Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 66 I Don't Like To Hold A Grudge (5/5)

Then Fang Yuan named a lot of people who came to rub his hot spots.

There are also some small 18th-tier artists who are shamelessly involved in this incident, constantly flaunting themselves, for fear that others will not know the same.

"It's disgusting." Jiang Xinyu couldn't help feeling disgusted after seeing what these people posted, but he couldn't think of any way to solve it.

All the faults have been blamed, but the benefits are all for others. When Jiang Xinyu thought about it, he couldn't swallow this breath, and even got into trouble with his good sister He Yunji.

After all, those implicated naturally hated Fang Yuan, He Yunji, Xue Yifan, and Shao Hua to the core.

One who wrote scripts, one who sang, one who acted, and one who filmed online dramas, were all hated.

But for Fang Yuan, if you want to clean up, you can clean up, and Fang Yuan won't care about it.

I am not from the entertainment industry, but if I stepped on my head and dragged myself into the water, just for myself to go ashore, Fang Yuan would not allow it.

"If I don't give you a hand, I really think I'm easy to bully." Fang Yuan murmured.

"Why, what can you do?" Jiang Xinyu became excited. After all, Houlang Company is also in charge of it by himself. Fang Yuan has a way, so Jiang Xinyu is naturally happy.

No one will be happy if they step on their own heads.

Seeing Jiang Xinyu's eagerness to try, Fang Yuan was also amused in his heart, never thought that Jiang Xinyu had such a side.

"Speak quickly." Jiang Xinyu urged Fang Yuan not to speak.

"Didn't I tell you before that you need to set up a legal department first, and let them practice their skills first?" Fang Yuan smiled wickedly.

"Speak clearly." Jiang Xinyu stared at Fang Yuan viciously.

"First of all, record all these people tomorrow to see who offended us." Fang Yuan paused, as if feeling a little inappropriate, and added: "If it's some small fish and shrimps, forget it, maybe he will I wish we could continue to fight."

"And then." Jiang Xinyu hurriedly urged.

"Don't worry, drink some water."

Fang Yuan continued: "Afterwards, I will post the methods of these people's whitewashing first, which is called a prophecy post. To be on the safe side, send out a few more copies, but be careful not to spread it on the Internet. Post our previous prophecy post and @them, and sort out the steps of whitewashing for netizens, so that netizens can understand, think about the expressions of netizens and them at that time, it should be very rich."

No one likes to be played with like a tool man, this is an affirmative fact.

In fact, it has been used. If it is not discovered, there is no problem.

But if it is discovered, it will definitely become angry.

"You are too bad. When others are about to succeed, you do it like this." Jiang Xinyu said.

After all, he could also imagine that after a person is being used, knowing that he is being used, the feeling must be very uncomfortable.

"However, how can you guarantee that you won't hurt yourself?" Jiang Xinyu asked.

"I just gave them an answer to let them know the truth. As for the subsequent operation reaction, that is their own decision." Fang Yuan said lightly.

"Then what if this method doesn't work?" Jiang Xinyu continued to ask.

"Didn't some people break out negative information about celebrities before? It's impossible for all of them to be friends out of thin air."

"If it is true, for example, someone said that Fan Jian's song was written by himself. Maybe that person found out that Fan Jian sang this song, and he was not reconciled. He wanted Fan Jian to give him more money. If we don’t give him the sword, such an incident will naturally be made public on the Internet, as long as we can find relevant evidence, even one piece of evidence will be enough to keep him from turning over.”

"Then what if it's fake?"

"If it is fake, then sue him, and the newly established legal department can use this to practice how to fight a lawsuit."

Jiang Xinyu was puzzled, "Even if you want to sue, what reason do you use to sue?"

"For example, sue him for violating the right of reputation, or sue her for insulting her idol and causing irreparable harm to her weak heart, so let him lose money to compensate her injured soul."

"Anyway, just find a reason. You can always find a reason. Even if the court refuses to accept it, we can keep them under the surveillance of the public. After a while, they will naturally collapse."

After Jiang Xinyu heard it, he wanted to say something in his heart, but as a daughter and grandson, Jiang Xinyu felt that this was inappropriate, so he suppressed it.

However, this Fang Yuan is too good at playing.

Such a ruthless method can also be thought of.

At this moment, she wondered if she had offended Fang Yuan before, so she hastened to apologize now.

After thinking about it for a long time, it seems that there is really nothing.

Whether there is or not, let's talk about it.

"Mr. Fang, no matter whether I have offended you before or not, please let me go." Jiang Xinyu said solemnly.

"Don't worry, my lord has a lot, so I won't care."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xinyu turned around and said viciously: "If you dare to treat me like this, I will bite you to death."


Not a nice word.

Jiang Xinyu thought about Fang Yuan's plan, and asked:

"Will this use too much money?"

"A little money, it's nothing, anyway, I'll get a few hundred million again tomorrow." Fang Yuan expressed his disdain for this question.

Jiang Xinyu didn't want to speak for a moment.

Will you still chat?

However, the worry about the company still outweighed Fang Yuan's complaints. : "If we do this, will we offend them all?"

Fang Yuan shook his head, and said domineeringly: "They have already offended me when they did this kind of thing, so why should I let them in? Forgiving them is God's business. I am responsible for sending them to see God."

"Forbearance, the more you think about it for a while, the more you get angry, and the more you take a step back, the more you think about it, the more you lose. Besides, since I fought back, why would I give them a chance to start again?"

"Besides, I don't like to hold grudges. I'm really tired. I must report it on the spot."

"I want them to regret offending me."

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