Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 64 The sixth child's self-cultivation

In order to prevent Elmon from being discovered by the ability user when he was wandering around in the mayor's mansion, Song Lan felt that it was necessary for him to make an agreement with him in advance.

"You have only one task, to find the guard room of the mayor's house, and then hide in it all the time, and pass on the movement in the house to me through the surveillance video."

How to reduce the probability of being discovered?

Numerous seniors have provided them with valuable experience on this issue. In summary, it is to become a sixth child.

Don't underestimate this identity.

A successful sixth child not only needs patience beyond ordinary people, but also needs to have a considerable understanding of the surrounding environment.

Environmental bunkers, blind spots, and even psychology have to be dabbled in.

Although it sounds a little difficult, once it succeeds, the benefits will be huge-those sixth sons who don't have the stealth feature can completely blend in with the surrounding environment, so that people can't find them even if they pass by their faces, and what's more What's more, a person like Elmon who pointed out the stealth skill?

Even if the ability user who might be hiding in the mayor's house could notice Elmond's existence, he would never have imagined that at this time when everyone was going home from work one after another, there would be an old man hiding in the guard room of the mayor's house. six.

And this is just taking advantage of the other party's psychology.

"I see."

Although he didn't understand what the sixth child meant, Elmond still nodded.

After the automatic hamburger vending machine, he seems to have acquired a new identity. His intuition tells him that as long as he keeps practicing with his master, he may be able to become a full-time master someday in the future.

"What about you, master?"

"I broke through from the front."

Song Lan decided to make good use of psychology. The other party didn't expect that there was a sixth child hidden in the guard room, and it was even more difficult to imagine that someone would be so bold as to stay in the same room with the mayor. But to realize this plan, Ai Ermon's long-range assist.

First, he needs to determine the surveillance blind spot in the mayor's home.

Otherwise, if he finally finds a hiding place that he thinks is perfect, he will look like a clown if he is exposed to surveillance all the time.

"If you understand, then prepare to act."


A moment later, at the mayor's home.

After a full day of meetings, Leon Selbot returned home exhausted. He walked into the living room, sat down on the sofa in a trance, and collapsed.

The month before the election was the busiest day, reviewing work, clearing up relationships, and giving speeches around the seventeenth district, making promises to the citizens, and it is foreseeable that every day will be spent like this.

His recent re-entry into the campaign also made him look back at his work over the years.

The improvement of the employment rate promised to the general public before taking office failed to succeed. A series of plans he proposed were blocked in every link and could not progress at all. The root cause of all these lies in the Foster family.

After having the Foster family as their backer, the entrepreneurs in the 17th District have adopted an attitude of obedience and indifference to the employment reform bill proposed by him.

This is the status quo in the Seventeenth District.

They would rather tear up the money and burn it than improve the treatment of the company's employees. Even in the eyes of the capitalists, they have done their best. The use of robot or bionic technology will not provide any jobs for the unemployed people in the seventeenth district.

Therefore, in the eyes of those people, the citizens of District 17 should be grateful to them.

The Foster family is another heart disease for Leon Selbot.

It was through the help of the Foster family that he climbed to where he is today, but this also made him like a puppet of the other party. The plan proposed by the majestic mayor actually needed to be approved by a prosecutor in the end. Successful implementation.

Fortunately, things have recently ushered in a turning point.

Angie Foster is dead.

The demise of the Chai Ke Group gave the citizens of the 17th district the hope of driving out the criminals. Although these two incidents had nothing to do with him, as the mayor, he gained some glory to a certain extent.

In his original campaign speech, he did emphasize the need to fight crime in the 17th District, and reduce the crime rate in the next few years.

The secretary said that his recent approval rating has shown a sharp recovery trend. According to this momentum, the prospect of his re-election is very optimistic.

Yes, re-election.

This is the focus of his next work.

Leon Selbert Foster settled down, and he looked around, but the familiar living room made him feel empty.

Immediately afterwards, he was puzzled, why did he go straight to the living room the first time he got home?

Was there something important that he had forgotten?

"Boom boom boom—"

A knock on the door interrupted Leon's thoughts.

The secretary came in with a tray and put three glasses of lemonade in front of him.

Almost at the same time when he saw the lemonade, a feeling of dry mouth and tongue surged up. Leon felt that he had never been so thirsty. Now he seemed to be walking in the desert for three days and three nights, and finally saw A man in distress at the source of water, so that drinking water became the only thought in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, three glasses of water have been consumed.

The feeling of dry mouth was washed away, and the trance eyes were restored to clarity. Leon no longer doubted, he decided to focus on the most important work in front of him.

Seeing the situation, the secretary smiled and said, "Grand Prosecutor Dominas has arrived."

"Let him come here."

Yes, this is his most important job right now.

Dominas has a very close relationship with the Foster family, and a good relationship with the inspection department can ensure that his re-election is foolproof.

After a while, a man with greasy hair and pink face entered the room.

"Mayor of Lyon."

After a few simple greetings, Dominas sat next to him.

At this time, appearing in his private living room is enough to show that he attaches great importance to the new chief prosecutor, and Dominas is obviously a good person, so he cut straight to the point and said, "The Foster family is happy to see It is a blessing for both the people of District 17 and the coalition government to see someone with ideas and capabilities like you sitting in this position."


Although he said so, Leon felt more at ease in his heart, "I heard that you just accepted the job of the former chief prosecutor, did you encounter any difficulties?"

"I did encounter some difficulties recently."

Dominas said, "After Chai Ke's death, the criminals in District 17 were divided into four forces, and they are planning to take over Chai Ke's territory. I don't think they can be allowed to revive, otherwise all the previous efforts will be in vain. "

"What do you think about this?"

"With all due respect, the efficiency of the law enforcement department is too low. I hope that the inspection department can take over in the next time. For this, I may need a document that can mobilize law enforcement personnel when necessary."

With that said, Dominas took out the prepared documents, "Please have a look."

At present, the cumulative number of updates added after being put on the shelves (excluding the number of days of explosive updates): 21

The heart-to-heart relationship between the two characters has exceeded 1000, unlocking the tenth small theater:

Small Theater No. 10:

On a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, Monday, early in the morning.

After the defenseless physical examination the day before, Song Lan finally realized a serious problem.

Lu Xiang is very likely to be an unprecedented powerful enemy in the salted fish world.

Since getting to know each other, he has repeatedly failed the test and signed a series of contracts that are not conducive to the development and growth of the Xianyu team.

Just like yesterday, he accidentally agreed to the other party's request to lead the entire department to work hard next week.

However, as a senior salted fish, Song Lan had his own countermeasures.

Just make it look like everyone is working hard during the week.

It seems that it is time to take out the "Advanced Fishing Guide" that he has treasured for many years.

"What crooked idea are you playing again?"

Lu Xiang's voice sounded from behind, her hands naturally wrapped around Song Lan's waist from behind, she leaned forward slightly, and pressed her sideways face against Song Lan's back.

The blue-gray bicycle passed the department's compound, attracting the attention of a group of colleagues.

"Stop spitting blood!"

"You can't fool me."

"Where is the evidence? Do you have evidence?"

Song Lan's defense was as pale as a prisoner caught by Conan.


He raised his index finger against Song Lan's heart, "Your heart beat faster, it's a sign of guilty conscience."

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