Douluo's Fancy Development Blue Silver Grass

Chapter 164 Actors from both sides have already stepped onto the stage

Duke Dai Jinglie was struggling to appease the lord in front of him. It had been two full days since he received the news that the army behind the enemy had jumped out of the encirclement, but the situation did not improve as the Duke and Li Yi had imagined.

First, the key material warehouses in the rear were raided and burned, and now a bunch of lords' farms were attacked. The most annoying thing is that those damn serfs started to rebel one after another without knowing what medicine they took wrongly.

But when the army arrived, they only captured some stupid and stupid serfs. No amount of torture could get useful information from these people. Those damn serfs.

Duke Dai Jinglie sat in the big tent, facing a group of angry and dissatisfied lords, many of whom were related to him.

These people are all nobles and rich men from the southern part of the Star Luo Empire, owning large tracts of land and countless wealth.

There is no doubt that these people are the rulers and pillars of the western region of the Star Luo Empire, responsible for providing important supplies and taxes to Gengxin City and the front line.

But now, these aristocrats have fallen prey to the rebellion of legions and serfs in the enemy's rear.

They watched their homeland that they had worked hard for many years be destroyed, and their honest and obedient serfs betrayed and rebelled.

The lords felt unprecedented fear and anger, and blamed Duke Dai Jinglie and veteran Li Yi for all this, thinking that the army had failed to fulfill its responsibility to protect them.

The lords strongly demanded that Duke Dai Jinglie and veteran Li Yi send troops immediately to quell the rebellion, punish the traitors, and restore order.

Listening to the complaints and appeals of these lords, Duke Dai Jinglie was also very distressed.

The Duke knew that these lords were not making trouble out of reason, and they did suffer heavy losses and injuries.

These lords didn't really care about the situation in Gengxin City and the front line, they just wanted to protect their own interests and status.

The lords gathered here just wanted to force Gengxin City to send troops to maintain order.

Duke Dai Jinglie knew very well that if these lords continued to quarrel, it would not only affect the stability and security of Gengxin City and the front line, but also shake his authority and prestige in the western region.

The Duke must find a way to appease these lords and let them go back with peace of mind. At the same time, he must also ensure that his army will not be dispersed and weakened to deal with the next wave of attacks that may be launched by the army behind the enemy.

Duke Dai Jinglie stood up and said in a calm but firm voice.

"Lords, I know that you have all suffered misfortune and pain, and I also feel sorry for you and sympathize with you."

"I also admit that veteran Li Yi and I made negligence and mistakes in dealing with the army behind the enemy, which caused you to be hurt. We promise to find out the relevant information about Xiaoxiao as soon as possible, catch them all, and avenge you. "

Duke Dai Jinglie felt extremely tired from barely coping with those lords in the past. At this time, the supply and supply on the front line had long been in chaos, and the logistics officers had to work in three shifts to deal with logistics matters.

Every time the planned supply disappears inexplicably, they have to re-plan the supply ahead and provide new demand to the rear again.

Originally, the four major corps had shrunk their troops more cautiously because of the attack of Marquis Wang Jialie. In addition, the patrols protecting the logistics troops were getting larger and larger, and the number of troops that Gengxin City could call in was slowly decreasing. Now the demands made by these lords will make The military situation in Queqiu City was even worse.

Duke Dai Jinglie returned to his tent, took off his heavy armor and robe, and walked to a wooden table with only a simple underwear on. On the table was an oil lamp and some documents.

Dai Jinglie picked up a document, which was the latest information on the front line. He read it carefully, feeling more and more heavy in his heart.

The document reads that the battle on the front line has reached a state of stalemate and attrition. The Heaven Dou Empire's army constantly launched attacks and provocations, trying to break through the Star Luo Empire's defenses.

The army of the Star Luo Empire resisted and counterattacked vigorously, trying to keep their positions, but because of logistical supply problems, the front line became more and more precarious.

Seeing this, Dai Jinglie couldn't help worrying about his clan brothers who were still fighting in the front line.

The document also stated that the situation in the rear was even more critical. The Heaven Dou Empire's army behind the enemy line and the serfs had spread all over most of the southern staple food production areas, and they kept harassing and attacking the surrounding Star Luo Empire's lords.

These insects seemed to be waiting for an opportunity to break through and destroy the Star Luo Empire's rule over the southern region in one fell swoop.

After reading the document, Duke Dai Jinglie felt powerless and helpless.

Dai Jinglie knew that he was now facing a dilemma.

If the Duke dispatched all his troops to the front and rear for support, then Gengxin City would become empty and powerless, unable to deal with possible raids and raids by the army behind the enemy.

But if he left all his troops around Gengxin City to defend and suppress, then the front and rear would continue to be corrupted, and the final result would be something no one wanted to see.

Duke Dai Jinglie didn't know what to do, so he closed his eyes helplessly and took a deep breath. After a moment of silence, the Duke opened his eyes again, ready to continue processing other documents.

He is the Duke of the Star Luo Empire, he is the commander-in-chief of Gengxin City, and he is the logistics officer most relied on by the frontline troops. He cannot be defeated by these difficulties.

In the Star Luo Empire Palace, a tense atmosphere shrouded.

The ministers and generals were all discussing around the huge sand table. The sand table was full of chess pieces marking where there were attacks and serf rebellions. The situation was very dangerous.

Their voices were sometimes low and sometimes passionate. Some advocated that Star Luo City send troops to suppress it, some advocated giving those lords the right to arm themselves, and some advocated that the troops still gathering should be responsible for suppressing the rebellion.

They argued endlessly, but no one dared to look directly at the man on the throne.

Emperor Dai Yucheng sat on the throne with a dignified expression and said nothing. His eyes were deep and sharp, scanning every chess piece on the sandboard.

Dai Yucheng tapped the armrest of the throne lightly with his fingers, making a crisp sound. There was no expression on his face, but his heart was turbulent.

The Star Luo Empire's war machine has started to operate, but it has encountered an unexpected problem.

In the staple food production area, a rebel army composed of serfs suddenly rose up. Under the banner of freedom and equality, they captured many towns and villages, burned a large area of ​​crops and granaries, and cut off the food supply of the Star Luo Empire.

This poisonous thorn was inserted fiercely into the key of the Star Luo Empire, putting Emperor Dai Yucheng in a dilemma.

If this force is ignored, it is likely to intensify during the development of the war and eventually become the last straw that crushes the empire.

However, if troops are sent to wipe out, it is still unknown whether the already precarious front line can last until then.

Moreover, the rebel army is not a group of rabble, they have the help of those damned Heaven Dou Empire infiltrating troops, the infiltrating troops have rich combat experience and firm beliefs.

This force has extensive support and sympathy in the staple food production areas. They are good at guerrilla warfare and ambush warfare, and they even know the internal situation of the Star Luo Empire like the back of their hands.

Dai Yucheng's thoughts drifted far away, recalling his own life journey.

How he defeated his competitors step by step over the years, ascended to the throne, and became the emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

The heroic appearance in his youth, the sacrifices and choices he made for power are all vivid in his mind. Pride, remorse, determination and strength, intertwined.

Dai Yucheng understood that the key to getting to where he is today is to be ruthless, not only ruthless to the enemy but also ruthless to himself. Never be afraid of any difficulties and challenges, never back down from any dangers and risks.

Since the time is not enough, then trade the distance for time, directly abandon the front line of defense and shrink the troops to the strong Gengxin City.

Then use the land in exchange for time for the army to operate. During this time, the army that has been prepared in the rear will launch a reconnaissance formation along the mainland to sift through the entire staple food production area like a sieve.

Finally, use Gengxin City as the felt army as a hammer to completely wipe out this troublesome pest, and then take advantage of the victory and the supply advantage of Gengxin City to fight to the death with the invading Heaven Dou Empire in the north of Gengxin City.

This was the plan that Dai Yucheng had drawn up in his mind, a plan that was both bold and ruthless.

Dai Yucheng understands that this plan will sacrifice many innocent people and loyal soldiers, and will also expose a large area of ​​northern land to enemy attacks.

But as the emperor, Dai Yucheng understood that this plan was the only way to save the Star Luo Empire from its crisis. There is no time to think about morality and conscience, only to strive for victory and survival.

Dai Yucheng made up his mind and gave the order. He stood up and announced loudly

"I decided to abandon the front line of defense, shrink my troops to Gengxin City, and at the same time mobilize the army in the rear to wipe out the rebels in the main food production area, and then fight the Heaven Dou Empire to the north of Gengxin City. This is my final decision and cannot be refuted! "

There was silence in the court hall, and all the ministers and generals were stunned.

No one knew why the emperor made such an earth-shattering decision, and they didn't know what impact this decision would have on the situation.

The ministers had countless words to express, but they were all awed by the emperor's sharp sword-like eyes.

Who doesn't know that Dai Yucheng is an iron-blooded monarch, he never allows anyone to question his authority and wisdom.

The ministers and generals could only bow their heads silently, expressing their obedience.

The order was sent to the generals in various places along with flying pigeons and galloping couriers across the vast territory of the Star Luo Empire.

Every general felt the majesty and determination of the imperial decree, as well as the crisis and sacrifice behind the imperial decree.

Under the urging of the imperial decree, the army of the Star Luo Empire moved slowly. The army gathered in front of Gengxin City, and a large army completed the sweep of the main grain production area through the road network that passed through the main grain production area.

Although their speed is not fast, they have an unstoppable momentum. Their goal is to destroy all enemies.

And these news were also sent to the camp of the army behind the enemy by the ubiquitous Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect intelligence network. This legion was jointly dispatched by the Forbidden Army of the Star Luo Empire and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

The task of the enemy's rear legion is to sabotage and spy inside the Star Luo Empire. Although the number of this army is small, it has superb combat skills and concealment capabilities.

They have been avoiding the regular army of the Star Luo Empire, keeping in touch with the serf rebels, giving them support and guidance.

When the Legion received the news of the Star Luo Empire's army's actions, it immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss the next action plan.

The captain first said, "It's already a day late for this information to be delivered to us. Judging from the speed of the army's movement, from tonight to tomorrow morning, the large net of scouts and soul master scouts will sweep over our current location. Time is running out and we need to move now."

The staff all agreed, but now they still have a question, where are they going?

Colin made a suggestion at this time, "I tend to go to the place where we came, the Western Wilderness. The terrain there is complicated and we have just passed there and are familiar with the road conditions there. It is easy to get rid of the pursuers."

The liaison officer of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect smiled and said, "I think it's not just that, you also want to use our legion as a bait to lure those legions away from the dormant serf legion."

Colin generously admitted, "Yes, not only because of the consistent position of the Little Reincarnation School, we didn't save the manpower of an awakened serf army at this time, but also let the Star Luo Empire have a hundred or more in the future. Isn't it in our interest to liberate the serfs?"

The captain nodded, agreeing with this statement, and he said to everyone, "Then do as Colin said. We pack our bags immediately and prepare to go. We want the Star Luo Empire to know that we are their nightmare, and we are Their god of death!"

The active exposure of the army behind the enemy was a carefully planned sacrifice.

This lone army behind the enemy is unable to confront the army of the Star Luo Empire head-on, the captain chose the best time, when the various legions of the Star Luo Empire were scattered for investigation, they suddenly appeared in front of the enemy, provocatively facing the west run.

The soul master scouts quickly discovered their whereabouts, and they were surprised to see this army hiding in Tibet dare to challenge the army of the Star Luo Empire.

The soul master scouts immediately released carrier pigeons to convey this important news to the commanders of each legion. Carrier pigeons are flying in the air, like white lightning bolts, shining in the sun.

The headquarters of the Star Luo Empire reacted quickly. They ordered two heavy infantry legions to be in charge of chasing and intercepting the army behind the enemy, while the other legions put away their reconnaissance formations and accelerated towards Gengxin City.

Li Yi believed that although they did not meet His Majesty's expectations and they rushed into the western wilderness again, as long as this army was trapped to death in the western wilderness, they could be taken care of slowly.

The most important thing now is to prepare for the decisive battle that will follow, and we must not disappoint the sacrifices made by the emperor and the northern territories.

On the frontline battlefield to the north of Gengxin City, the flames of war were raging, swords and swords were shadowed, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

After the frontline general Dai Shiduo successfully executed his strategy, he threw off the army of the Heaven Dou Empire, and led the remaining forces to retreat safely to the most important supply base in the rear, Gengxin City.

Dai Shiduo knew that this retreat was only a temporary success, the Heaven Dou Empire would not stop there, they still had more troops and resources, and the army he led was not good at field battles.

All the current intelligence information is negative, the destruction of the army behind the enemy, the difficulty of supply and supply, and the intensification of serf rebels.

This made Dai Shiduo anxious, and hurriedly brought his personal guards into the city to meet the logistics commander, his brother Dai Jinglie.

As the cavalry passed by, the people in the city cast admiring and grateful glances, and the refugees outside the city cast their sad and fearful gazes, all of which he saw in his eyes.

Dai Shiduo couldn't help but feel sore. His retreat was tantamount to giving up a large area of ​​territory in the north of the Star Luo Empire. Now the Star Luo Empire is in a precarious situation.

Walk quickly to a hall where the logistics headquarters is located, which is filled with various maps and documents, and there are several busy staff officers.

His clan brother Dai Jinglie was sitting behind a big table, holding a report in his hand, his brows were tightly furrowed. Dai Jinglie saw Dai Shiduo coming in, and immediately stood up to greet him.

"Clan brother, you are finally back." Dai Jinglie said, "I heard that you led the soldiers back safely through your ingenious strategies on the front line. You are worthy of being the Liner of our Dai family."

"Brother, I'm overwhelmed." Dai Shiduo said, "I just did my part. I'm here to discuss the next strategy with you. The information I heard is all negative news."

"Yes, the situation is very bad." Dai Jinglie said, with a hint of worry on his face.

"The destruction of the army behind the enemy, the difficulty of supplies, and the intensification of the serf rebels are all huge crises we face. But thanks to His Majesty's decision, we still have a little time to prepare for the final decisive battle."

"So, clan brother, do you have any good suggestions?" Dai Shiduo asked.

"Come with me first, I'll take you to meet someone." Dai Jinglie said, he greeted his personal guards, and then led Dai Shiduo out of the hall.

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