Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 331 Invincible, Bronze Bell! (third change)

Elle Duo's domain ability has been slightly improved, directly increased by 2%, reaching a development degree of 9%, which is beyond Du Ming's expectations. It stands to reason that the ability development of devil fruit is very difficult.

All along, it has been subtly improved. Most of the time, if the system doesn't prompt, Du Ming doesn't know about the progress of his elf's fruit ability.

"It seems that the power of the domain is actually related to the super power. It's just that the super power of Elle Duo is very common, and it has not reached the level where the power of the domain can be bypassed. The super power of the symbolic bird is different. After all, it is the legacy of the divine beast and has incredible power." Du Ming thought to himself, and walked in front of the symbolic bird.

A lot of data flashed in my heart, and I secretly remembered it in my heart.

"let's go."

Du Ming didn't care about the symbolic bird anymore, even though the symbolic bird's eyes were shining with a violent red light, it was a pity that the symbolic bird had lost its fighting power, and it was impossible to pose a threat to Du Ming.

What's more, Du Ming has 4 elves, which are strictly protected.

It symbolizes that no matter how much hatred the bird has, it cannot vent it.

This space, which symbolizes disaster, is very large. Du Ming walked for a long time without reaching the end. On the way, I met a few elves again, all of them were of the psychic system, and they were all of a single attribute of the psychic system. Du Ming directly let 2 elves appear on the stage and defeated them.

Among them, Elle Duo has the highest appearance rate.

With the healing waves of Elledo, Pokkisi's wish, and the potion purchased by Du Ming, there is no need to worry about the physical strength and energy of the team.

"There are still 4 elves left to complete the mission." Du Ming thought to himself.

This task is indeed quite difficult. If Du Ming's team was not so comprehensive, it would definitely be difficult. Healing waves + prayers directly make the team's endurance very strong.

If you stick to the trainer's arrogance and insist on fighting these abnormal elves one-on-one, you probably won't get any benefit, and it will even drag down the entire team.

What's more, who can be sure that the space is full of elves with cyan aptitude, around level 70?

When Du Ming saw the elf in front of him, he quickly realized that the matter was not simple!

Bronze bell (blue): lv75

Facing the bronze bell, Du Ming was really not sure. As a steel + super spirit, the bronze bell is already very powerful. What's more, the aptitude of the bronze bell reaches blue, and the level is generally 10 levels higher than Du Ming's elves. Coupled with the absolute control of superpowers, Du Ming really doesn't have much confidence.

The bronze clock originally had a pair of red eyes, engraved on the body of the ancient clock like a totem. It's just the bronze clock in front of Du Ming, and the totem of the eyes is blood red, which is extremely scary.

Confronted with the bronze bell.

Du Ming didn't want to fight against the bronze bell.

It seemed to sense Du Ming's weakness, or maybe the bronze bell was irrational. Even facing the six elves in Du Ming's team, he didn't show any fear at all. The metallic light shone on his body, and he charged towards Du Ming!

Heavy impact!

Du Ming's pupils shrank.

Steel type, heavy impact?

Among the previous 6 elves, none of them had used any attribute skills other than super power skills. Only the bronze clock looks so special!

Does the bronze bell have reason?

The moment the Bronze Bell attacked, Du Ming already understood that he had no possibility of evading and fighting, and could only face it head-on!

"I don't need to explain any reasoning to you. Could it be that you can't beat six against one?" Du Ming's expression froze.

This is the task of promotion, Bronze Bell has no reason, and there is no need to talk to him about the rules.

"Emperor Nabo, cannon light cannon! Pokkisi, air slash! Crystal lamp fire spirit, big characters burst! Bangira, crush! Elle Duo, sneak attack! Electric dragon, thunder!"

The bronze bell is the most powerful elf Du Ming met in the disaster space. Du Ming doesn't know how powerful the bronze bell is. If the bronze bell has the ability to kill instantly, Du Ming will regret it. At this moment, Du Ming recalled the words of Ling Yawei and Grove, and immediately stopped holding back the slightest bit, and all six elves were dispatched.

Could it be that the Bronze Bell can still win?

Du Ming didn't believe it at all.

The power of the heart spread, coupled with extremely high personal strength, Du Ming was completely able to coordinate the battle of the six elves. What's more, Du Ming's main battle elf already has strong autonomy, so there is no need for Du Ming to direct anything.

In the face of the heavy impact of the steel system, although the heavier the weight, the more dominant it is. But Bangira was restrained by the steel system, so it was obviously not easy to go up and resist. Therefore, the task of carrying the steel skills of the bronze bell was handed over to Emperor Nabo.

If Bronze Bell uses super power skills, Bangira will let Bronze Bell know how much advantage evil elves have in facing super power skills!

The emperor Nabo blasted out with a cannon, and the powerful impact force easily pushed away the bronze bell. The bronze bell charged towards Emperor Nabo unabated. Facing the terrifying power, Emperor Nabo was a little dazed.

Can the energy of the steel system be used like this?


At the moment of contact, Emperor Nabo only felt a terrifying force pouring into his body, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that his physical strength looked so unbearable in front of the bronze bell!

Flying into the air, Emperor Nabo was stiff all over, and the steel energy surged in Emperor Nabo's body. He couldn't control his body at all, and could only fall to the ground in a daze. His whole body was in unbearable pain, and he struggled to get up ten seconds later.


Emperor Nabo looked at his partner, who was constantly being knocked into the air by the heavy impact of the bronze bell, but there was nothing he could do.

The air slashed down, and the bronze bell didn't flinch, and didn't even have any scratches. The big characters exploded, and the flames filled the air. The bronze bell seemed to be quenched, and the high-temperature metal body looked even more terrifying. Bangira resisted, and the evil breath diffused, but was swept away by the high temperature body, just hitting Pokkisi in the air.

Elle Duo got close in an instant and slashed out, but couldn't cause any damage. The bronze bell didn't care about it at all, ignoring the existence of Elle Duo directly, and knocked the electric dragon that cast the thunder and blue bird into the air.

The soft body of the electric dragon even deformed a bit!

With just one heavy impact move, Du Ming's six elves were all at a disadvantage!

"How can it be?!"

Du Ming's eyes widened. If the electric dragon hadn't thrown Du Ming away in the end, Du Ming would have revealed the secret of flying. It was precisely because Dian Long stood with Du Ming that the Bronze Bell ignored Elle Duo.

"Could it be that the metal energy of the heavy impact gives the bronze bell the best defense?"

Du Ming couldn't believe it at all.

How could steel skills have such an effect?

The third update is presented today, adding updates for 50,000 recommended tickets!

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