Give me the knife. "I went to grab his knife, he resisted fiercely, and a sharp pain hit his palm during the fight. The next second, the knife fell to the ground and slid to the wall due to the force.

You..." He was so angry that I felt that there was a moment when he really wanted to kill me, but when he saw my hand, he was stunned again, and his emotions were still there, unable to express, Can't go away.

My hand was scratched by a ceramic knife, leaving a blood line on my palm. Fortunately, it was not deep, but the new injury added to the old one. I am afraid it will take a while to heal.

I raised my hand and took out a tissue from my arms to hold the wound, and didn't look at him again.

You shouldn't stop me. "The hatred in his words is hard to dispel, but he has become more peaceful, and it sounds like he has given up his intention to destroy the painting.

Human voices came from outside the exhibition hall, and it was a bit noisy in the distance. The voice of the walkie-talkie was interspersed among them. It seemed that the security of the exhibition hall noticed the abnormality from the monitoring, and asked the people nearby to check it.

I hurriedly looked up at Shang Muxiao, and when I saw that he was still standing calmly, with a fearless appearance, I frowned and urged, "Aren't you going yet?" "

He gave me a deep look, and then went to see "Garden Scenery". He looked rather unwilling, but forced by the form, he could only hurriedly leave the other side.

After he left, I immediately picked up the ceramic knife from the base of the wall and put it in the storage bag beside the wheelchair. The security guard followed closely, glanced at me, and checked the situation of the exhibition hall. Seeing that nothing was found, I replied to the walkie-talkie. , and patrolled elsewhere.

I slumped my shoulders and took a deep breath, only to realize that I was so nervous that I forgot to breathe.

In the second half, I had no intention of watching the exhibition, so I went out early to buy gauze at a nearby pharmacy, and simply treated the wound. Clearing the hall at five o'clock and meeting Shen Luoyu at the gate, she was surprised to see the wound on my hand.

Where did your injury come from? Did you have it before? How can I not remember. "She helped the glasses on her face and leaned closer to see more closely.

I hid it so I didn't let her see it too clearly.

Yes, you didn't look carefully. I accidentally fell last week and had it on my leg, but it's almost healed. "

Did you fall? How did it fall? Where did it fall? Are your legs alright? "She asked many questions in a row, without doubting the veracity of my words at all.

I'm hungry, let's go straight to dinner. "I deliberately avoided her, she didn't answer any of her questions, and only concentrated on first-class life plans.

Oops, you..." She couldn't pry my mouth open, she was angry, but she couldn't do anything to me, and she chased after me after a while, so why don't you go to the restaurant I mentioned last time?"

I thought that after the battle of the art exhibition, my relationship with Shang Muxiao would be completely gone. If it wasn't for the chance encounter on campus and his sister's marriage, there would be little chance of meeting him in private.

But I didn't expect to meet him again the next day, still at the door of my own house.

He was soaking wet blocking my way, the rain dripping from the tips of his hair and down the ends of his eyes, like a drowning dog.

Chapter 13 You Come Be My Jewel

It's like this..." Sister Miao's voice was a little low and her face was solemn. The old Mr. Huáng from our group unfortunately passed away yesterday."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

how come……"

This disease is very fast, and the old man is so old..."

He felt fine last week, it's a pity..."

Although I haven't been to a few events, I'm not very familiar with the group members, but the person who was talking and laughing last week suddenly passed away this week, and everyone will feel embarrassed.

In my impression, Mr. Huáng is a very easy-going old man. He was in his seventies, with gray hair, and his spirit looked very good. No one would believe that he was a cancer patient.

It is said that he was diagnosed with lung cancer a year ago. The doctor asked him to undergo chemotherapy. He felt that he might not be able to survive because of his age. He only underwent conservative treatment, and then signed himself up to a psychological support group to adjust his mood.

Mr. Huáng left a letter, naming it to everyone in the mutual aid group. Let’s listen to it together. "Sister Liao tore open the white envelope that she had been holding in her hands, took out the letter inside, and read it in front of everyone.

Bye everyone, see you next time! "

See you next time. "

The six team members said goodbye one by one, and only after they left the gym did they find it was raining heavily outside.

I was a little worried. I forgot to check the weather forecast when I went out today. I didn't bring an umbrella.

Old, teacher..." A timid voice came from behind.

When I looked back, it was the timid and shy high school girl.

When she was stared at, she didn't seem to know how to speak. She stared at my face for three or four seconds, and then took out an umbrella from her bag as if she suddenly remembered something. didn't bring an umbrella, did you? I, I can take you to the car. "

I glanced at her umbrella, it was a girly pink.

thanks. "I said softly.

The rain was a little heavy, her umbrella was all over my head, and it was a short walk to the parking space.

In just a few short walks, half of my body was wet.

I was embarrassed to accept her favor in vain, and asked where her home was, and planned to give her a ride.

No, no, it's too troublesome..." The girl waved her hand and declined, I'll just take the public car and go back."

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