When "The First" was launched, it was only sold in Penguin Music, and although the sales were good, it was not a little bit different from "Sound of Fearless".

Of course, this is understandable, after all, Zhuang Jie's fans at that time were not as good as now.

In just one week, the digital album of "Sound of Fearless" sold nearly 6 million copies on Penguin Music, and the sales of this platform alone reached 170 million+.

And that's just for the $30 scenario.

There is also a lot of discussion about this album on the Internet.

Fans are so supportive, Zhuang Jie naturally wants to respond.

So another live broadcast was started.

Because it was a temporary decision, Zhuang Jie happened to shoot promotional photos of the new spring clothes in Huashang, so he directly conducted a live broadcast in Huashang's studio.

The live streaming platform naturally prefers Douyin with the best traffic.

Just started broadcasting.

Fans who received the push message poured in.

"Ahhh "

When you squat in the pit, you watch Zhuang Jie's live broadcast, who understands!" "When

I look upstairs, I am fishing." "

Wow, Zhuang Jie's clothes look good today, are they the new clothes of Huashang?"


Although Zhuang Jie hasn't fully understood the live broadcast, he basically understands it, and he is comfortable with the camera and the questions and answers of fans in the live broadcast room.

"This friend is really sharp-eyed, yes, I am wearing a new spring outfit of gorgeous clothes, today I am here to take promotional photos, the clothes are great, you can pay attention to the spring preview at that time.

Huashang's official account is also in the live broadcast room, and after Zhuang Jie said this, he immediately issued a barrage as a housing manager: "Pay attention to Xiaoshang now and have the opportunity to get an exclusive New Year gift."

After a wave of advertisements, Zhuang Jie chatted with fans.

"What do you think of the new album launched this time?" Zhuang

Jie asked, and the comment area immediately answered positively.

"It's really super, it's been circulating these days.

"To tell the truth, nocturnes are really yyds. "

Brother Jie, I'm a student, can you give me an album

?" "As a native of Sichuan Province, the thief likes that song of mountains and rivers, is it because there are many rappers here?" "

Yes, Brother Jie is not only good at pop music, but even rap is extremely disadvantageous, and those rappers who repeat a sentence several times are like kindergarten children compared to Brother Jie."

At this time, Li Ziwen brought some oranges over, and Zhuang Jie directly showed off.

Immediately, some fans started crazy literature.

"I really want to be the orange in Brother Jie's hand, so that he can take it off and eat it.


"I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy, and the heart that wants to become an orange at the moment is incomparable.

"I'm going to eat it too, Brother Jie said quickly, princess, please eat oranges."

This comment happened to be seen by Zhuang Jie, and he immediately brought the orange in his hand close to the camera, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Princess, please eat oranges." In

a university dormitory, a scream of joy suddenly erupted.

"Brother Jie, the next time you release an album, can you release more physical albums, twice, but I didn't grab it once.

In addition to praising small talk and going crazy, some netizens are dissatisfied with the small number of physical albums.

In the face of fans' complaints, Zhuang Jie comforted: "This has been communicated with the company, and the number of physical albums will be determined according to the sales volume when the album is released next time, so that everyone can grab it as much as possible."

There are also many fans who swiped the screen and asked: "When will the concert that Brother Jie promised us to take place?" "

The concert should be in the second half of the year, in the summer, I have other important things to do after I am busy during this time." "

What's the matter, Brother Jie. "

Yes, yes

?" "Is it possible to make TV movies?"


Regarding the fans' speculation, Zhuang Jie just smiled and did not answer, anyway, it can't be a movie, and he doesn't have that acting skills.

Professional things are done by professional people, and they sing professionally, just sing well.

sang a few songs of the new album, and Zhuang Jie went off the air, after all, there are still promotional photos that have not been filmed.


Winter goes to spring.

Everything revives, and the branches grow green.

Yangping Elementary School welcomed the first guest of the new year.

Today's Liangping Primary School has completely changed.

The area has become larger, and the new school gates, high concrete fences, rubber tracks, playgrounds, and school buildings have all been renovated.

The children's desks and the teachers' office utensils have also kept up with the times.

The school also has two new teachers, and a two-storey building has been built for the teachers' accommodation.

Zhuang Jie was very happy to see all this.

Since he set up his own foundation, he has been sending people to poor areas to learn about teaching and then funding to help local schools.

Liangping Primary School is his first goal.

The release of the new album gave him a lot of money again, and it also gave him the idea of coming to these places to see.

"Nowadays, the children's learning Xi and the quality of their meals have improved a lot.

Li Dingxiang stood beside Zhuang Jie and introduced everything in the school, her tone was full of gratitude and a hint of sadness.

After the New Year, the old principal Chen Desen left due to illness.

Originally, after the new teacher came, she could leave, but the sudden death of Principal Chen caught everyone off guard, looking at the better and better environment and children, she was reluctant to leave, and now she has become the principal of this school.

She and another male teacher who came with her also got married last year, and the two stayed here together to contribute to the education of Liangyang County.

"If you need anything in your work or life, please contact Director Zhang of the Foundation in time, and he will help you as soon as possible.

Zhuang Jie smiled as he looked at the children who were moving on the playground.

It was morning when he went up the mountain, and Zhuang Jie was going to go to the next school in the afternoon, but Li Dingxiang persuaded him to rest here for one night before leaving, so he stayed.

It was dark in the mountains, and after dinner, Zhuang Jie slept in the room specially prepared for him by Li Dingxiang.

No one noticed that a figure ran out of the school in the dark.

"Knock knock...... Knock

knock knock ......" "Boom ......"

A rapid knock on the door accompanied by thunder woke up Zhuang Jie, who was still playing chess with Zhou Gong.

Sitting up from the bed in a daze, his feet tentatively found slippers on the ground and put them on, Zhuang Jie stood up, rubbed his hazy eyes and walked towards the door.

'Who could it be so late?'

Zhuang Jie guessed in his heart, his hand on the doorknob.


The door opened.

Outside the house, the rain was sparse and the wind was sparse, and a man was standing in a raincoat at the door, and the rain on his body fell to the ground, forming a small puddle where he stood, and it was faintly visible that the man was still holding a long strip of object in his hand.

Oops, I forgot to turn on the lights, I can't see people clearly, could it be that I am trying to kill people for money?

In the depths of this mountain, it is a rainy night.

Zhuang Jie immediately thought of this idea, then took a step back and asked in a trembling voice, "Who are you?"

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