Dragon Ball God Mu

Chapter 83 Penance and Ascension

The impression that Merukuho gave Muyang was a tough feeling. Although he had never fought against the Big Devil, Muyang intuitively believed that Merukuho was much more powerful than the Big Devil.

As for why the two sides can still maintain a tacit understanding, Muyang is not clear about each other.

"Forget about the rest, it's important to recover your stamina!"

Thinking of this, Mu Yang calmed down for a while, he did not use the fairy beans, but opened the channel to enter the acceleration space.

In the surrounding fog-shrouded acceleration space, Mu Yang's figure appeared on the flat ground. As soon as he appeared, the energy gas as fine as a hairspring rushed towards his body. Here, he could heal his wounds wholeheartedly, and Don't worry that someone will find him.

Pu Chi Pu Chi, a little bit of vitality entered his body, Mu Yang's face gradually became rosy.

Muyang is just an earthling and does not have the physique of Saiyans that keeps getting stronger, so Xiandou is more of a life-saving magic weapon for him, rather than a means of breakthrough.

So as long as it's not life-threatening or it's really impossible to get out, he will try to save fairy beans as much as possible. When injured, it will enter the acceleration space and use the vitality inside for conditioning. To a certain extent, this is also continuously enhancing the toughness of body cells.

Twenty hours have passed in the acceleration space, and five hours have passed outside. Mu Yang's body has fully recovered. At this time, he stood up, and there was a crisp "crackling" sound from his bones, and the qi in his body seemed to have increased. Dot.

His body recovered, and Mu Yang had time to think about the next thing.

Through a contact with Merukuho, although he was in a state of being ravaged by the other party, Muyang still clearly saw the gap between the two sides. Then Merukuho's strength is definitely more powerful than the young Piccolo Demon King. The Piccolo Demon King has a combat power of 260, and Melukuho said that it has more than 280 and close to 300.

Compared with his own combat power in his early 200s, this is already a huge gap.

Muyang has the confidence to challenge the Great Demon King of Piccolo with a combat power of 260. Even if he cannot defeat him, it is not difficult to retreat calmly. But when facing Merukuho, he had to use some deceptive methods.

"The strength is still too poor. If you don't increase your strength quickly, this trial mission will not be completed."

After figuring out the gap between the two sides, Muyang decided to find a place to cultivate for a while.

Hey...you must know the level of the Great Demon King Piccolo and that Merukuho. If they were placed in the universe, it would be a stray hair level, and the cannon fodder would not be considered enough. If they can't even defeat them, then in this crisis In the heavy world of Dragon Ball, he should change his career as a chef as soon as possible, let's wash and sleep first.

So after coming out of the acceleration space, Mu Yang first observed the surroundings, the desolate plain was surrounded by no people, and then chose a direction to walk through, and quickly entered a stone forest.

The scene here is as dry as a desert. Several stone pillars are connected together like bamboo shoots. There are some holes between several stalagmites, which can be used as shelter from wind and rain. Such strange-shaped rocks can be seen everywhere in the world of Dragon Ball.

Cultivation here first, Mu Yang makes a decision.

Of course, the real cultivation place is in the acceleration space, and this place is just a place to stay.

After the mental power was restored, the body entered the acceleration space again with a "squeak". Under the effect of time acceleration, Mu Yang began to retreat and practice, and whenever he felt a lack of spirit, he would come out of the acceleration space again.

Day after day, Mu Yang felt that his power was slowly increasing.

One day, in the bright space, a unique small world was formed in a radius of 1,000 meters.

Mu Yang was standing in the center, suddenly, he opened his eyes, then took a stance, and shouted loudly in one direction.

"Qigong Cannon!"


A beam of bright energy beams emanated from the intersection of the two hands, sweeping towards the front, with a magnificent momentum and magnificent waves. After the qigong cannon was released, Mu Yang flashed again and again, appeared at the position where the qigong cannon passed, and made a resisting posture.

"Heavenly Heart Slash!!"

The crescent-shaped qigong blade was like a silver moon, wandering faintly in mid-air, and a terrifying light suddenly burst out under the beautiful silver light.


The two terrifying qigong waves met in mid-air, and a violent roar suddenly erupted.

The terrifying explosion was like the collapse of a star, throwing out a ring of shock waves visible to the naked eye. After the smoke cleared, Mu Yang raised his head to look at the rolling sky not far away, patted his chest, and bounced off the ashes from the explosion.

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and his body jerked up.


One after another golden arcs covered the palms and danced between them.

"The Shocking Palm of All Nations!!"

There was a sudden wave-like ups and downs in the void, and the golden palm brought a strong electric flash, and a terrifying wave passed through the air.

After everything subsided, Muyang stood on the spot and took care of himself, and then used the energy detector to probe himself for a while, and a piece of data was displayed after a light sound of "Di Di Di".

Combat power 246!

Muyang nodded, this data is very close to the Big Devil King Piccolo and the others.

At this time, a wave of fatigue came, and it was time to accelerate the space.

Out of the acceleration space, there is a full moon hanging in the sky. The outside world is at night. dotted the night sky.

He took out a beast that was hunted during the day, found a wood to set up a fire, and ignited the wood with qigong waves. After enjoying the highly nutritious dinner, Muyang lay down to sleep with a piece of animal skin on his head.

The next day, the sun rose high.

Muyang started a new day of practice again, practicing the boxing method that he almost formed a habit, and calmed down. However, just after noon, an evil aura appeared in his perception, and the speed was very fast, and it had already appeared in the sky above the wasteland.

come yet?

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, Mu Yang raised his head, and he saw a bright red figure appearing in his line of sight.

Blood red hair, blue skin.

It's Merukuho, that demon.

Combat power 285!

"Hey, Earthling, I finally found you." Merukuho narrowed his eyes with awe.

Muyang looked at Merukuho calmly, secretly mobilizing the energy in his body, ready to attack at any time. After this period of cultivation, Mu Yang felt that he had the strength to fight against the opponent.

"I've always been called by the people of the earth, the people of the earth, aren't you, a demon, a life on earth?" Mu Yang asked with a frown.

The earth is connected to many strange worlds, but most of those are spaces attached to the earth. Even in the demon world, in this area close to the earth, because it is too far from the center of the demon world, most of the people living in it are from the earth. the monster.

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