Dashan Makes a Living 1984

Chapter 71 071: Victory

Wang Tianxiao and Wang Tiancheng watched and shook their heads.

Especially Wang Tianxiao, who did not hide the ridicule on his face, thinking that this guy is a scumbag, he can only be used as a scout in the future, and it is impossible to expect it to fight.

How many beasts can it defeat?

On the battlefield, Dafeng saw that his sister and Dahei had already defeated their opponents, while he was still fighting, he also became anxious, kept making "barking" sounds, tossed and turned left and right, and looked for opportunities.

The Badger was not to be outdone, and adopted defensive counterattack tactics.

No matter how intimidating the wind is, it just firmly protects its chest and does not give the wind a chance.

The situation was in a state of anxiety.

"Shall we help it?" Wang Tiancheng looked anxiously, he was worried that Dafeng would not only be unable to deal with the badger, but would be hurt by the badger instead.

Badgers are full of diseases, what to do if any infectious diseases appear after being bitten.

"I can't help. If you help him with all these things, it will completely lose its vigor. I'm afraid it won't be able to deal with any wild animals in the future. It can't even take down a badger. You can expect it to catch other things."

As he said that, he also shouted to Dafeng: "Dafeng, take it down quickly, you are going back and forth like this, are you practicing Taekwondo with others?!"

"Wow woof!"

Gale was stimulated.

He might not understand everything the master said, but he could still feel the master's dissatisfaction with him.

It roared angrily, and jumped a little faster, the badger couldn't keep up with its rhythm at all. After standing up and unable to withstand the attack of Gale, he decided to change tactics, lying on his back on the ground, and began to attack Gale's legs.

Whenever Gale wants to bite it, its body will use its back as the core, and rotate back and forth on the ground, pointing its mouth at Gale's mouth, making it unable to bite.

This can spoil the atmosphere.

After pounced dozens of times, seeing that it couldn't bite, it suddenly changed its way.

It pretended to bite the badger's tail, but at the moment the badger turned sideways, it turned its head and bit the badger's abdomen, took advantage of the situation and tore it hard with its teeth, directly tearing a hole in the badger's stomach, and immediately All the internal organs inside were sprayed out.

The badger felt the pain, turned around and bit Dafeng's leg, but Dafeng was ready to tear the badger's belly, jumped forward quickly, and tore the wound more severely.

Wang Tianxiao has seen this blood-stained hula scene many times, but this is the first time Wang Tiancheng has seen it, and he immediately gasped.

His personality at this time is still very gentle, and he maintains a relatively gentle attitude towards all animals, whether it is a badger or the small jackal he met before, his attitude is the same.

But Wang Tianxiao was relatively calm towards this kind of wild animal in his heart, without much emotion.

When the cubs were rescued, they were also moved by their mother's love, and the leopard cats are small and easy to feed, so they were adopted.

Jackal, who also lost his parents, doesn't have much emotion.

Because he doesn't like jackals.

He is just an ordinary person, unable to be philanthropic, he will put his likes and dislikes on animals, jackals are too cunning and cruel, and are not worthy of sympathy at all.

Even though jackals do that, it's just for survival.

The battle in the field has basically come to an end.

Once the dog tore the opening, it basically didn't need to force it hard. It just needed to drag slowly, and the badger's movements became weaker due to more and more bleeding.

Slowly, lying on the ground did not move.

Dafeng triumphantly put one of his front paws on the badger and wagged his tail at Wang Tianxiao.

It's like a person who finally defeated his opponent, stepped on his opponent's back, looked complacent, and told those who cared: Look, how good I am!

Wang Tianxiao saw that the scene was basically over, so he stepped forward and rubbed Dafeng's head. Although this guy took a lot of effort to barely handle the guy who was weaker than him, he still had to give it a shot Encourage him so he can be more confident next time.

Wang Tianxiao squatted down, and found that his guess was correct. There was indeed a small badger in the cage, smaller than the one that Dahei had caught before, only about two or three kilograms.

The little thing was very fierce in the cage, constantly hitting the edge of the cage, and biting with sharp teeth, as if trying to bite through the cage.

Wang Tianxiao pulled two of the ropes around his waist and threw one to Wang Tiancheng. The two tied up the badgers suppressed by Aying and Dahei and put them in bags.

Be very careful when tying something with such sharp teeth. You must pay attention to wrapping their mouths, and wrap them a few more times to ensure that they cannot open their mouths at all. Otherwise, unless an iron cage is used, they will definitely be trapped. Bite through the container and escape.

After the mouths are tied, wrap the ropes around their limbs, pull them in the middle and tie them into a knot, so that the beasts can't break free and can only stare blankly.

This method can not only tie small beasts like badgers and jackals, but also large beasts like red deer.

As long as it is fixed like this, there will be basically no accidents.

There are two ways to deal with wild animals hunted. If the prey is about to die, or just died, cut the throat directly and let the blood out, otherwise the meat will quickly deteriorate.

If the prey is alive and there is no danger of death for the time being, it is also possible to bring the living animal back. If you can't let the blood out in the wild, try not to let it go.

Especially in the mountains at night, if there is too much bloody smell, it will be quite troublesome to attract large carnivores.

It’s okay to take it home and deal with it slowly.

The two badgers were individually put into a bag, and Wang Tiancheng carried it on his back. As for the little badger in the cage, Wang Tianxiao carried the cage together.

He tied the badger on the ground with a rope and was dragged behind by the strong wind. Anyway, it was the prey it caught by itself, and it had no problem pulling it by itself.

After everything is done, the two and three dogs return with a full load.

After walking for a while, Wang Tianxiao saw that the two dogs were walking comfortably, so he shared one of the bags on Wang Tiancheng's shoulders with the two dogs. They looked at Wang Tianxiao in confusion, and after confirming that the owner was not joking, they readily accepted. Temporarily acted as a little donkey.

Who says dogs can't carry heavy loads?

The mountain wind was cold, and some owls and nightingales were singing in the wind.

Wang Tiancheng sighed: "Brother, it would be nice if you could live in the mountains all the time. You don't have any burdens to hunt every day, and you can live your life in style."

Wang Tianxiao said with a smile: "Young people, don't be so angry. If you think the mountains are good, it's because you haven't seen the outside world. Before you have seen more things, don't make a decision lightly. How do you know there will be no you?" What about the life you yearn for more, not to mention, you still have to realize your own life value, don’t you?”

Wang Tiancheng smiled.

"I'm just saying, no matter how good it is outside, I don't hate life in the mountains anyway. Why don't I follow you to guard the mountain before I come back as a soldier?"

Today I will add a new chapter for everyone, just turn it backwards.

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