Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 617 The approaching gorgeous competition

Grandma Juzi glanced at Du Ming with some confusion. She really didn't know before that that Du Ming had plans to participate in the gorgeous contest. Although the promotion method of the gorgeous competition is much more convenient than the trainer competition, and there is no need to challenge the gym. As long as you continue to participate in the gorgeous competitions in various regions, you can be promoted after getting the ribbon, and then participate in higher-level gorgeous competitions. Contest.

Although the Gorgeous Contest and the Trainer Contest do have some similarities, there is only one point. The champions of many gorgeous competitions may not be powerful trainers. Many kings and champions of trainer competitions may not be excellent coordinators.

After all, people like Mikri are in the minority.

Many times, gorgeous contests require a strong creative mind.

Grandma Juzi didn't think that Du Ming could take care of both ends easily.

Granny Juzi valued Du Ming's talent as a trainer more than participating in the gorgeous competition. To be honest, Grandma Juzi has never seen a person with such a high talent in cultivating elves. Du Ming was almost constantly creating miracles.

Grandma Juzi didn't want Du Ming to waste his time on vain and gorgeous competitions.

As a traditional Heavenly King trainer, Granny Juzi doesn't think that the gorgeous moves will improve the trainer's strength. As a trainer, Du Ming's most important thing must be the strength of the elves and his personal strength.

Better not to waste time.

Grandma Juzi glanced at Du Ming but didn't say anything.

Of course Du Ming could see Grandma Juzi's thoughts, but he didn't reveal anything.

He has his own plan.

Compared with the monotonous challenge of gymnasiums, participating in trainer competitions, and boring training elves, Du Ming needed to find something to do for himself, and the gorgeous competition was the best choice. The persistence in performance allows the elf to think about the possibility of skills from another angle, which is equivalent to improving the power of skills.

Not to mention, reputation points are also recorded.

Du Ming's demand for reputation points is not very high now, but Du Ming needs to accumulate enough reputation points for himself. When the system authority is upgraded to purple, there will be many opportunities to spend reputation points.

Du Ming had to prepare for a rainy day.

Grandma Juzi finally left Guilin. She didn't give any warning to Du Ming. She just said to Du Ming before leaving that if anything happened in the future, please feel free to trouble her. Now Grandma Juzi is Du Ming's most solid support.

Du Ming did not refuse.

He really needs this kind of power.

Du Ming sighed very much. He remembered that Du Ming always hoped that Sirona would bring convenience to Du Ming after she became the champion. Although in the end, he finally found out that it was just an excuse to hide his love for Sirona. Du Ming used it a lot after they got together. This is a matter of self-deprecation.

Sirona has not yet become the champion.

Du Ming received full support from a 9-star trainer who was more valuable than the champion.

After Granny Juzi left, Du Ming also started his own training.

Du Ming's training now no longer focuses on high-intensity load training, but on basic mastery of skills, and every elf in the team must participate. The first step is definitely to start with the shape, structure and stability of the skill.

The effect is not bad.

Du Ming's purple heart power has unparalleled sensitivity and can correct many incongruities. Du Ming is even improving his taste through some special channels. Du Ming's attainments as a coordinator are also constantly improving.

In addition, Du Ming often asked Mikri for advice.

Both Mikoli and Dawu owed Du Ming a big favor. After all, they later found the residence of Latias and Latios, and even got Latias' recognition. As for Latios Acknowledgment is not that simple.

Even so, Mi Keli and Da Wu were very grateful to Du Ming.

Because only Du Ming can show them the path.

Mikri's explanation was very detailed, and he even started teaching from the basics of coordinator. In this way, Du Ming gained something new every day. Compared to the Trainer Competition, the Gorgeous Competition almost made Du Ming's experience in his previous life useless.

The expressiveness of animation is completely different from reality.

And the reality is more complex.

Every day Du Ming started studying in the morning and didn't go to bed until late at night. Even the elves with Du Ming began to work hard, even the most laid-back Buddha type Bulbasaur also started to work hard.

Because Miao Frog knows that the upcoming Guilin Gorgeous Contest will be Miao Frog's opportunity.

She finally had a chance to appear in the competition.

For a quasi-king to participate in a city-level glamor competition, it would be news, not to mention a legendary quasi-king like Du Ming. It is estimated that no one would have thought that Du Ming would choose to participate in the gorgeous contest.

In such a busy time, the date for the Guilin Gorgeous Contest is gradually approaching.

Many promotional posters began to appear on the streets.

There are also related promotional videos on high-rise buildings.

Many passers-by were talking about the Glam Contest and were considering whether to go and watch the Glam Contest live. Unlike the exciting Trainer Battle Competition, the Gorgeous Competition is more enjoyable to watch and does not require a deep understanding of elves.

As long as you have eyes and a basic sense of aesthetics.

The city-level glamor contest alone is great to watch, and the higher provincial-level glamor contests, national-level glamor contests, and even the final intercontinental glamor contest are even more shocking to the point of being speechless.

That is the most shocking visual experience.

Registration has begun.

At this moment, news came out from a small local media in Guilin.

Du Ming is going to participate in this city's gorgeous competition!

This news has made many people excited. Later, after some major media reported this incident, all the tickets for the Guilin Gorgeous Contest were sold out in just one day. There are even many spectators from other provinces who come from far away to watch Guilin's gorgeous competition, but they have to face the fact that it is difficult to get a ticket.

For a time, the gorgeous contest became the most popular word in Guilin.

There's no way Du Ming's popularity is too high.

The huge reputation Du Ming gained was no joke.

To many people, Du Ming is a legend.

Among young people, there are countless supporters.

On this day, Du Ming stood outside the gorgeous competition venue with a flash of light in his eyes.

Admission has begun now, and the opening ceremony will be held shortly.

After watching the opening ceremony, each player will be introduced to the audience, and in the end only three trainers will get the gorgeous ribbon. However, the municipal competition is the most basic and gorgeous competition after all, and there are not many restrictions on the contestants, so there are actually many contestants.

It won't take too long to finish the introduction.

What really caught Du Ming's attention was the opening ceremony guest performer invited by the competition.

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