Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 629 King-level strength! (5/9!)

Chapter 629 King-level strength! (59!)

This is undoubtedly a very considerate reminder. It not only clearly explains the composition and function of the fossils, but also clearly states the preciousness of the fossils in the remarks.

The legendary fossil.

Contains half an eyeball of an ultra-ancient divine beast.

Super ancient mythical beast...

Du Ming didn't have much idea about this.

Although in the impression, some mythical beasts are linked to the super ancient times, don't forget that this world is completely different from the previous life, and some settings may not be completely consistent. Besides, the lifespan of mythical beasts is so long, what does the so-called super antiquity mean?

The entire world was created by Arceus, is there anything beyond Arceus' control?

Regarding the history of the world, Du Ming was also at a loss.

Although human history is much the same as in the previous life, how can we understand the historical changes of mythical beasts?

After the death of a unique mythical beast, will the same mythical beast really be born to replace it?

Du Ming thought for a moment and didn't think much more.

As for what to do with this legendary fossil, Du Ming also had an idea.

Although ultra-ancient elves are rare in this world, they are not without them.

For example, fossil pterosaurs.

For example, ancient armor.

These are all ultra-ancient elves, who were extinct long ago. Later, humans invented the technology to resurrect ultra-ancient elves. As long as there are fossils, elves who died in natural disasters can be resurrected based on their genes.

However, only for ultra-ancient elves.

If modern elves die and leave fossils behind, they will not react to the fossil resurrection machine.

A very strange phenomenon, as if it were a law.

Every fossil resurrecting machine is very precious. If you search the entire Guangxi Province, you will not find one. What's more, Du Ming's possession of the legendary fossil must be kept secret and not let too many people know, otherwise it will be too dangerous.

This is a treasure worth thirty million contribution points.

And Du Ming had to rely on the old man's ability to have the chance to pocket the legendary fossil.

If we could resurrect the super-ancient elf corresponding to half of the eyeballs...

That means that Du Ming will have a main battle beast!

How could Du Ming not be excited by this?

After putting away the legendary fossil, Du Ming jumped down from the three-meter-high platform and stood on the big rock at the bottom.

Suddenly, he waved.

All the elves present looked at him, but none of them moved.

Because they knew exactly which elf Du Ming was calling.


Elle Duo, who was walking over the eaves and walls, suddenly looked at Du Ming. After noticing Du Ming's gaze, a flash appeared in front of Du Ming. This is the performance of Eluredo after his speed reaches the limit. The instantaneous explosion is really terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that Elureduo has perfect control over his various abilities. He can explode to the limit in an instant, and it can be a matter of just a thought to withdraw his strength and stop his movements.

In this way, Elledo is simply the strongest melee machine.

There is no elf that can compete with Aluredor in close combat.

"King-level strength."

Du Ming felt happy.

It turns out that Du Ming has always emphasized that Alureduo should integrate the domain into himself, so that he can fully control himself. Now that Elureduo has finally been cultivated, his strength has naturally soared, and he has officially entered the threshold of the King of Heaven.

Of course, Kirbymon is a strong one even among the king elves. Emperor Nabo has already reached the king level, and the crystal lantern fire spirit has also stepped onto the threshold of the king level. Togekis exploded with all his strength, and the king level elves will also be killed instantly. Ailu Lei Duo's progress is actually slow.

Even so, Eluredo is slightly ahead of Bangila.

These two elves played together when they were young and had periods of time when they were not close to each other. On the contrary, Eluredo made faster progress.

Once Elureduo super-evolves, his strength will soar again, and he can defeat ordinary king-level elves. If coupled with Du Ming's heart power and bonding power, it would be even more scornful. With so many powerful elves, Du Ming wanted to go directly to the capital and take down the gym.

But the top priority is to win the gorgeous contest and go to Tokyo to resurrect the legendary fossil as soon as possible.

Winning the gorgeous contest is a task of the system, which can increase Du Ming's authority and give Sirona more help. Du Ming has a lot of reputation points, but the system store has restrictions. Many props can only be used by himself.

With the increased authority, Du Ming can allocate some of the system's functions to Sirona.

The Asian competition is naturally more secure.

As for the legendary fossil...

Du Ming had always dreamed of owning a mythical beast of his own. Now that the opportunity was right in front of him, how could Du Ming miss it? !

"Aluredo, use teleportation, let's go to Tokyo."

Du Ming said.

Elureduo looked stunned, but he reacted quickly and directly summoned a space door, signaling Du Ming to step in with him. However, Elledo is also very direct, indicating that he needs to use teleportation several times in succession before he can cross a long distance and finally reach the neon Tokyo.

The moment he walked in, Du Ming ordered his elves to practice hard in the elf center and not to relax.

He will be back tomorrow at most.

The fluctuations in the power of the heart were still rippling, and Du Ming and Elle Duo had disappeared.

Kirbymon and Togekiss were all confused as to why Du Ming suddenly wanted to go back to Tokyo on a whim. If something happens to Du Ming, it doesn't matter if he takes them with him. For a moment, Du Ming's seven elves were very worried.

In the end, Kirbymon came out to host, saying that if Du Ming was not sure, he would definitely bring them all with him. Now I am only taking Eluredo with me, which means that it is just a trip and nothing will happen.

In this way, Pokkisi, Crystal Lantern and the others were relieved.

I just have to wait for Du Ming to come back tomorrow and participate in the gorgeous competition in Guilin.

Although the practice time is far from the training time, they also sincerely like this wonderful way of competition. Through the understanding of the gorgeous competition, Kirbymon, Togekiss, Crystal Lantern, and Emperor Nabo all discovered , my understanding of many skills has deepened a lot, and several skills have even broken through the shackles of the King level.

Working together is the fastest way to grow.

After all, they can confirm each other and draw inferences from one example.

Du Ming and Eluredo used teleportation skills to constantly shuttle through space, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

The first city is naturally the Magic City.

Immediately, it appeared on the sea.

Many flashes appeared and disappeared on the sea surface.

Du Ming knew that Eluredo appeared in the route of the Yawei.

There was another flash, and Du Ming looked down at the Elf Island below with a wry smile.

Without being discovered, Du Ming and Eluredo disappeared again.

After several twists and turns, he finally appeared at the door of Omu Research Institute in neon Tokyo.

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