stop.

The earth rises and falls like waves in the sea, and mountains form and collapse.

This spiritual cave was originally prepared for Chixiafang City and is very close to Chixiafang City.

After more than a month, the terrifying spiritual tide finally affected Chixiafang City.

As early as a month ago, Xue Shuyang and Mo Renju observed the changes in the general trend of heaven and earth.

The two of them instantly figured out what the two major cities were doing.

This month, the two of them have been presiding over the reinforcement formation day and night.

However, the spiritual power tide is too terrifying, and it is extremely difficult to resist the spiritual power tide with a large formation.

Moreover, this place is too close to the spiritual acupoint. They are the first to bear the brunt and need to withstand the most turbulent spiritual tide. The situation is not optimistic.

Under this terrifying spiritual tsunami, not only Chixiafang City will be affected by the most deadly impact, but Chixiafang City and Chilingfang City are not too far apart, Chilingfang City will be affected by the second most severe impact. Influence.

The current enemies are the two Dafang cities. They may attack Chiling or Chixia, or the two Dafang cities may attack together.

The situation is very bad!

Chilingfang City is one against two, and the manpower gap is too large.

It is unrealistic to want to be together in one place. Ju Sen and Jade must have deployed heavy troops between the two Dafang cities to prevent Chi Ling and Chi Xia from supporting each other.

Nowadays, there are spies outside Fangshi. Once someone goes out, they will be strangled by the monks from the two big Fangshi.

The only solution for the present is to remain unchanged in the face of ever-changing circumstances.

Defend according to the formation.

The situation will become clear after the opponent attacks.

The two cities are not far from each other, and the communication talisman can be used to send messages. After the information is ascertained, we can find ways to support them.

Compared with Chilingfang City, which has been cultivated for hundreds of years, Chixiafang City has only developed for a few decades.

Fortunately, both Mo Renju and Xue Shuyang were in this city. After a month of hard work, the reinforcement of the core array was completed.

The next step is to see whether the reinforced formation can withstand the terrifying tide of spiritual power.

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