Shang Muxiao was not surprised at all, facing me with a calm face.

As you can see, I'm still stuck in nightmares and can't get out of a car accident. "

I don’t know since when, the idea of ​​reconciliation with the world has been popular everywhere. There must be no sorrow or joy, no resentment and no hatred, pursue inner peace, and take the responsibility of becoming a Buddha on the ground. It seems that carrying selfish desires is inferior, and showing hatred is unacceptable.

Schopenhauer believed that in order to eliminate the pain of life, the first thing is not to cut off life, but to achieve the extinction of the will to life through abstinence and asceticism. When the will disappears, people will no longer suffer. Inversely from this, what really proves that you are still alive is the revealing of those extreme emotions, the moment when those uncontrollable desires are vented, and doing things that can only bring pain.”

I stared into his eyes and said slowly, word by word: So, it doesn't matter if you can't let go. Not everything can be easily erased from life. "

It doesn't matter if you don't reconcile, it's okay to hate, life is a magnificent red flame, and these indelible desires will make it blaze and grow stronger.

He may have heard of this theory for the first time, and he tilted his head slightly for a long time.

...Is it okay to not let go? "

It's ok. "

Is it okay to hate her? "

Can. "

He was silent for a while, looked at me with a half-smile, and leaned down at me without warning.

OK, I'll listen to you. "

Before I could react to what he was going to do, I felt a very light touch on my face, and the soft touch felt like it was electrified, numbing the half of my body that felt normal.

This is your reward for taking me in these days. Go, see you at school tomorrow. "He was like a prankster who succeeded in mischief. He slipped away after kissing, waved at me backwards, and turned to his blue-and-white heavy machine.

I was still in shock and could only watch him go away.

When I couldn't see him at all, I raised my hand, gently touched the piece of skin he had kissed with my fingertips, then quickly closed my hand and clenched it into a fist.

Returning to the car like sleepwalking, he glanced at the rearview mirror and found that his entire face was red.

Chapter 17 You lied to me

Whenever my eyes swept across Shang Muxiao, whether he was looking at him intentionally or not, he would smile back at me.

Holding his chin, his mood is very bright, sitting by the window of the classroom, wherever I go, his eyes will fall. The leisurely appearance is in stark contrast to the students around who are listening carefully to the class and burying their heads in taking notes.

Since he didn't listen carefully, why did he come to listen?

Bergson is also a very important master in the history of Western philosophy. Like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, he does not think that instinct is inferior to reason. This thought gave rise to his 'intuition concept' on which his new metaphysical theory was built. If human beings reject reason and stay true to their instincts, perhaps they will discover the essence of life..."

The screen of the mobile phone placed on the podium suddenly lit up, I glanced at it, it was a message from Shang Muxiao.

Are you free tomorrow night?

I looked away, ignored him, and continued lecturing.

Two minutes later, the screen lights up again, the previous message is still there, and a new one comes.

Please watch the game.

. . . 'If we can ask the instincts questions, and the instincts can answer our questions, then the instincts can reveal to us the deepest secrets of life'. His "Creative Evolution", through the intuitionistic methodology, completely overturned the existing evolutionary philosophical system, marking the further maturity of the philosophy of life. "

I put the phone directly down, choosing not to be out of sight or out of mind.

When I looked over, Shang Muxiao sat upright and blameless, but when I looked away, he lowered his head and seemed to be sending another message.

Don't do things that are not related to the class. "I stopped the lecture and said in the same tone of voice that I used to speak.

In the corner of the light, Shang Muxiao raised his head quickly, and stopped the movements in his hands very consciously.

When the others heard this, they raised their heads and looked in the direction I was looking at, wondering which hapless person was warned by me. And I just randomly chose a direction to fall down the viewpoint, and didn't look at anyone. In order to avoid misunderstanding, I turned to face the big screen, called up the next ppt, and continued the lecture.

After class, everyone got up one after another, and Shang Muxiao also stood up and walked towards me. As I was trying to figure out how to get out, several philosophy students surrounded me and started asking me questions one by one.

This is really a sleepy pillow, and it really made me breathe a sigh of relief.

My life curve chart, after the car accident, has gradually fallen from the commanding heights, and now it has stabilized, and my life has not been disturbed, and it is difficult to improve. It may seem boring to others, but I enjoy it and feel comfortable and secure.

And this comfort was suddenly inserted into the variable Shang Muxiao, which made me no longer have control over my life, and my life was ups and downs again, which made me very tired.

It's not that I'm afraid of facing Shang Muxiao, I just have an ostrich mentality. I feel that if I don't face him directly and ignore him, I can always stay in my comfort zone and don't think about those complex problems.

complex psychological changes.

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