Shang Muxiao has not responded to the news. I don't know whether I didn't see it or I was so angry that I didn't know how to reply.

The next day, the phone was still silent, and there was no information from Shang Muxiao before I got on the plane.

I'm not sure what's going on with him, hesitant to make a phone call, fingers dangling over his name, and finally moving away.

Forget it, let him go.

The flight was three hours. I took a nap and watched a documentary. After the plane landed and stopped taxiing, I turned on my phone again, and before I could unlock the screen, Shang Muxiao's phone came in. Surveillance is installed near me.

It's just that the text message breakup is not formal enough, and after a few months of getting along, I always have to say goodbye in person", which can be considered a beginning and an end.

I stared at the call for a long time and finally got through.

Before a word was said, the other side struck first.

Where are you? Why are you only picking up the phone now? ' he asked fiercely with anger.

My seat was right by the door, and I was the first to get off the plane. Thanks to the flight attendant for taking down the luggage above my head, I went out through the covered bridge while talking to Shang Muxiao on the phone.

I said, I'm on a business trip these two days, didn't you see my text message? "

Opposite Yijing, gritted his teeth and asked: What do you mean? Are you breaking up with me just because I brought you home? "

This is the first time I have come to this airport. I can't tell the direction very well. I followed the crowd for a while. Seeing that everyone took the escalator down, I looked around for a barrier-free elevator. With just this flash of energy, Shang Muxiao's tone became more and more urgent, and more and more gloomy.

Beibei, did my sister tell you something? where are you now? I'll tell you face to face..."

Is it fun to bet with Zhou Yanyi? "

It seems that he suddenly pressed the pause button abruptly, and he stopped talking for a moment. If I could still vaguely hear the breathing sound coming from the microphone, I would have thought that the phone was out of power.

'As long as I give him a little warmth and a little sunshine, he will obediently come to my hand', remember this? "I found the barrier-free elevator, and I was at the end of the queue, and people came after a while.

There are too many people, it is not convenient for me to speak, so I can only say in a soft voice: You have already won, you don't need to pretend to like me anymore, just let me go. "

How could you..." He was completely stunned, not expecting that I would know about this.

After taking the things away in the past two days, we can count as a good gathering. "The elevator came, I didn't want to talk to him any more, and I felt that I had nothing to say, so I hurriedly hung up the phone.

Arabidopsis? Mustard..."

When he put the phone down from his ear, he could faintly hear a more urgent scream from him.

Chapter 42 Goodbye, Professor Bei

Russell's ethics associates morality with human desires. He believes that there is a 'jīng god' above instinct, and the jīng god makes us no longer selfish and allows us to empathize with others. Therefore value judgments are beyond the individual, the expression of the desire of the whole human being, that is, the expression of 'hope'. We see something as 'evil' when we actually 'hope' that no one will encounter it. Ethics is still very much debated, and his ethics is not very tenable in its entirety. He hopes to have a world that is full of emotions but will not become violent and out of control because of emotions. Let's discuss beauty and wisdom together, which in itself is an absolute idealism..."

At the end of the speech, applause from the audience began to rise, and I went to the backstage lounge under the guidance of the staff.

Teacher, do you want to take a break here or go to the airport now? "

I booked the flight back to Qingwan at 6:00 pm. It is already 1:00 pm. If I go earlier, I will wait, and I will also wait here.

Take me to the airport. "

The staff nodded in response, and was busy coordinating the vehicle for me.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and the event ended successfully. It was time for me to return to Qingwan and my own home. But to be honest, I would like the lecture to go on forever, for a week, fortnight, a that I have an excuse not to go back.

The organizer specially called a barrier-free taxi for me, which is very convenient to get on and off, and I don't need to trouble others.

An hour later, I arrived at the airport, checked my wheelchair, and replaced it with a special wheelchair on board. After that, I went through the security check with the ticket and went to wait near the boarding gate.

Two hours before boarding the plane, I took out a copy of "Little Logic" from my bag and read it from scratch for some unknown number of times.

For books, people should not ignore it because they have read it, and for words, they should not despise it because they know it.

Every book is a refresher, and you can always gain some strength from it. There is no useless reading in this world.

Devoting myself to the vast philosophical theories, my spirit was so concentrated that I didn't even respond when someone called my name beside me. It wasn't until the other party gently pushed me with his hand that I regained my senses and looked at the other party in amazement.


;…doctor? "

coincidence. "He Weizhou parked a small-sized suitcase at his feet, and was holding the same ticket as mine. Don't think about it, he should also be a passenger on this plane.

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