Entertainment, I just like making movies

Chapter 11 Someone from China Film Group

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, "The Unknown" has been filming in Chongqing for a month.

After the initial run-in, the actors became more attentive and the shooting speed gradually returned to normal.

Outside the set of the film crew, Feifei Lin held an umbrella and introduced the situation to the people sent by China Film.

"Director Chen, three-quarters of the movie has been shot, and we are currently filming the scenes of the two stupid thieves and Ma Xianyong's sister Ma Jiaqi."

A young man in his early thirties wearing a suit raised his neck and watched the performances of the rooftop actors with great interest.

"Producer Lin, can you watch them filming up close?"

"Of course, Director Chen, please come with me."

Lin Feifei smiled slightly, made a gesture of invitation, and led the young man to the other side of the stairs.

The visitor's name was Chen Yu, the deputy director of China Film Distribution Department, and a confidant promoted by Director Han after he took office.

On the roof of the building, Fang Ziheng sat in front of the monitor and carefully watched the performances of Sun Li, Bao Qiang, and Huang Bo on the set.

The three people's scenes were connected together. Bao Qiang and Huang Bo, who played stupid thieves, suddenly broke into Ma Jiaqi's house, causing many funny scenes.

Ma Jiaqi, played by Sun Li, is a highly paralyzed woman who has no expectations for life. After learning the details of the stupid thief, she tries to pass away by angering the stupid thief.

But the reason why stupid thieves are stupid is because they still have a basic moral bottom line.

After a show of sex between the three of them, the tense atmosphere calmed down. Hu Guangsheng, played by Huang Bo, decided to do a good deed and give the suffering Ma Jiaqi a lift.

On the roof, Bao Qiang and Huang Bo were taking photos of Ma Jiaqi before his death. Because Ma Jiaqi was paralyzed and had weak bones, the photos were taken in various conditions and were full of difficulties.


"Huang Bo, your head and shoulders are too far forward, blocking the camera."

"Director, I wouldn't be able to hold Ma Jiaqi steady if I didn't do this. Look..."

Huang Bo gave a bitter smile and saw him move away. Sun Li, who was weak and weak, knelt down and fell to one side.

Song Yi, who was watching the show from the side, hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

Fang Ziheng stepped forward and saw that it was really like this.

In addition to lying down, Ma Jiaqi can fall down even while sitting. In the movie, he has to sit in a wheelchair with guardrails, and he does not have any ability to deal with private life.

After thinking for a while, he made an opinion.

"In this way, tie it with a rope, find a staircase, and fix Sun Li on the staircase."

"Everyone, take a break first and try to finish filming this scene today."


The shooting was paused. Fang Ziheng handed over the props team and dragged his tired body back to the monitor.

He has been busy these days and keeping up with the schedule, which really makes him exhausted.

At this time, Concubine Lin came forward with Chen Yu.

"Director, this is Director Chen from China Film Group!"

"Welcome, the crew has been waiting for Director Chen to come over for a long time."

Fang Ziheng rubbed his cheeks, stood up and stretched out his hand to Chen Yu, smiling and complimenting him.

"Director Fang, I didn't expect you to be so young?"

Looking at the overly young man in front of him, Chen Yu suppressed the shock in his heart, opened his mouth and sighed.

Before coming, Director Han specifically told him that he would only come to see the filmed materials and chat with the director about his shooting ideas.

Chen Yu understood what Director Han meant. It was a small-cost production and every penny had to be spent wisely. There was no need to keep the crew's expenses in check.

On the contrary, the quality of the film needs attention. After all, Fang Ziheng is still a new director.

But Chen Yu really didn't expect that Fang Ziheng was so young!

Are you sure he's not a college student with this appearance?

"Director Chen, I just graduated from college."

Fang Ziheng smiled lightly, had some stools brought over, and asked Chen Yu and Lin Feifei to sit down and talk.

All right.

Really a college student.

Chen Yu secretly smacked his tongue and became even more curious about Fang Ziheng.

After exchanging a few words, Chen Yu asked about the content of the filming: "Director Fang, how far has the crew progressed with the filming so far? Do you need help from China Film Group?"

He was referring to the robbery scene and the big final scene, both of which required the help of the police.

"No need, those few scenes have been filmed, and the rest are all indoor scenes."

Fang Ziheng waved his hand, took out a cigarette and lit it for Chen Yu, saying: "According to the shooting progress, it will be completed in about ten days. It is a low-cost production and there are not many difficulties."

"Ten days, that is, the end of November."

Chen Yu muttered something, silently calculating the time required for post-production, and then asked: "Which time will Director Fang plan to choose to release it?"

“This year’s Lunar New Year festival is very fierce.”

Director Han asked him to come to the set and wanted him to control the distribution of "The Unknown".

When "The Unknown" was being developed as a project by the General Administration, he had read the script and knew it was a good script.

As the deputy director of the distribution department of China Film Group Corporation, in addition to being a worldly person, performance is also very important.

Of course, Chen Yu wants to make a movie under his control that is both small and big, and a box office hit.

In this regard, he and Fang Ziheng have the same purpose!

“The Lunar New Year holiday is really cruel.”

Fang Ziheng took a puff of cigarette, nodded and said nothing else.

The Lunar New Year season from the end of 2008 to the beginning of 2009 was really brutal, so brutal that there were a lot of bad movies, and there was almost no first movie that could catch all.

According to fans of the previous generation, the Lunar New Year season from 2008 to 2009 was the weakest year among all years.

How weak is it?

It's so weak that the Baidu Encyclopedia for the Lunar New Year period doesn't even record the movies released during the Lunar New Year period from 2008 to 2009.

Why not record it? Of course it’s because it’s too embarrassing.

However, this year's Lunar New Year film is not without its highlights. "Ip Man" by Zhen Chuan and "If You Are the One" by Feng Pants are pretty good and made a lot of money.

In addition to the queue-jumping films "On the Road" and "The Unknown", I believe that Baidu Encyclopedia will change in this life and faithfully record the movies released.

After chatting with Chen Yu for a few more words, the prop team arrived carrying the stairs. Fang Ziheng picked up the small speaker and continued to shoot the unfinished scenes.

"Props, place the stairs properly and pay attention to safety hazards."

"The camera crew is checking the machine."

"Everyone in your place!"


As soon as Fang Ziheng gave the order, the paused crew immediately became busy. Everyone found their roles and entered the shooting state.

Chen Yu quit the set and returned to Lin Feifei to become a transparent person.

Among the crew, the director is the biggest, and he understands this.

It was busy until seven o'clock in the evening when Li Haigen, played by Bao Qiang, received a call from Ji Hongxia, played by Wang Ou, and the filming came to an end.

Fang Ziheng was in a good mood and took the initiative to increase benefits for the crew.

"Call it done, the crew will treat us to hot pot tonight."

"Thank you, director."

"Thank you, Director Fang."

The staff happily packed away the props. Fang Ziheng took off his raincoat and wiped the rain off his head with a towel.

There was a lot of rain in the last few shots, and many people on the crew got wet.

"Everyone, hurry up and take a hot shower first when you get back to the hotel to avoid catching a cold."

"Sister Lin, please ask the hotel to cook more ginger soup, and everyone should drink it!"

It's November, the weather is getting colder and colder, and it's easy to catch a cold if you're not careful.

"Don't worry, director, I'll notify the hotel right away." Lin Feifei responded loudly, taking out her mobile phone to notify the hotel manager.

The crew finished work and everyone went downstairs one after another.

The little girl Song Yi came over, handed Fang Ziheng his coat, and said crisply: "Director, can you put less pepper and more meat in the hot pot tonight?"


Fang Ziheng scolded him, not wanting to talk to this snack guy.

Every time he invited him to dinner, the little girl asked for more. She wanted to eat this and that.

Can't spoil her.

"Director, please, Sister Li and I can't eat spicy food. If we eat too much, we will get acne easily."

Song Yi had a sad face and suddenly acted coquettishly.

Fang Ziheng paused while putting on his coat, and his whole body became alert.

Good guy!

You really dare to act for the sake of delicious food!

It's obvious that you don't like eating Sichuan peppercorns, so why bother with others.

Sichuan peppercorns will swell, but chili peppers won’t?

Little girl, your mind is not pure!

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