Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 72 Captives

Xiao Lin panted heavily, this is the only thing he can do now, it is also a gamble, betting that this woman has a high status in this caravan, other people dare not ignore her life, otherwise Xiao Lin The exam will probably end here.

This woman should be the most powerful person in the entire caravan, and also the only mage. The strength of the others is very average, but the situation on Xiao Lin's side is not much better. Using any spells, he himself suffered moderate injuries from the collision of the flame shield just now, and there were very few other people who were not poisoned, and the absolute disadvantage of the number of people, Gu Xiaoyue alone could hardly support him.

Gu Xiaoyue also seemed a little nervous, worried that she didn't express clearly, so she repeated it several times, her crisp voice echoing in the cave.

The other Normas were indeed a little apprehensive and dared not move their weapons. Xiao Lin glanced at Gu Xiaoyue and said, "Let them put down their weapons!"

Gu Xiaoyue acted as the interpreter, and the Norma people looked at each other with hesitant expressions, and several of them suddenly roared excitedly at Xiao Lin for a while.

"What did they say?" Xiao Lin asked.

Gu Xiaoyue pondered for a moment, then shook her head: "I don't quite understand, it seems to be greeting our ancestors."

"Fuck him!" Xiao Lin cursed angrily, and added: "Oh, don't translate this sentence. Tell them, if I hit dozens of times, if I don't put down my weapon, I will kill this woman immediately!"

Xiao Lin's hand holding the dagger increased a little bit of strength, and a line of blood flowed down the blade, attracting even more furious roars from the other Normas.

"1, 2, 3..." Xiao Lin had just counted to three, and when he realized something was wrong, he coughed a few times: "Gu Xiaoyue, you count."

Gu Xiaoyue gave him a blank look, and started counting in Norma's lingua franca.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats. If these Norma people really had the idea of ​​putting everything in their hands, or the identity of the Norma woman was not as important as Xiao Lin imagined, then the next thing to do would be a fight to the death.


Numeral Language is a basic language. Although Xiao Lin's pronunciation may not be accurate, he can recognize it. He heard that Gu Xiaoyue paused for a longer time when he counted to nine, and his dagger was also clenched tighter. The Normas also seemed to be in a difficult situation, but no one moved.

"10!" The last voice finally fell.

After a short silence, a very strong man closest to Xiao Lin reluctantly dropped the sword in his hand, and the first person took the lead, and this person seemed to be of high status. He murmured something to the others, The others finally put down their weapons as if appointed.

"@#¥%...\u0026amp;*" The man who threw the knife first stared at Xiao Lin with resentful eyes and said.

"He's scolding me?" Xiao Lin looked at Gu Xiaoyue.

Gu Xiaoyue shook her head: "It seems to be talking about the identity of this woman. I don't understand a few words in the middle. Anyway, it is to warn you not to get angry."

Xiao Lin sneered: "That's a lot of bullshit! Oh, I mean him. Tell them all to back off! Stand away from the rock wall, put your hands on your head and squat down!"

Now that he has figured out the bottom line of these people, Xiao Lin is also more confident. He moved the dagger in his hand slightly as a move to appease the Norma people, and things went much smoother afterwards.

The others had been observing at the entrance of the cave for a long time. Originally, when Xiao Lin asked them to leave the poisoned wounded and run first, their emotions were very complicated. It was not thankful or disgusting. .

Until now, no matter how stupid they were, they knew what they should do. Those who could still move were divided into two groups, one group went to take care of the wounded, and the other group came up to collect and put away the scattered weapons.

"What should these people do?" Lu Renyi endured the abdominal pain and asked.

"Find something to tie them up first!"

"It seems that there is no rope, I have looked for it."

"Clothes! Let them take off their clothes, then tie them up!"

"Take off your pants if you don't have enough clothes! Tie them tightly!"


I've been busy for ten minutes,

This brief conflict finally came to an end. Including the Norma woman, a total of 18 Norma people were still alive, all naked, with their hands tied behind their backs, and three others were seriously injured. They seemed to be on the verge of death. Xiao Lin and the others After discussing for a while, although a few girls complained, they still decided to throw the three seriously injured outside the cave. In such a hot weather, their fate can already be imagined, Xiao Lin tried his best not to sympathize with them.

The situation of those poisoned people was also quickly asked. What these people used was actually the venom extracted from the wild fruits in the desert. It is actually quite common around here, but this kind of venom is usually used to hunt monsters.

The venom is not fatal, but it has a strong aftertaste. The few people who were deeply poisoned have always been in a drowsy state. These businessmen have no antidote, so they can only let them lie down.

Night fell quickly. Although there were still many things to do, everyone was exhausted both physically and mentally. First of all, they needed a full rest. After eating safe water and food, they lost their way in the cave. Fell asleep in a daze.

Of course, Xiao Lin also arranged two teams to keep vigil in turn, firstly to prevent these Normas from escaping, and secondly to prevent possible Thunder Kingdom pursuers.

As the substitute squad leader, Xiao Lin took the initiative to take on the vigil in the first half of the night, and Gu Xiaoyue unexpectedly offered to accompany him.

There are still two rounds of moons, one big and one small, at night in Sunset Canyon, and the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large. It is unbearably hot during the day, but the temperature at night is probably close to zero. There is a blazing bonfire in the middle of the cave, and the fire is from The rock plants growing in the crevices of the rock walls nearby contain a lot of oil in their leaves, so the campfire burns very vigorously, and it is quite warm around.

A dozen or so Normas did not have this kind of treatment. They were all tied to the rock wall in the corner. The cold rock can avoid heat during the day, but it is so cold that people shiver at night, especially if their clothes are still thin. stripped naked. A few who didn't take Roar to vent their anger were also punched and kicked by Lu Renyi and the others, and kicked a few times, and it took a long time to calm down.

As for the Norma woman, the treatment was better. Most people in the team probably didn’t want to be rough on the woman, so they covered her with clothes. Food, but this woman has not said a word since she woke up, neither drinking nor eating, just looking at Xiao Lin and his party with disgusted eyes.

"This woman wants to go on a hunger strike!" Xiao Lin chatted with Gu Xiaoyue in a low voice while eating a mouthful of bread.

After capturing these Normas, they naturally received all the supplies they brought. When they found that there was actually a small amount of delicious bread besides the jerky, almost everyone gave up the jerky that tasted like rotten meat. ) Book friends, pay attention!

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