Eagle’s Glory

sixty-nine, toast

Of course, Aigron couldn't hear the muttering of the people in front of him. He just walked side by side with Grand Duke Karl in the castle, heading towards the center.

"Let me warn you first." When walking in the corridor, Grand Duke Karl suddenly turned his head, "Wait a minute, you must control yourself, and don't show contempt to anyone—even an unknown soldier. Or a show of contempt, if you do this, you will be in vain today, and it may even have a counterproductive effect."

"Of course I wouldn't do that." Aigron replied quickly, "In fact, I admire them a lot."

"It would be best if you really think so." Archduke Karl nodded, "Although these people are disabled, their intelligence has not suffered any damage. On the contrary, because of their physical defects, they will become more sensitive and difficult to bear any Even if it is an unintentional insult, and they are particularly united because of the similar fate, if you insult one, you will offend everyone, because they have nothing left."

Grand Duke Karl's words made Egron a little mixed.

Although it was true, he was not only a little regretful when he thought that those bravest people either died in battle or got this kind of fate.

"This is fate, what can I do?" Perhaps seeing what Aigron was thinking, Grand Duke Karl sighed, "All I can do is to donate to these institutions as much as possible so that they can enjoy the rest of their lives as safely as possible. .”

"If one day I have spare energy, I will also donate to such a person." Aigron replied.

"Don't be polite." Grand Duke Karl glanced at him again, "I will remember your words."

"You're right." Aegron straightened his waist and replied.

"Then I believe you will be successful." Archduke Karl nodded, "A commander should love his soldiers like he loves his own eyes, even if these soldiers can no longer go to the battlefield, he should not leave them alone. This will set an example for those who continue to follow him, and let people know that noble sacrifices are worthwhile."

Aegron listened quietly to the Grand Duke's words.

"I was born into the royal family, and it is natural for the royal family to lead troops, so I can lead the army at a young age, and command those generals who are much older and senior than me... However, the world does not completely operate according to this rule , I can serve as the commander, but the people below can also choose whether to serve me or perfunctory." Archduke Karl whispered to Egron as he walked, "Humans are human after all, it's not that they have no feelings and only obey. Ant colony, no matter how noble the pedigree is, if he can't show the quality of a commander he should have and is unwilling to share the joys and sorrows with his subordinates, then it is impossible to get their love, and then his orders will be executed at a discount, or even not executed at all. Go on. You have to know that officers and soldiers will not voluntarily die for a person just because he is a commander. Their following is something that needs to be fought for."

"Yes, you're absolutely right." Aigron nodded convincingly.

"You said before that you don't want to be a soldier, but I think that if you really want to do something big in the future, you still have to act according to this rule. Remember that there is no loyalty without a reason in the world, only those who are worthy of loyalty People." Grand Duke Karl continued, "You should become such a person, because you have similar potential, and should not be consumed by mediocrity. After all, our empire will be your generation someday in the future. Come and take care of it, if no one comes forward at that time, it will be such a pitiful tragedy..."

The Grand Duke's words imply anxiety and annoyance. After all, he is a member of the royal family and the emperor's younger brother. He is inevitably anxious about the declining power of the empire.

But Egron couldn't share his patriotism, even though he was also a member of the royal family and the emperor's grandson.

The experience of this life catalyzed his inner sense of alienation, built a high wall in his heart, and stubbornly resisted this recognition.

Of course, he would never show it on the surface.

"There are so many outstanding young people in the empire. In the future, someone will stand up and support this country." He replied indifferently, "Besides, I'm afraid there are not many people who are willing to see me play a role here."

"I admit that some people are wary of you and even hate you, but is this the reason why you give up on yourself and be cynical? Doesn't that prove that they are right to underestimate you? Can evasion solve any problems!" Archduke Karl frowned, and then said sharply He said, "It's wrong, you should face the difficulties, the more frustrated you are, the more courageous you are, you have to let them know that they are hopelessly wrong, you have to prove that you are better than all of them, and then kick all their curses Back to their mouths, only in this way can you win. If you are not this kind of person, how can I trust Teresa to you?"

Aegron's eyes widened, and he was speechless for a moment.

It's not because what he said was wrong, but because what he said was too right, it completely stepped on his heart, that's what he thought.

However, there was a serious deviation between the way of victory conceived in his mind and the way the Grand Duke thought.

But he couldn't show it.

"Don't be weak, grit your teeth and charge forward!" His hesitation and silence were seen as hesitation by the Grand Duke. He moved closer, and then shouted loudly to the young man, "Even if you can't become my son-in-law in the future, Napoleon Your son shouldn't be a submissive coward, you should do something that makes people say, 'Well, it's his son after all!' Don't you think so in your heart?"

"If I had the chance..." Eggron replied.

"Sir, is it because you have been fascinated by Metternich since childhood, so you don't know how to respond positively?" Grand Duke Karl interrupted him.

The Grand Duke's questioning made Egron speechless.

As expected of a soldier, he speaks straightforwardly without giving him any room to dodge.

"I've thought about it, of course I've thought about it, Your Highness." He nodded emphatically, revealing his true feelings rarely, "I've thought about winning, no... I have to win, and if I don't win, then I'll give you everything No, I don't even have meaning to exist...Your Highness, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Grand Duke Karl looked at the young man, as if he was weighing his determination to stand up, and then he finally smiled.

"Very well, that's how it should be." He patted Aigron's shoulder heavily, "This is what deserves it."

worthy of what?

Before Eggron could think about it, he sighed again.

"If it weren't for Teresa's obsession, I wouldn't be bothered to tell you so much. Tell me, what method did you use to make her care about you so much?" Grand Duke Karl suddenly sighed again, "I have never seen But she is so serious about advising someone."

"I don't know, I actually have very limited contacts with her." Aigron replied with a wry smile, "Maybe, she thinks I'm more interesting than other people of the same age she's met. She at least considers me a friend."

"Interesting? What's the point? I didn't see it." The Grand Duke pouted.

Aigron could only smile wryly.

While talking, the two came to the central hall in the castle.

And lunch is ready here.

On the huge dining table, you can see big and small breads, milk cakes, snacks, as well as fresh pork chops and beef.

There are also plenty of glasses and wine bottles on the table.

"I know you have been in the palace for a long time, and you must not be used to this kind of inferior food, but at least you must eat with gusto today." Grand Duke Karl reminded the young man in a very small voice, "This is already the best hospitality here. Yes, they usually seldom eat it once."

At this time, the veterans in the nursing home also walked into or helped them into this hall.

Aigron has never seen so many people without arms and legs gathered together in his life. He tried his best not to show any physical discomfort and kept a humble and gentle smile; Looking at him with eyes - it took only less than twenty minutes for Captain Hench to spread the news throughout the nursing home, and let everyone know the complex identity of the boy.

The eyes projected on the young man included curiosity, envy, and indifference, but there was very little hatred. After all, the culprit had already disappeared with the wind, and it was meaningless to blame a little duke who grew up in Austria.

Aigron sat down with the Grand Duke. Although he had never experienced a similar scene, he stabilized his mentality, neither humble nor overbearing, and did not feel nervous at all.

When the Grand Duke was present, everyone saluted the Grand Duke one after another, and then took their seats.

"I'm very glad to see you again." The Grand Duke nodded to everyone. "I'm proud to have led you. I hope that all of you will still be here next time I come over."

Then, he pointed at Aigron again.

"Although you may already know it, I still want to introduce to you the young man who followed me. He is the Duke of Reichstedt. Of course, you also know the more well-known identity. Yes, he is Napoleon's son. son--"

Aigron lowered his head and questioned everyone present.

"After he heard that I wanted to come to condolences to you, he specifically asked me to come and have a look. He sympathized with your situation as much as I did, and promised to donate to this place like me in the future." The Grand Duke continued, " I want you to pay tribute to him."

People paid tribute to the young man one after another. Although some people were obviously reluctant, they followed Duke Karl's statement.

"Okay, let's start eating." The Grand Duke nodded again.

After such a short speech, everyone began to eat.

As the Grand Duke said before, whether it is wine, meat, or other food, the taste is indeed inferior, but Egron, who has already prepared himself, swallowed it without any discomfort.

"That's right, at least you can still suffer." The Grand Duke nodded slightly, and then whispered to him, "Actually, you are lucky. The dry rations I ate when I was marching were similar to pig food."

"Your Highness..." Suddenly, Captain Hench, the person in charge sitting on the other side, whispered to Karl.

"What's wrong?" Archduke Karl asked.

"Every time you came over in previous years, we had to toast to victory..." The captain looked at the young man with some embarrassment.

For a moment, it seemed that everyone's eyes were focused on Aigron again, and they seemed to be waiting for his answer.

"How about, let's change to another name..." Grand Duke Karl felt a little embarrassed at this moment.

"May I be allowed to make a speech here?" Aigron stood up suddenly.

"Please tell me." Grand Duke Karl was a little surprised, but still nodded.

"Gentlemen, I'm sorry, I will never bow down here to celebrate the defeat of Napoleon, please understand me, my dignity does not allow me to cursing my father to please others." Aigron raised his head, looked at Veterans present, "However, I still want to raise my glass to you and pay tribute to everyone present. Regardless of your position, at least you have fought bravely and dedicated the rest of your life. This quality is rare among any nation." It is admirable."

Aigron picked up the wine glass, "Yes, I admire you and your former opponents. You are all heroes. I pay tribute to you today. If one day I have the opportunity to see a group of French veterans like you, I will They will be honored with the same respect, for your quarrel is over, and now you are one, a forgotten, but still worthy of respect."

Then, he shook at the people and was arrested.

"—Let's drink to peace."

"For peace!" His words elicited cheers.

The veterans raised their wine glasses one after another, and even the Grand Duke nodded with a smile, and then raised his wine glass as well.

Eggron gulped it down.

The liquor made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he swallowed it all.

At this moment, a one-legged man dressed as an officer walked up to him with a cane, and then saluted him with a military salute.

"Hello, Your Highness. I participated in the Battle of Leipzig, that's why I came here." His slender face was very serious, but his eyes sparkled with excitement, "I don't hate your father, although I It's up to him to be like this, he's an unquestionable hero who just happened to be our enemy. I'm a little bit happier today because you have the demeanor you deserve to be here."

Then, he picked up another glass of wine and looked at the young man.

"Cheers, for the future." Aigron poured another glass of wine and clinked glasses with him lightly.

"Cheers!" The atmosphere in the hall instantly became lively, and the sound of clinking glasses resounded everywhere.

"For peace!"

"For reconciliation!"

"For the Empire!"

"For Your Majesty!"

... Slogans one after another sounded in the hall.

"For the marriage!" Just as people were impassioned, a veteran who was deliberately joking shouted out.

This joke immediately detonated the audience, and the sound of laughter and whistles spread throughout the hall in an instant.

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