Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 24 Pigeon?

The snow-white pigeon stood on the table blankly, with the brass compass that Duncan had been looking for for a long time hanging around its neck, and the familiar obsidian knife was placed at its feet.

Duncan looked at the pigeon with a blank expression, and the pigeon also looked at him with a blank expression.

It is not easy to read the expression on the face of a bird, but for some reason, Duncan felt that he could understand the expression of the pigeon, not only the expression, but also the slightly red eyes of the pigeon. Some kind of "wisdom" brilliance can be seen in the bird - the two mung bean eyes of this bird are just looking straight ahead. When Duncan cast his gaze over, one of its eyes obviously turned its attention. It came over, but its other eye still seemed to be looking at the ceiling of the captain's bedroom, with erratic sight wandering around.


After reacting for several seconds, Duncan finally muttered subconsciously with the corners of his mouth trembling.

Why a pigeon? Why did a pigeon pop up out of nowhere? Why is my own brass compass still hanging on this pigeon? How did that knife come here?

Or sum up thousands of words into one sentence: Can something normal happen on this abnormal ship? !

And when Duncan's head was full of question marks and he was muttering in his heart, the pigeon that had been in a daze for a long time seemed to finally "wake up". The neck made a loud "cuckoo" sound.

"..." Duncan looked at the bird wordlessly, and for some reason, many classic images of pirate captains in his memory suddenly appeared in his mind, and then he looked down at the captain's uniform on his body, "The captain looks like a bird next to him." It is indeed a standard configuration, but shouldn't it be a parrot under normal circumstances... What's the matter with the pigeon?"

When the pigeon heard Duncan's words, it immediately nodded seriously, and uttered a female voice with a strange and dull tone: "The transmission is complete!"

All the murmurs from Duncan's heart to his mouth were cut off immediately, and he almost choked into the leaves of his lungs with a mouthful of saliva. He stared at the white dove in front of him with a look of astonishment.

He recalled how he felt when he first set foot on the ship and saw a talking goat's head in the captain's cabin.

But anyway, this is not his first day on the Lost Homelander, and he is familiar with the abnormalities in this world, so it only surprised him for a moment when the pigeon spoke, and the next second, his expression Seriously, at the same time, a green spirit fire had already appeared in one hand, watching the pigeon in front of him on guard: "Where are you from?"

The pigeon tilted its head, staring at Duncan with one eye, and the ceiling with the other: "The address is wrong, please check the address again, or contact the system administrator."

Duncan: "...?"

Compared with the momentary sluggishness on his expression, what is stirring up in his heart at this moment is a bigger wave!

What the pigeon said... It's not like the "painting style" of this world, it's not like the words that can come out of goat's head or Alice or any of those black-robed cultists, but it's him as "Zhou Ming" "This is a more familiar term for people on Earth!"

However, the pigeon didn't seem to notice the change in Duncan's eyes and expression at all. It just lowered its head and pecked at its own wings, shook the brass compass hanging on its chest, and then began to stroll around the table contentedly. .

After taking a few steps, it ran to the obsidian knife again, pulled it towards Duncan a few times with its claws, and let out the weird female voice before: "Take this solar battle axe, and embrace the battle glory!"

Duncan suddenly stood up from the desk, the seat bumped against the floor and made a harsh friction sound, he stared at the innocent and indifferent pigeon in front of him, but an extremely weird but funny emotion filled him mind.

This pigeon can never be something that originally existed on the Lost Country, and it is almost impossible to be something that originally existed in this world!

Only "Zhou Ming" can understand the meaning of the words and sentences it speaks!

Perhaps it was because the tables and chairs were making too much noise, even in the chart room, Duncan heard the voice of the goat's head in his mind: "Captain? Are you alright?"

Duncan was still staring at the pigeon on the table. He knew that the goat's head didn't dare to look directly at the situation in the captain's bedroom, so he replied in a low voice with the same calmness as before: "I'm fine."

"Miss Alice came to see you, do you want to..."

"You receive first."

"Yes, Captain."

Duncan exhaled, and looked back at the door leading to the chart room.

The goat's head's noisy bombardment of Alice is still going on. The puppet lady has tried to get up and leave several times but has been stopped. Duncan feels that he should go out and save the unlucky puppet, but now... he has more Important things need confirmation.

Please work harder, Alice.

Duncan sat back at the desk, ready to try to see if he could communicate normally with the pigeon in front of him, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a scene that he hadn't noticed just now——

A "line of fire" faintly extended from the cluster of spirit flames jumping between the fingers of his right hand. This stream of flame was as slender as a strand of hair. in the air.

And on that strange pigeon, there was also a faint green flame wrapped around it. The flame was hidden in the gaps of the feathers under its wings, and the other end also extended into the air, and disappeared in mid-air.

Duncan frowned, raised his right hand and thought in his heart, the pigeons on the table disappeared in an instant as the flames jumped.

The next second, a pigeon appeared on his shoulder. It lowered its head and pecked at Duncan's hair, making a loud voice: "Coo coo!"

Duncan flicked his fingers again, and the pigeon on his shoulder reappeared on the desk.

A brass compass hangs from the pigeon's chest, its shiny shell reflecting the green light of fire.

Duncan frowned: " it related to this brass compass?"

He has been able to determine that this pigeon has a certain connection with himself, and this connection is even stronger than the connection between him and the Lost Country. This may also explain why the pigeon "knows" something that only he knows, from With "knowledge" of Earth, he just couldn't be sure why the pigeon appeared.

And after thinking about it, he could only place his doubts on the weird brass compass.

From testing the fire of the spirit body to the present, all abnormalities started from this brass compass, whether it was the previous experience of traveling through the soul, or the experience of mental projection onto a corpse, and the loss of the compass just now. And Fei, when it reappeared, was hanging on the pigeon's chest... The source of everything seemed to be this thing.

Duncan stared at the pigeon for a moment, then reached for the compass.

He wanted to take it down and study it carefully.

The pigeon didn't evade or stop it, but Duncan's fingers couldn't touch the face of the brass compass—his fingers went straight through and touched the soft down on the pigeon's chest.

It's like walking through a layer of illusion.

The pigeon jumped twice on the spot, as if tickled by Duncan, opened its mouth and bluffed: "Today is KFC crazy Thursday, V me 50..."

The corners of Duncan's eyes twitched twice, and he tested twice in disbelief, finally confirming that it was impossible for him to remove the brass compass from the pigeon. The vision of pigeons bound together, which cannot be removed or touched.

Or... that pigeon is the body of the brass compass today?

There were many speculations in Duncan's mind that he didn't know whether to believe or not, and the only thing he could be sure of was only one thing: the appearance of this pigeon was related to his "soul travel" with the brass compass. It is inseparable from the experience, and this experience may also change the shape of the brass compass at the same time.

This may be the nature of the brass compass itself, it is its inherent property as a certain "abnormal object", or "use cost", as for why the pigeon is so wrong... It is not because of the compass, but because of "Zhou Ming", the earthling .

All of this cannot be confirmed or falsified now, unless Duncan can find the instructions for the various abnormal objects on the Lost Home.

As for now, he had to think about what to do with this... unusual pigeon.

After a short thought, he decided to give the pigeon a name first.

"I have to give you a name," he tapped the table with his fingers, and said seriously to the pigeon in front of him, "I think you can understand me, right?"

The pigeon tilted its head, and its two mung bean-sized eyes looked at Duncan erratically: "Ai?"


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