I stopped my chopsticks and squinted at the paused picture on the phone screen.

In the movie, the heroine is wearing a black sailor suit, with long straight hair, flat bangs, and slightly raised eye makeup like a cat, which makes her innocent with a touch of sexy wildness.

I always thought this face looked a little familiar...

I stretched out my hand to cover the upper half of the face of the beautiful girl in the picture, only showing her lips and chin. After watching this for a while, a flash of light flashed in my mind, and finally I knew where this familiar feeling came from—she looks like a Shang Mu. Owl's mother.

Especially the lower half of the face, which is exactly the same. But if you look at it with your eyes, Si Ying will look a little more charming, with a rebellious look in his eyes, and Mei Zixun's calmness is completely two temperaments.

Is she the newly married wife of Shang Lu? "Combined with Yu Xixi's tips, I probably have a bottom line.

correct! "Yu Xixi snapped her fingers. She's only twenty-nine this year, one year younger than Shang Lu's eldest daughter. Sure enough, no matter how old men are, they like men in their twenties."

An outsider like me can see that the other party looks like Mei Zixun, how can Shang Muxiao not see it?

No wonder he was so disgusted with Shang Lu's remarriage. Although everyone has certain preferences in the choice of the opposite sex, it is indeed a bit subtle to be like this.

I remember that Shang Muxiao said before that Shang Lu didn't care about them, he was still living in a dream.

I didn't care at the time, but now that I think about it, it's really true.

The most amazing thing about this movie is the ending, but it was also scolded so miserably because of the ending. "Yu Xixi drew the movie progress bar to the end.

Beside the river bank, the middle-aged office worker played by the male protagonist turned his back to the camera and could not see his expression. Not far in front of him, a slender teenager in a white shirt and black pants stood in the same posture, looking up at the blue sky.

The male protagonist softly called out a name, and the young man moved when he heard the sound, and turned around slowly, pressing his ruffled hair.

Even though I was mentally prepared, I was still stunned, that face was that of a former high school girl. It's just that the long hair is gone, and the makeup on his face is gone, from a bright and beautiful girl to a handsome and beautiful boy.

Right, it was so amazing at the end, I thought it was a romance movie for the first 90 minutes, and it turned into a gay movie at the last minute, what the hell! "Feeling Director Dong's critical gaze, Yu Xixi didn't forget to add. Of course, I didn't mean to say that gay films were bad. I simply thought the plot was ridiculous."

Afterwards, the director and Yu Xixi had a heated discussion on the current situation of sexual minorities, and analyzed whether the heroine in the movie was a womanizer, transgender, or intersex.

I had a hunch that they were going to ask my opinion next, pull me to stand in line, pick up the tray earlier and escape. In the end, I don't know if they have won or lost.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and people just want to lie down in a heated room and not go anywhere.

As the exam week approached, Shang Muxiao was busy again. Even if he came to see me, he would mostly be sitting on the sofa and reading books.

I didn't dare to disturb his review, so I had to take out the book and read it like him.

It's so quiet..." Shang Muxiao put down the calligraphy and put on some music? I'm going to fall asleep."

I put the book on my lap, went to the CD shelf and picked it up, I chose "Tristan and Isolde" by Chang Wagner.

When the grand prelude full of stories sounded, Shang Muxiao looked up from the book again, raised his eyebrows and said: Classical music? "

I paused, seeing that he didn't seem to like it very much, and embarrassedly said: I'm here... that's all. "

Philosophy is always inseparable from the discussion of art, and in art, music is the most important. If you want to understand philosophy, you need to understand the history of philosophy and the era in which those philosophers lived, so I listen to classical music a lot.

Forget it, this is it. "Shang Muxiao put up the book, I'll fall asleep later, you have to wake me up..."

This is not pure music, there is singing. "

Instead of continuing to read, I went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of red wine back.

Have a refreshing drink. "I handed him the wine.

Shang Muxiao took the wine glass from my hand and took a sip, his face wrinkled.

very sour. "

I laughed and couldn't help leaning down and kissing him on the lips.

He didn't seem to expect that I would kiss him, and he remained in a position for a long time without moving, looking extra tame.

I swiped roughly between his lips and wanted to continue, but there was a passionate and pathetic jāo music in my ears, which made this kiss seem a little tragic.

Wrong music choice...

Just as I was about to stand up to change a CD, Shang Muxiao grabbed my arm. Different from my perfunctory kissing method, he completely pushed the tip of his tongue against my lips, invaded my mouth, and even went deep into my mouth. throat.

He knows where it's best, and how to make it last longer.

My hands trembled slightly, the wine in the glass was about to spill, I turned my head and ended the kiss forcefully.

Shang Muxiao was a little unhappy, and wanted to pull me, so I quickly stepped back so that he wouldn't reach him.

I'm going to change a disc...\u0026helli

p;" Putting the wine glass on the coffee table, I turned around and headed for the CD rack, and after walking a few steps, there was a movement from Shang Muxiao's direction to get up.

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