Black clouds rolled in, strong winds stirred up huge waves, and the entire sea shook violently.

In just a few seconds, the original wind and beautiful sun turned into a doomsday scene.

"What happened…"

Coincidentally, an unpleasant feeling arose in the hearts of everyone present.

"Commander Lu."

Chen Mo's voice came from the side.

The supreme commander suddenly came back to his senses and asked anxiously.

"Teacher Chen Mo, this..."

"I have marked the locations of Lucario and Zoroark on the map. Although they are still suppressing their opponents, I would like to ask you, Lu, to take everyone there."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away!"

After hearing these words, Commander Lu already understood that something big must have happened outside, and based on the scene in front of him, I'm afraid the level involved was not low.


Accompanied by the loud cry of a bird flying in the wind, Commander Lu, who was looking at the direction Chen Mo was leaving, suddenly remembered something.

"Isn't that direction the direction of Sangami Island?!"


Isle of Thunder.

"come yet?"

Before he officially landed on the island, Darren saw a bolt of lightning rising into the sky from the valley in the center of the island, running towards his ship.

Although Darren, who came from the Ultimate Metropolis, was not very familiar with the elves of the Lightning Bird family, he still had a strong idea of ​​the power possessed by the legendary elves, especially his current goal.

Not daring to take it lightly, Darren summoned all his energy, and all the members of the investigation team next to him also held their breaths.


The next second.

A somewhat doubtful voice sounded from everyone's minds.

"You still want to investigate?"

Um? Inspection?

Darren was stunned.

Something is wrong.

Most electric elves are not easy to get along with. As the leader of the team, Darren took the initiative to choose this most dangerous target, and naturally he had been mentally prepared accordingly.

He originally thought that after entering the Island of Thunder, he would most likely be directly attacked by the God of Thunder, but now, from the sudden telepathy, he did not feel the killing intent as expected.


The detected energy level of the lightning bird in front of me seemed not quite right.

Could it be that the lightning bird subdued by Zhu Xia that the person mentioned before was?

Well, that's a high probability.

After brainstorming, almost instantly, Darren made up his mind and quickly signaled his companions around him with his eyes.

As a team that has experienced life and death together, all the members of the Ultimate Investigation Team on the ship immediately understood what Darren meant and hid their previous small actions.

"Well, there are still some inspections that have not been completed."

Darren looked at the golden bird hovering in the sky and responded calmly.

That's right.

Since the other party did not attack me immediately, and seemed to have mistaken the identity of his group, it is better to take this opportunity to find a more suitable opportunity to attack.

Anyway, the lightning bird in front of me is not the mission target.

Lightning Bird glanced at Darren with doubtful eyes, and then asked again.

"Where to start?"


Darren's finger pointed without hesitation in the direction where the Lightning Bird soared before.

The place he was going to was exactly where the energy reaction was the most intense.

Lightning Bird didn't think much and continued to speak telepathically.

"Boss and Pikachu are also there today. It's still the same old rule. I ask you to try not to make too much noise here, and don't let out those who are weak."

As he spoke, Lightning Bird had a look of disgust in his eyes.

Ever since Chen Mo made an agreement with the God of Thunder to re-hold the Sea Festival in this world, the personnel stationed on the Island of the World Tree have become busy.

Although Mikami Island is not the direct place to hold the Sea Festival, the planning process of the Ume Festival must include traveling to and from Mikami Island.


After Teacher Zhou and Chen Mo temporarily finalized the events related to the Sea Festival, they immediately sent people to Sanshen Island once. The purpose was very simple, mainly to inspect and measure the specific topography of the island, rebuild the buildings, and prepare to hold the festival. Things that should be there.

Zapdos was deeply impressed by his visit a few days ago.

The strength of the elves brought by that group of humans was too average. When some elves entered the place where their boss and Pikachu were training, they were subject to the threat of legend and caused some trouble.

Lightning Bird doesn't want this to happen again.


Lightning Bird glanced at the elves walking on the mountain road below.

Tyrannosaurus, three evil dragons, Metagross, dragon-headed gopher...

There are not many elves in this batch who are too weak.

The Lightning Bird nodded with satisfaction, and then flew straight towards the valley below.

"Boss, the humans from Zhuxia are here again!"

The God of Thunder, who stood on top of the temple, closed his eyes and ignored his escaped junior.

Pikachu temporarily stopped practicing, said hello to the returning Lightning Bird, and then looked towards the valley walkway with curious eyes.

The next second.

A human being wearing a strange outfit and covering his whole body appeared in Pikachu's eyes.

When people observe animals, they often have a feeling.

These animals all look the same.

This is because in the cognitive process of humans, it is often easier to group similar things into one category and ignore differences in details. Therefore, in fact, different individuals of the same type of animals still have differences in appearance.

Same reason.

This actually happens to elves as well.

For ordinary elves, especially those who have little contact with humans, humans all look similar.

For example, Lightning Birds.

It has never carefully observed human beings, skin, and clothing. It has no basic concept of these. In its opinion, the members of the Ultimate Investigation Team are no different from the humans it has met before.


Pikachu is different.

Together with Chen Mo, it has lived in human society for such a long time, and its understanding of human beings is far beyond what the two lightning birds on the island can match.

Therefore, it was aware of it as soon as the Ultimate Investigation Team appeared.

Putting aside dressing up, among humans, at least in Zhuxia territory, it has never seen a human with such skin before.

This group of humans definitely did not come from the World Tree Island!

"Pika pika!"

Pikachu immediately issued a warning.

Lightning Bird's expression was still a little dazed, and he subconsciously turned his head and looked over.

The next second.

The roaring energy beams illuminated its eyes.

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