Doomsday Sword Immortal Online Game

Chapter 639: Land of Death

Xu Feng's intuition was correct. The deep-sea bone sharks did not show any hostility when they approached the five-masted sailing ship. Instead, they seemed to have not seen it, and rushed past the sailing ship, rushing towards the giant deep-sea beast;

"When the alien beasts crossed the sea and went to the mainland, they fought countless sea beasts in the sea." Xu Feng said in a low voice: "They killed countless sea beasts, and they also suffered a lot of losses. It’s not just hundreds of thousands of alien beasts, there should be more, you must know that the entire Japanese island country, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers have been completely captured by alien beasts, and their number is definitely more than that.”

"Master, you are right. It seems that sea beasts and alien beasts have become mortal enemies. Once they meet, they will never die. They seem to be able to detect the traces of alien beasts, no matter how far they are, they can run over and kill them! "Little Q nodded and said solemnly.

"Let's follow behind to watch the show." Xu Feng said: "The attack can't stop, but the salvo can't be used, so we have to aim at the point and don't hit those sea beasts."

"Yes, Captain!" Xiao Q replied with a military salute;

The speed of the deep-sea bone shark is very fast, and it didn't take long to catch up with the giant sea beast. In fact, the giant sea beast is a mutant of a whale. It is huge in size and extremely aggressive, but after being parasitized by the alien beast, Acting as a transport ship, its viciousness has not diminished. It has been chased and beaten by five-masted sailboats. It is actually very irritable. If it weren't for the alien parasites that firmly controlled its body, it would have turned around and fought with others. The five-masted schooner fought to the death;

"Damn it, these sea beasts are lingering ghosts. As long as they enter the sea, no matter how far away, they will always come to trouble us!" Kato Shou looked at the fast-approaching deep-sea bone shark, gritted his teeth;

If it weren't for these sea beasts, the army of alien beasts would be several times larger, and it would not be too easy to capture a city;

"Release some fighters, entangle them, let's continue running, we can't entangle them here!" Yamamoto Inuichi said coldly.

"But, my lord..." Kato Shou seemed unwilling, his face was full of anger;

"Execute the order!" Yamamoto turned around and grabbed Kato Shou by the neck, lifted him off the ground, and roared at him with a ferocious face;

"Yes, yes, my lord!" Kato Shou trembled slightly, with a look of fear on his face.

"Hmph!" Yamamoto threw Kato Shou aside casually, controlled the giant ocean beast and calmed down its angry emotions, which had consumed a lot of Yamamoto Inuichi's energy, and at the same time made Yamamoto Inuichi also tainted with a tyrannical emotion;

There was a gap in the ocean monster's abdomen, and dozens of seven-star elite boss aliens swam out of the monster's body, rushing towards the deep-sea bone sharks;

The number of alien beast bosses is three to four times that of the deep sea bone shark, but after fighting, Xu Feng discovered that the alien beast is not the opponent of the deep sea bone shark at all, not only is the level of the deep sea bone shark higher than the alien beast, in the deep sea, these sea beasts At home, if you want to fight these sea beasts here, you can only fill in the numbers;

Before the alien beast approached, the two forelimbs of the deep-sea bone shark slowly squirmed out bone spurs and shot towards the alien beast. In the deep sea, these bone spurs were extremely fast, even faster than the energy bullets of five-masted sailing ships. It has to be a few minutes faster, as if there is no resistance, the alien has no time to dodge;

Moreover, these bone spurs are extremely powerful, three or four can directly kill an alien beast BSOS, and before they get close, the number of alien beasts is reduced by one-third;

After approaching, a fierce battle erupted between the alien beast and the deep-sea bone shark. The surrounding sea was turbulent and vortexed, and the entire sea area was stained with a layer of light red;

Xu Feng controlled the five-masted sailboat to bypass the battlefield far away, chasing after the deep-sea monster and attacking non-stop;

After the failure of the siege of Fucheng, the alien beasts on the Japanese island retreated back, and the number of alien beasts in the sea suddenly decreased by 90%.

The deep-sea monsters are full of the smell of parasitic beasts of the opposite sex. As long as they are discovered by sea beasts, they will swarm on them and launch suicide attacks;

The guards around Inuichi Yamamoto decreased in groups. Every time they encountered a group of sea beasts, they would release a group of alien beast guards to entangle them. Some sea beasts were killed, but more of them were killed by the alien beasts;

There were hundreds of thousands of guards, but after only sailing for less than a hundred kilometers, there were only dozens of the most elite aliens guarding them;

The blood volume of the deep-sea monsters has been reduced to less than half. Although most of the damage was caused by Xu Feng's five-masted sailboat, the sea beast attacks along the way also made a great contribution. The attack made the deep-sea behemoth unable to increase its speed, and was hung far away by the five-masted sailing ship;

Xu Feng is now like a pack of wolves hunting, not fighting the opponent head-on, but attacking from a distance, consuming the opponent's energy and blood volume;

According to the current situation, the siege of sea beasts in front will only become more intense. The final fate of this deep-sea behemoth is either to be eaten by sea beasts, or to be chased and killed by five-masted sailboats;

"My lord, we can't go on like this. The blood volume of the giant beast has dropped to less than half. Before long, we will all be buried in the bottom of the sea." Kato Shou said in a low voice with his face full of cold sweat;

"Hmph, Kato, are you afraid of death?" Yamamoto Inuichi looked rebellious, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

"My lord, I'm not afraid of death, but what I'm afraid of is worthless, and I have failed the Queen Mother's expectations!" Kato Shou said with his head lowered;

"Very good, it looks like you still have a trace of blood!" Yamamoto Inu nodded, suddenly burst into laughter, and roared loudly: "The failure to attack Fucheng is all our fault, and we should all apologize with death. But the empress forgave us and gave us the right to live on."

"But now..." The madness on Yamamoto Inuyi's face became more and more intense. He clenched his fists and shouted loudly: "We have no way to retreat, but we have a chance to die with each other! Kato, and you , would you like to join me in dragging that guy who offended the empress into the abyss of death together!"

"Wish to live and die together with the adults!" All the men in black robes lowered their heads and shouted loudly;

"Very well, then we will lead that guy to the land of death!" Yamamoto shouted;

"Death, the place of death..." Kato Shou showed a look of horror on his face, but soon he buried his head deeper, not daring to show the expression on his face, but his body trembled even more violently.


Thanks to "Hannibal Week" book friends for the 100 starting coins~

Thanks to the book friend "Under the Moonlight Sima" for the 100 starting point coins~

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