Eternal Burning

Chapter 100

"Shen Luoyu," he said, but he never thought that if I said that I would go, I would go, and now I say goodbye, and then I will break up.

No, it's okay..." She's not very confident, the next one is better!"

I rubbed my forehead, wanting to scream so hard that I could vent out all the anger and sadness in my heart. But unfortunately, the overwhelming tiredness flooded in, and I was at the limit of even opening my mouth to speak.

Well, the next one will be better. "

I go along with her, but I know in my heart that there will be no next one.


On the eighth day of the new year, I started my first rehab in the new year, but there was still no improvement.

With a slip of my hand, I accidentally fell off the rehabilitation equipment, lying on the ground panting rapidly, sweating profusely, and the muscles from my fingers to my arms were shaking.

The physical therapist immediately came to help me up: come here first today. "

I nodded, took the water he handed me, and took a gulp.

correct. "The physiotherapist said, do you remember the exoskeleton equipment I mentioned to you last time? Their company called yesterday and said that there happened to be a second-hand equipment for the exhibition. They can give you a big discount. If you want Don't think about buying it?"

How much? "For the exhibition, even if I give a half discount, it will cost 500,000 yuan. For me now, I can't get that much money together, so I didn't expect much when I asked.

One hundred thousand. "

I held the bottle of mineral water, looked at the physical therapist blankly, and asked again: How much? "

He completely understood my astonishment. He imitated the host in TV shopping vividly and exaggeratedly said: 100,000 yuan, the total price is only 100,000 yuan. You can't buy at a loss, you can't be fooled. As long as 100,000, you can have the most high-end exoskeleton equipment on the market. The battery life of 12 hours is not a bit or two compared to those with a battery life of 4 hours and 8 hours. It fully meets daily needs, and the most important thing is that it is very light. Are you excited? Hurry up and call the shopping hotline below..."

Million-level equipment, the last 100,000 were sold. Is this a discount? It's just a cheap sale.

Chapter 44 I want to get my things back

However, a penny is hard to kill a hero. Now, not to mention 100,000, I can't get 10,000.

The 100,000 deposit has already been called to Lu Yue. After all, she needs it urgently. Celestron has yet to find a home. The remaining 200,000 has not yet been deposited, and the remaining 5,000 in the card. It's all tight, where do I have the spare money to buy other things...

Money is indeed not a panacea, but you have to admit that it is the foundation of the operation of this society, and it is necessary for everyone to survive. Having money doesn't necessarily mean you live a hundred years, but you can't do anything without money.

Although opportunities always come suddenly, but this is too sudden, at least give me some time to buffer and save some money.

Thank you, but I... forget it, leave it to someone else. "

Many thoughts flashed through my mind in an instant, including asking my aunt to borrow money, asking Yang Haiyang to borrow money, and even asking my family to borrow money, all of which were rejected by me.

When I wanted to buy a house, my parents didn't support it and thought I couldn't afford it. Thanks to my aunt who lent me part of the down payment, I bought the current suite. It wasn't until last year that the money was fully paid off.

I don't want to add new accounts after the old ones are over. I always ask my aunt for money and become her burden. And Yang Haiyang wants to raise a child and expand the store. Now is the time to use the money, so it is not appropriate to ask him to borrow it. My parents' side... not to mention.

I'm not like Lu Yue, I'm not a last resort. For me, the exoskeleton is a rare opportunity, but it is just like an ordinary person who encounters a big discount overseas tour. If you grab it, it is a trip that you want to leave. If you miss it, the big deal is to stay at home.

For me, it doesn't really make a lot of difference whether I'm standing with an exoskeleton or sitting in a wheelchair, other than being able to breathe higher air.

ah? The physical therapist was stunned, as if a long-distance runner who was about to run to the finish line to celebrate winning the championship was overtaken from behind at the last second. There was a bit of shock and a bit of disbelief in the confusion.

I don't have one hundred thousand. Leave it to someone else, there will be someone who needs it more than me. "I wiped the sweat from my neck and walked to the locker room.

Then I... Then I'll call and confirm with the other party. ' The physiotherapist's voice said dully behind him.

There is no shortage of good people who know the goods. Within a few days, Celestron found a buyer.

The other party found me through a second-hand resale post on the local astronomical stargazing forum, and expressed their willingness to pay 200,000 to buy the telescope and pick up the goods in person.

After I made an agreement with the other party, he and his friends came to inspect the goods early the next morning.

Your telescope is really good. You sold it at a loss of 200,000 yuan. "The buyer is in his 40s and is a professional stargazing enthusiast. He is also well-known on the forum. He likes to share the star maps taken from various places. The forum id is called Thirsty Fish", so everyone called it He is an old fish.

Is it time for me to raise the price now? "I laughed.

That's not good, you have to be honest in doing business. "Maybe he was afraid that I would really regret it, so he quickly took out his mobile phone.

Transfer to me.

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