After hearing Chen Luobai's words, the field was quiet for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

Many extraordinary people looked at Chu Qingwu who was trembling and furious.

Eyes full of shock, regret, pity and other emotions.

Xu Liushuang was also slightly surprised, and murmured:

"Unexpectedly, she is from the Chu family?"

Zhao Shouzhuo said strangely:

"Is it really the Chu family of the four great families?"

"Besides that Chu family, which Chu family could it be?"

"That's not right either."

Zhao Shouzhuo scratched his head, a little confused:

"You four great families have a lot of exchanges with each other.

Why do you not know that the people under your command are from other families? "

Xu Liushuang said unhappily:

"Don't you even think about how many people there are in the four great families?

An aristocratic family is calculated according to the division of the main family.

Passed down from generation to generation, there are always hundreds of people.

If we push the generations forward, count the distant relatives with some blood ties.

That is even more of a headache, and it is estimated that you have to look at the genealogy to be completely clear.

Take myself as an example, there are many people in Xu's family that I don't know.

Not to mention other families. "

Xu Liushuang looked at Chu Qingwu, stroked the beard on his chin, and continued:

"However, generally speaking, the geniuses of the major families must be extremely concerned.

Like the geniuses of the other three families, I have heard more or less.

This little Chu is different from the general Chu family.

If I'm not wrong, she probably deliberately modified the file through her family relationship to join the team here.

Her real identity should be a member of the well-known Chu family in the circle. "

"Oh, what do you say?"

Zhao Shouzhuo became interested in gossip.

Xu Liushuang did not hesitate to explain:

"Presumably you also know that the Chu family is rich in the [Heavy Gunner] profession.

Their family's combat strength is undoubtedly the first among the four great families.

And the power you have is also the first.

Because the Chu family is one of the giants in the military, the family's children are spread throughout the army.

This is not because they are greedy for power and clinging to it, but because their profession itself is bound to the army.

All heavy gunners have to go through a lot of heavy weapon training before they can gradually enter the advanced level.

It was the strict requirements of this professional characteristic that made the Chu family a military family through and through.

Anyone in the family who awakens as a heavy gunner will be thrown into the army for training, and then go to the battlefield of the source world.

Because of this, the number of lost disciples of the Chu family far exceeds that of the other three major families.

According to statistics, at least a quarter of their family members died on the battlefield.

It even includes three top saints.

Therefore, there is little objection from the outside world to the power they wield.

After all, this is a real deal in exchange for life.

If you are willing to risk your life, everyone will respect you.

Speaking of twins.

They are called Chu Qingwu and Chu Jiwu respectively.

Chu Jiwu came out earlier and was called the elder brother. In fact, the two should be the same age.

What they are most famous for is not the identities and looks of the twins, but their later awakened professions.

These two were born in the Chu family, but none of them had awakened to the profession of heavy gunner.

What Chu Jiwu awakened was [Sword Master], and what Chu Qingwu awakened was [Gunsmith]. "

Xu Liushuang smiled bitterly and said:

"These two are different from my [Pyromancer], they are both professions with complete promotion paths.

If you practice hard, you can cross that chasm and become a saint.

It is said that the Chu family was very happy after learning of this result.

In fact, in my opinion, even if they awakened other professions instead of [Gunsmith] and [Juvenile Master], the Chu family would also be delighted.

As long as you are not a [Heavy Gunner], you don't have to follow the iron rules set by the family and go to the battlefield to hone.

In this way, the chances of surviving will be more.

Not everyone in this world wants to fight to the death on the battlefield.

Not everyone can remain indifferent when seeing the crazy loss of the family children.

For the Chu family, being able to awaken other professions may allow them to retain an extra bloodline.

Just leave the dangerous war to the heavy gunners, and the continuation of the family is also the top priority.

It's a pity that God's calculation is not as good as people's calculation.

Three years ago, the twins of the Chu family accidentally met a puppet master who was holding a promotion ceremony.

Chu Qingwu, who was still at level 2 at the time, was severely injured and fell into a coma.

In order to protect her, Chu Jiwu of the third rank was finally turned into a puppet by the enemy.

After this incident happened, the Chu family was instantly furious, and immediately started hunting down the puppet master.

But that puppeteer is more slippery than an eel.

After he heard the news, he immediately asked Chu Jiwu to blew himself up and destroyed all the clues. Since then, he has disappeared without a trace.

To this day, the Chu family's high reward for him is still hanging in the Extraordinary Professional League.

Who would have thought that in the end, Chu Qingwu, the person involved, would run into each other again here.

This is really a bad joke of fate. "

After listening to him, Su Mo finally understood why Chu Qingwu's emotions had become not quite right during this time.

Thinking about hearing that this action was related to the puppet master from the very beginning, she couldn't control the hatred in her heart.

Now knowing that this puppet master was the murderer who killed her brother back then, it is even more difficult to control Bang! "






Chu Qingwu's eyes were red, her soft lips were tightly pressed, and she frantically fired at the fourth-order puppet in the distance.

However, until the bullet made a crisp clicking sound, the fourth-order puppet was still smiling and hardly suffered any damage.

Not to mention that the other party was originally a big realm higher than Chu Qingwu.

Her previous injuries, including the source power in her body, have not fully recovered.

It is almost impossible to do harm to that puppet with only one's own strength.

Not to mention dealing with the more powerful puppet master standing behind this puppet.

But fortunately, today she is not alone.

Xu Liushuang and Zhao Shouzhuo kindly let Chu Qingwu vent on the spot. They waited until the magazines were all empty before they stepped forward, ready to deliver a fatal blow to the puppet opposite.

However, at this moment, the middle-aged puppet with the scar smiled at them and said:

"Although your strength is very strong, it has greatly exceeded my expectations, so that many of my arrangements in this fragment of the source world have become like a joke.

But fortunately, I still left the last hole card.

Now that everyone is here, it is time to take advantage of this opportunity to reveal this hole card for you to see. I hope that you will like the next program I prepare. "

Before he finished speaking, Xu Liushuang frowned, and suddenly released his skills.

But the puppet dodged it with a playful face, and quickly moved to the sidelines.

In the next second, the entire martial arts training ground suddenly glowed with a strong spiritual light, and the mountain-like gravity and mental pressure appeared out of thin air and fell on everyone.

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