Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 75 There is an insider, terminate the transaction

In the end, Duncan didn't dig out more memories from his mind.

Although the original owner of this body did care about Nina, and the things related to Nina were indeed the deepest memories in his mind, years of illness, alcohol, and drug abuse have severely damaged these things, When the cultist named Ron breathed his last breath, there were not many tender memories of his family left in his numb mind.

The only thing that is certain is that there was indeed a fire eleven years ago, and it happened in the lower city-that fire took the lives of Nina's biological parents and changed the child's life trajectory forever.

This may be a coincidence, but it is more likely that this incident is really related to the "sun fragments" that these Sun Cultists are looking for.

The sun fragments that appeared unexpectedly caused a fire in the city, innocent citizens lost their lives, and a child became an orphan in the fire, and after a few years, the child's only relatives degenerated into evil spirits who followed the sun fragments. One of the believers...

In the dark, it seems that there is an evil fate, and this evil fate revolves around the sun, as if trapped in gravity.

At this moment, someone from the surrounding believers suddenly spoke, interrupting Duncan's thoughts: "I have inquired about the situation among the surrounding residents these days, and I have never heard of any famous buildings in the lower city eleven years ago. However, someone mentioned that there was a leak in a factory that year, and the poisonous gas from the storage tank spread for several blocks, and many people were hallucinating and crazy, and it was even in the newspapers at the time.”

Duncan looked up in surprise, and saw that the person speaking was an ordinary-looking female believer.

But before he seriously thought about what the other party said, he noticed that the cult leader's eyes turned to himself: "Compatriots, you happen to be a local here, do you know the situation in this regard?"

Duncan was taken aback, and suddenly realized that he had become the focus of the scene—for the group of out-of-town believers who were trying to gather information, he, a local who "lived in the lower town of Pland", was undoubtedly a very good piece of information. source!

Noticing the sights coming from around him, he thought for a while before deciding what to say: "I didn't live here eleven years ago, so I don't know the specifics, but the leak from the factory has indeed been mentioned..."

While perfunctory like this, he looked at the female believer who spoke just now: "Eleven years ago, there was really no fire in the lower city?"

"At least that's what I've heard," the believer nodded. "According to what I heard, there hasn't been a relatively large fire in the lower town of Purland for at least twenty years...such as There are small fires like kitchen fires, but that's obviously not a consideration."

Duncan blinked, but said nothing.

He clearly remembered that Nina's parents died in the fire eleven years ago! The memory fragments in his mind even had a picture of "himself" leading Nina out of the fire scene!

Where did this go wrong? Was it a disorder when this body inherited the memory? Or that the fire was not in the lower city? Or... just because the cultist in front of him failed to find out the real situation...

There was a slight doubt in his heart, because the matter involved Nina and "myself", he subconsciously paid attention to this matter, and at this moment, he heard another voice from the opposite side, it was the person named Xue Li's girl: "The factory leak eleven years ago...was it the one that happened in the Sixth Street?"

"Sixth Street? seems right," the female believer nodded, "It is said that this incident had a great impact at that time, because the chemical substances left many people with sequelae, and many residents in the lower city still remember it today. with it."

A few believers next to him nodded and agreed, and it seemed that they had also heard about the same situation.

"Leakage from the factory..." The leader in the center of the assembly hall suddenly broke the silence, and his deep and dignified voice also interrupted the conversation among the believers at the scene, "The production accident on the surface is very likely to be an extraordinary event disguised by the authorities. And it happened exactly at this node eleven years ago... This is a very important clue. Next, we will investigate in this direction to see if the so-called factory leak points to the sacred sun fragments."

The believers at the scene nodded immediately, and then the masked leader said: "In addition, we must not only pay attention to the extraordinary events that happened in the lower city eleven years ago, but also pay attention to the recent events in the city-state of Purdue. something unusual.

"Although the sun fragment is still sleeping, its awakening day is approaching, and its activity is increasing every day. Four years ago, our church compatriots tried to awaken that fragment in advance, although the attempt failed at that time, even because of The failure of the ceremony led to the crazy strangulation of the Church of the Deep Sea, but the attempt at that time was not completely ineffective-the stimulation of the awakening ceremony further deepened the connection between the sun fragments and the real world, which was enough for it to be completely awakened for a short period of time. With the power to interfere with reality, this may help us find it.

"Recently, pay more attention to the newspapers in the city-state and the rumors in the streets and alleys. All unusual events may point to the sun fragments. Don't let go of any clues, understand?"

The believers bowed their heads and respectfully accepted the order. Duncan noticed another key point mentioned by the leader:

four years ago!

Four years ago, the Deep Sea Church of the Puland city-state did destroy the largest sun heresy stronghold in the city in one fell swoop. It is said that the incident was extremely powerful at the time, and it was the battle of the current city-state judge "Vanna"—— And after that, the Sun Cultists in this city fell into a slump until today.

For a long time, Duncan has only known this part of the superficial information. Now it seems that the truth of this matter is because the Sun Cultists in the city at that time wanted to wake up the sun fragments sleeping somewhere in advance? !

Unknowingly, a series of truths hidden in the past were revealed in front of Duncan. He quickly combined the known fragments of information in his mind, and at the same time thought about how to get more information from these cult members, but just At this moment, a strange smell suddenly entered his nostrils.

It smelled like burning sulfur, mixed with some kind of sour and pungent chemical smell.

In the next second, the surrounding ordinary believers also smelled this pungent and obvious smell. Some people looked at each other, as if looking for the source of the smell, but the leader standing in the center of the assembly hall reacted instantly. He took out a talisman in the shape of the sun in his arms—that talisman was exactly the same as the sun talisman Duncan was carrying, and its surface was burning with an illusory translucent flame!

The pungent smell came from the flames.

"Dirty impurities... the flame has been deceived!" The leader glanced at the burning sun talisman, and his voice was filled with shock and anger, "There is a heresy hidden among us!"

There was an uproar at the scene. Duncan's first reaction was that he had been exposed. Although he didn't know how he was exposed, the sun talisman on the leader's body seemed to have finally recognized him as a "heretic" who didn't believe in the sun at all.

Thinking of this, he sighed slightly, and was about to release the pigeon, but before he could make a move, he heard another sigh coming from the opposite side——

The sigh came from the girl in the black dress, a girl named Shirley, who shook her head regretfully: "I knew Agou was unreliable, and the disguise couldn't last for three hours."

Before the words fell, a group of pitch-black flames suddenly exploded beside the girl!

The flame was born out of thin air, with the shape of fire, but it was as black as a shadow. It ignited on the girl's arm, and spread to almost a third of her body in a second. The next moment, Shirley's right half of her body They seemed to have turned into firewood for a black fire. The flames flowed down amidst crackling noises, and the part in mid-air turned into a dark chain, while the part that fell on the ground condensed into a bony, covered body in the blink of an eye. Burning monster!

It was a pitch-black demon dog, a huge dog as tall as half a person. Its body seemed to be made up of countless twisted and stacked bones. Where it should be flesh and blood, it was full of burning black fire and wriggling flesh. Shadow, its head is jagged and ferocious, but the place where the eyes should be is empty, and there is only a blood-red mist inside, filled with boundless hunger, thirst and malice!

A pitch-black chain extended from the giant dog's neck to "Xue Li"'s arm, unexpectedly blending with the girl's body faintly.

"The Hound of the Darkness... the Summoner of the Annihilation Sect?!" The leader in the center of the assembly hall was shocked and angry when he saw this scene, "What does this mean?! Are you guys who worship the Darkness going to fight the followers of the sun?! "

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