Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 312 The third attribute!

Halloween is a very magical skill. It is difficult to tell whether the effect of Halloween is positive or negative.

On the basis of the original attributes, add a ghost system to the opponent. For example, Pokkiss originally had 2 attributes, which are fairy + flying, so after Halloween is used, the ghost system will become the third attribute of Pokkiss!

Fairy + flying + ghost system!

Skills similar to Halloween, there is also the curse of the forest, which belongs to the exclusive skill of the dead wood demon, adding a grass type to the opponent. The role in the battle is obviously better than Halloween.


A strange sound resounded from the space, and the whole field of grass seemed to turn into a ghost in an instant, looking eerie and terrifying!

Pokkisi's complexion suddenly changed, and her movements froze. The extra ghost element made her very uncomfortable. Forced to obtain the ghost system, Pokkisi only felt that even the light was bullying him.

feeling bad.

"It's a bit troublesome to have an extra ghost element." Du Ming was a little dignified.

In fact, Pokkisi also has a shadow ball, and when used, it can also increase the attributes of the ghost system. It also has a restraining effect on the pumpkin monsters of the ghost system, but it is meaningless.

Pokkisi's mastery of the shadow ball is bound to be inferior to that of the pumpkin monster, and he can only use it with an axe. Moreover, Pokkisi has not yet adapted to the ghost system, and directly using the shadow ball of the ghost system will have the greatest impact.

I have to say that Halloween is really a difficult skill. If it's not a pumpkin monster, it's okay to have an extra ghost type. But the key point is that the ghost system restrains each other, and the pumpkin monster can also restrain Pokkisi when using the skills of the ghost system!

"Pumpkin freak, sneak attack!"

After advanced, the sneak attack has become a very powerful skill. Disappear in place for a moment, and attack in the next moment. If grasped well, this is not only an offensive skill, but also can easily avoid the opponent's attack.

Of course, Yabuki Yanqi didn't think that Du Ming's Pokkisi would fall for such a trick. After all, it is very difficult to grasp the disappearance of just a moment. If you want to dodge the opponent's attack, you must grasp the timing extremely well.

In terms of timing, Yabuki Yanqi could not be perfect. He can only hope that the pumpkin monster can really master the art of stealth attack to perfection!


Du Ming knew in his heart that Halloween + Subterranean Assault is indeed a good combination of skills. In this way, the physical attack advantages of the pumpkin monster and the mutual restraint effect of the ghost attributes of Halloween can be fully displayed!

"Pokkisi, air slash!"

Although the effect of Halloween is good and it affects all aspects, the battle still has to continue. Du Ming didn't think that with Pokkisi's strength, he would completely lose the ability to suppress the pumpkin monster just because he had an extra attribute!

A large level of aptitude gap makes Pokkisi not afraid of pumpkin monsters at all!

call out! boom!

A slash like a moon plate fell, and the pumpkin monster wanted to spread his body to avoid it, assisted by Yabuki Yankei's eyes.

However, it didn't work!

The air slash seemed to lock the pumpkin monster completely, making it impossible to escape.

Turn, turn!

Those were the last of Pumpkin Geek's thoughts before he cringed.

In fact, air slash is also an advanced level. Apart from carrying items, there is no way to increase the trigger probability of cowering, but the hit of the air slash is very guaranteed.

The advanced air slash can already change direction.

In fact, what skills provide is more of a way of thinking about using power. How to expand and perfect this kind of thinking is what needs to be considered in the advancement of skills.


Pokkisi swooped down and used the air slash again, causing the pumpkin monster to roll over on the grass. His eyes gradually cleared up in the pain, and the pumpkin monster recalled that he hadn't even used the sneak attack just now, so he flinched.

The pumpkin monster also wanted to use the sneak attack to avoid the air slash, but the speed of the air slash was far faster than the pumpkin monster's reaction, so that he could only bear the damage.

Completely at a disadvantage!

"Damn it."

Yabuki Yankei clenched his fist with his right hand and let it go quickly.

The strength gap is too great.

"If it's not a battle in a gym, but a direct battle with elves..." Yabuki said Kai was not at peace.

From the perspective of the gym owner, Yabuki Yankei would not care too much about defeating an elf and losing a gym battle.

But after knowing that the challenger in front of him was Du Ming from the same academy, Yabuki Yanqi's competitiveness and jealousy were aroused. After all, Du Ming's performance in the academy was so dazzling,

Yabuki Yankei couldn't accept the defeat of this battle, but he couldn't do anything about it. Because Du Ming's four-month growth has exceeded Yabuki Yanqi's imagination.

You can't win the gymnasium battle.

Sure enough, after a few more confrontations, even if the subterranean surprise hit, he couldn't suppress Pokkisi. Pokkisi's suppression of the pumpkin monster continued until the end of the battle.

Even Pokkisi's state looks very good!

"Come back, Pumpkin Monster."

Yabuki Yanqi was speechless for a while, this is the shortcoming of Yabuki Yanqi's fighting style. In battle, Yabuki Kenki relies more on the elf's independent judgment ability, and the intimacy is relatively low. Although Yabuki Yankei was able to see the overall situation and make some accurate judgments, Du Ming never gave Yabuki Yanqi the chance to judge from the beginning to the end, and ended the battle extremely quickly.

After all, Du Ming's elves are far more powerful than Yabuki Yanqi's gym elves.

This made Yabuki Yankei feel helpless.

Overlord flower (cyan): lv67

Yabuki Yankei could only release the last Gym Spirit. This is a huge overlord flower, the evolution of the stinky flower, but it has no smell at all, just a burst of sweet smell spreading.

Du Ming is no stranger to Bawanghua.

Yabuki Yanqi's Overlord Flower has very rich combat experience, and his actual combat ability is not inferior to that of the Monarch Snake. It can be seen from the fact that the Bawanghua is used as the finale, the powerful strength of the Bawanghua.

"come back."

Du Ming put away Pokkisi. In this battle, Pokkisi performed very well. He overcame his discomfort with the ghost system, and the pumpkin monster couldn't breathe.

The connection of skills is also very smooth, and the results of training in the past few months have been fully utilized.

The only shortcoming is that Pokkisi has no fruit ability, and the energy skill of the flying system only has one air slash, which is very limited in battle.

Defeating the Pumpkin Monster was more due to Du Ming's timing and Pokkisi's strength.

Crystal lantern fire spirit (blue): lv66

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